
important news


Dr. Essam Elkurdy, the president of Alexandria University received Mr. SoribaCamara, the Ambassador of the Republic of Guinea-Conakry in Cairo. The meeting was attended by Dr. Ibrahim Rehab, the Advisor of AU President for African affairs. The two sides discussed how to strengthen the scientific and academic cooperation relationships in the next period

Upon Mr. Camara request,Dr. Kurdy welcomed to send a medical convoy to Conakry in the next October for medical examination and performing operations in different disciplines.

AU President announced that the university will invite the president of Gamal Abdel Nasser University to visit AU in next September to reactivate cooperation between the two universities and to inaugurate a branch of AU EngineeringOffice in Gamal Abdel Nasser University.

The Ambassador thanked AU for its continuous support and cooperation in the scientific, academic, engineering, agriculture and medical fields in addition to scholarships and grants provided for African students.

Mr. Camara also stressed on the value of Egypt and its pioneer role in African Continent.



In Alexandria University concern to serve the Egyptian and African community generally and Alexandrian community in especial, Dr. Abdel Aziz Konswa the Vice President of AU for Community Service and Environment Development announced for forming a council for integrated convoys to serve Alexandria Governorate and neighbor governorates. This Council will emanate sub council for African convoys. Dr. Konswa announced that AU will organize a series of convoys begins with medical convoy to Kericho in Kenya in the first week of next September for medical examination and performing surgical operations.      


Dr. Abdel Aziz Konswa, the Vice President of AU for Community Service and Environment Development announced that Alexandria University will host the regional finals of the international competition of Landmine Monitoring from 3rd to 5th of August under auspice of the Ministry of Communication.

Dr. Konswa declared that AU is the only academic partner in the competition at the regional level in this year. The competition will be held to choose the winner teams that will represent Egypt, the Arab and Africa regions in the international finals in Madrid from 1st to 5th of October 2018 with the participation of more than 20 teams from different countries all over the world.

He added that three regional qualifiers will be organized before the international finals in Spain as the Latin America qualifiers will be held in Ecuador and the Asian qualifiers will be held in Bangladesh. The first three teams at each level will participate in the international finals besides teams from Europe and USA.


Under auspices of Dr. Essam El Kurdi the President of Alexandria University, Dr. Hisham Gaber the Vice-President for Education and Students Affairs and Dr. El Tayeb Edris Halolo the university Vice-President for N'djamena branch; a graduation ceremony was held for the students of N'djamena branch in Chad. The ceremony was held on Sunday 22/7/2018 in the premises of the Faculty of Medicine. The ceremony was attended by Dr. Dr. Hussein Masar Hussein the Advisor of the Chadian President and Dr. Nourin Soliman the Advisor of the Chadian Minister of Higher Education and a group of academic and administrative leaders in N'djamena University.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the national anthem of Egypt and Chad was played.

Dr. Mohamed Bahy Eldin; the general supervisor of AU branch in N'djamena said that a total of 97 alumni were graduated from the branch till now from the faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine who will certainly contribute to the development of the promising livestock in Chad. Dr. Bahy thanked the organizing committee and faculty members of the branch. He also congratulated the graduates and their families.

Dr. El Tayeb Edris Halolo stressed the deep relations between the Egyptian and Chadian people and thanked the political leadership in both countries.

In his speech, Dr. Nourin thanked the administration of Alexandria University and expressed his hope to increase the cooperation in other fields.

Dr. Hussein Masar emphasized that the education is the key of development and progress. He also thanked Egypt who exported education and knowledge to the world.

At the end of the ceremony, the certificates were distributed to the graduates and memorial photos were taken of the attendants.



Alexandria University President Dr. Essam Elkurdy issued a decision to form a committee for African relationship in the university during the academic year 2018/2019. The committee will follow up AU plans to support the university presence in African countries and to expand horizons of cooperation with these countries, open new communication channels and build partnerships with African universities. The committee will pursue the development of university file for more African partnerships, mutual exchange of teaching staff and students and encourage joint scientific research with prominent research institutions in Africa.