
important news

Dr. Essam El kordi

The President of Alexandria University Dr. Essam El Kordi visited the University of New Jersey accompanied by Dr. Gohn Larson the President of Ocean County College in New Jersey and the Vice President Dr. Maisa Abu Youssef Haward.

Dr. Kordi said that he discussed ways of cooperation between Alexandria University and the University of New Jersey in specialized programs with Ocean College in addition to available opportunities for Alexandria students to complete their study in USA either in graduate or undergraduate.

Dr. Fady Diec the Academic President of New Jersey University stressed the readiness of his university to cooperate with Alexandria University to provide all facilities for the students through educating flexible programs with law tuition fees.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Laek Abdel Malek the responsible for international programs in the University of New Jersey.


Dr. Mokhtar Yousef, the Vice President of Alexandria University for Graduate Studies and Research stated that the university was classified within the British index "Times Higher Education" for 2018 as the assessment of the university will be announced on 26th of December. He added in his meeting with the Council of Graduate Studies and Research that the university is working to upgrade its classification and pointed that 22 magazines were available in the university servers and Egyptian Knowledge bank.

Dr. Mokhtar said that the university pays attention to international cooperation and joint research with international universities and education system development, teaching quality and graduates level. He pointed that the university has recently occupied advanced position compared with last year according to the Chinese Shanghai Ranking for 2018 as it came in the position 601 within the best 1000 university over the world and occupied the second position locally after Cairo University.


The President of Alexandria University Dr. Essam El Kordi received the ambassador of Tanzania Isa Soliman Nassor and the accompanied delegation to discuss ways of cooperation between Alexandria University and the Tanzanian universities and the possible support and services that can be provided to the Tanzanian students.

The ambassador thanked Alexandria University for the medical convoy that was organized to serve the Tanzanian community. He also stated the desire of his government to establish a hospital for pediatric in Zanzibar.


In the frame of strengthen relationships between Alexandria University and African countries, Dr. Abdel Aziz Konswa, the Vice President of Alexandria University for Graduate Studies and Researches announced for the medical convoy sent to Criecho in Kenya. The convoy was supervised by Dr. Ibrahim Rehab the advisor of Alexandria University President and will start on Thursday for one week.

Dr. konswa emphasized the importance of team work and consolidate work between the universities and other state entities to create better presence in the African countries. He said that Alexandria University is a leader in cooperation with Africa in scientific and research fields that reflects its role as many African students are studying in the university.

Dr. Konswa reviewed the preparations for the medical center for eyes that intended to be established in Kericho, Kenya. The university shall fund, supervise and operate the center with a group of the best doctors and technicians as a model to apply education outputs.

He also talked about a proposed project to establish tea factory in Kenya to be supplied to the Egyptian market at low price and high quality.


The Ambassador of Tanzania Isa Soliman Nassor participated in the meeting of the Community Services and Environment Development Council in Alexandria University. The meeting was headed by Dr. Abdel Aziz Konswa, the Vice President of Alexandria University for Community Services and Environment Development.

The Ambassador thanked Alexandria University for medical convoy headed by Dr. Saber Waheeb, the Professor of Pediatric Surgery in Alexandria University. Mr. Soliman stated his desire to establish hospital in Zanzibar for pediatric surgery in cooperation with Alexandria University.

The ambassador praised the medical convoy which checked more than 120 case and conducted more than 59 surgery for birth defects children.

Mr. Nassor presented honor shield to Dr. Konswa for the university efforts and Dr. Konswa honored the medical team of the convoy and gave them appreciation certificates.