important news

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Under the auspices of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and the supervision of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector headed by Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President of the University, the Faculty of Medicine organized a comprehensive medical convoy to Abu El Matamir municipality in Beheira Governorate, on Friday the 27th of January, to serve the people of the district and the surrounding villages, in cooperation with El-Rawan Charity Association for Community Development, and El-Gharabli Company for Integrated Engineering Works.
Dr. Wafaa El-Sehli, professor at the Faculty of Medicine and member of the convoy committee at Alexandria University, indicated that the total number of cases that were inspected during the convoy work amounted to 840 cases in various medical specialties, including 115 dermatology cases, 125 paediatrics cases, 82 gynaecological cases, 101 cases of ophthalmia, 146 orthopaedics cases, 115 cases of internal medicine, 55 thoracic cases, and 101 dental cases.

327437022 3738245113099059 8032731192026514819 n



Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated the political leadership and the great Egyptians on the occasion of the Police National Day and the 25th of January Revolution Memorial Day at the beginning of the University Council meeting held on Wednesday, the 25th of January, 2023. He thanked the deans, vice-deans, members of the teaching staff and the supporting staff of all the university faculties, the Secretary General of the University and the university’s administrative staff for the full discipline in organizing the first semester final examinations for the academic year 2022/2023 and its optimal completion.
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The university president directed to quickly complete the control and exam grading work to announce the results to students, and to complete all preparations for the start of the second semester on the 11th of February. He also gave directions to take care of applying preventive precautionary measures, to prepare sufficient quantities of the necessary sterilization materials, to disinfect all halls, roads, offices and entrances, in order to ensure the safety of all members of the academic community, and also to complete all maintenance work during the mid-year vacation.
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• The university president thanked the deans for the quick response to the university's request to select assistants for the deans, pointing out that the university will prepare a package of training courses in the administrative, legal, and financial aspects, within the framework of preparing a young generation qualified to lead the university in the future.
• The Council approved the establishment of a professional master's program in health professions education.
• The Council approved the establishment of a professional diploma program in preventive medicine for diseases of the liver and digestive system at the Medical Research Institute.
• The Council agreed to form a committee to prepare agreements with the global educational platform Coursera and other prestigious international bodies, so that the courses of these platforms beecome available to students and faculty members at the university, with the aim of developing their skills by enrolling in any of the courses available on these platforms, and obtaining an electronic certificate accredited by the international universities offering these courses.
• The Council agreed to allocate (250) scholarships for students and researchers applying in the postgraduate program at the Faculty of Education, with a 50% reduction on credit hours fees for the Spring 2023 semester of the academic year 2022/2023.
• The Council approved the allocation of (25) scholarships for students applying to enroll in master's and doctoral degrees at the Faculty of Early Childhood Education, with a 50% reduction on credit hours fees for the Spring 2023 semester of the academic year 2022/2023.
• The Council approved the partnership agreement with the Francophone University Agency (AUF), the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University of and the G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti in Pescara, Italy, the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University (Faculty of Agriculture) and the Ural Federal University in Russia, the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Tourism and Hotels) and the University of Dodoma in Tanzania, the cooperation agreement Between the University of Alexandria and the Egyptian National Committee for Education, Science and Culture regarding the establishment of the UNESCO Chair in Child Education and Culture at Alexandria University, and the memorandum of understanding between the University of Alexandria and the University of Derna - Libya.
• The council approved the promotion of 19 faculty members, 10 to the position of professor, 9 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 17 lecturers, and the granting of 47 doctoral degrees and 74 master's degrees in various scientific disciplines.
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 327569150 625615679243532 1177839830149270109 n
 327123314 866058334703787 3814774660589682615 n
 327413064 691922062408689 1610330768742051197 n
 327598435 853639999240220 6499460707992433152 n
 327568770 881310796325861 4940564606320584979 n




During the Postgraduate Studies and Research Council of Alexandria University meeting held this morning, Tuesday the 24th of January 2023, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour recommended the presence of a supervisor from the faculty members of the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, on any research protocol that deals with patients, in all the University’s faculties and institutes, indicating that approval will be obtained from the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, with the exception of the Faculties of Dentistry and Nursing, the Institute of Medical Research, and the Higher Institute of Public Health.
El-Ghandour confirmed that the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine at Alexandria University will work to express an opinion on those medical protocols issued by the various faculties, which leads to achieving the general interest of the patients’ health condition, within the framework of what is required by those medical cases presented to the committee, by providing correct medical advice.
• The Council also approved the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University and G.D'Annunzio Chieti University of Pescara, Italy.
• The Council approved the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University (Faculty of Agriculture) and Ural Federal University, Russia.
• The Council approved the memorandum of understanding between the University of Alexandria (Faculty of Tourism and Hotels) and the University of Dodoma, Tanzania.
• The Council approved the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and the Egyptian National Committee for Education, Science and Culture regarding the establishment of a UNESCO Chair for Child Education and Culture at Alexandria University.

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The Community Service and Environmental Development Council at Alexandria University, headed by Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President of the University, approved today, the 23rd of January 2023, the cooperation protocol to be concluded between the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls and the General Syndicate for Sports Professions to raise the scientific and professional level of members of these professions and qualify cadres in the areas of management and training and specialized sports fields.
• The council agreed to organize a course on methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation for all university employees, in cooperation with the faculties’ occupational safety and health committees, in early February, to train university employees on ways to deal with cases of fainting and medical resuscitation.
• The council reviewed the report submitted by the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels on its participation in the Future Leaders Challenge project in the United Arab Emirates, and the nomination of students from the faculty to participate in the project for the purpose of developing study programs, training and communication with the industry, and activating academic partnerships with major hotels and tourism institutions.
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• The council reviewed the report submitted by the Faculty of Science on its organization of the awareness seminar entitled “How to Deal with the Bubble Sheet”, as well as the report submitted on the awareness seminar entitled Electronic Correction of Multiple Test Examinations in the same faculty.
• The council reviewed the report submitted by the Faculty of Medicine on the organization of the comprehensive medical and community convoy to Bashayer El-Kheir 3 and 5 housing projects last November in cooperation with the Northern Military Zone, the Ministry of Health and various civil society groups. It included several medical specialties and transferred a number of cases that needed special care to university hospitals. During the convoy, 27,846 cases were examined in various specialties.
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• The council reviewed the report submitted by the Faculty of Commerce on its charity bazaar last November and the most important services provided during the bazaar.
• The council also reviewed the report submitted by the Faculty of Agriculture on a number of activities organized by the faculty within the framework of the cultural season for the academic year 2022/2023, such as a symposium entitled “What You would like to Know About Ornamental Plants”, as well as an awareness program for the faculty staff in cooperation with the Addiction and Drug Abuse Control Fund of the Ministry of Social Solidarity.
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• The Council also reviewed the report submitted by the Higher Institute of Public Health on some activities such as the effectiveness of basic life support (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), the International Day for the Elderly, maternal and child health, and patient safety. In addition, the council reviewed the special report on the tenth international scientific conference of the Higher Institute of Public Health “Alexhealth 2022”, and the report submitted on the graduation ceremony of the Higher Institute of Public Health for the years 2017 to 2022.
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• The Council reviewed the report submitted by the Faculty of Nursing on the first scientific meeting of the Department of Elderly Nursing and the effectiveness of people with disability, as well as the report submitted by the Faculty of Early Childhood on the “You are Stronger Than Drugs” initiative, and the activities of the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science during the month of December such as a number of workshops, seminars, training courses, charitable bazaars, scout exhibitions, and more.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Amr El-Hagg, President of the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA), signed a cooperation protocol, with the aim of cooperating in all scientific and applied fields of common interest. The ceremony was attended by Dr. Hedaya Ahmed Kamel, Vice President of the EAEA for Training and International Cooperation, Dr. Sahar Ahmed Ismail, Head of the National Center for Radiation Research and Technology, Dr. Hassan Saleh, Professor of Radiation Engineering and Head of the Industrial Irradiation Division, and Dr. Sherif El Gohary, Professor of Radiation Engineering and Media Spokesman for EAEA, in addition to deans of the Faculties of Medicine, Engineering and Science and the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, and the Measurement and Evaluation Center.
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In his speech, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa stressed that the signing of the cooperation protocol comes within the framework of the Egyptian state's directions to build a scientific and technological base and implement Egypt's 2030 sustainable development plan, as well as supporting the Egyptian economy and increasing investment opportunities, through relying on on the outputs of scientific research produced by Alexandria University. He noted that a general framework for scientific and research cooperation and the exchange of experiences between the two parties has been developed to achieve the benefit of our beloved Egypt. Konsowa pointed out that the protocol aspires to create mutual benefit from the expertise, capabilities and research centers that both parties possess, and to provide technical and professional support in the various fields of work of the two sides through the exchange of experiences, applied centers, scientific publications and periodicals, in addition to cooperation in research projects of common interest funded by local and international bodies, with the possibility of making a joint specialized diploma in the peaceful applications of nuclear and radiological technology.
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While Dr. Amr El-Hagg emphasized that the Atomic Energy Authority is one of the largest Egyptian institutions in the field of nuclear science and technology to develop and use peaceful applications of atomic energy for the sake of peace and prosperity. He explained that the signing of a protocol comes in line with the tasks and objectives of the Atomic Energy Authority, which focus on providing advanced research and service capabilities and facilities necessary to support and expand the area of peaceful uses of atomic energy, technology transfer, development and preparation of qualified and trained cadres who are able to keep abreast of developments in the fields of peaceful use of atomic energy and research and development, in order to apply nuclear and radiological technology in various fields of development in accordance with Egypt’s Vision 2030 and the goals of sustainable development. The protocol includes participation in awareness campaigns on the peaceful applications of atomic energy, and participation in organizing scientific events, including training courses, seminars, scientific conferences, and workshops.
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 325950542 925161768633074 4988527538863503302 n
 325917008 3361174920796691 4257348769527449885 n
 325921534 718554963178076 3961466509581973546 n