important news

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The Alexandria University Council, headed by Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, approved the university’s nominations for the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology awards for the year 2022 as follows:
• Prof. Dr. Esmat Mohamed Hussein Hegazy - Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Nile Prize in Science, Agricultural Sciences Branch.
• Prof. Dr. Saeed El-Sayed Ismail El-Khami - Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Engineering, for the Nile Prize in the field of advanced technological sciences, Engineering Sciences Branch.
• Prof. Dr. Manal Fawzy Ahmed Abdelwahab - Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Science, for the Women's Appreciation Award in the field of water, energy, and environmental sciences.
• Prof. Dr. Ayman Sadeq Ahmed Mahmoud El-Fahham - Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Science for the State Award for Excellence in the field of Basic Sciences "Chemical Sciences".
• Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdelrehim Hussein Abdelmoneim - Professor at the Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research for the State Award for Excellence in the field of Basic Sciences "Biological Sciences".
The Council also approved the university’s nominations for the Supreme Council of Culture Awards for the year 2023, as follows:
• Prof. Dr. Abdelsalam Eid Eid Ibrahim - Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Fine Arts, Nile Award for Egyptian creators in the field of Fine Arts.
• Prof. Dr. Azza Mohamed Abul-Saud - Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Fine Arts, for the State Appreciation Award in the field of Fine Arts.
• Prof. Dr. Fawzi Saad Mohamed Issa - Emeritus Professor at the Faculty of Arts for the State Appreciation Award in the field of Arts & Literature.
• Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim Gomaa - Emeritus Professor at the Faculty of Commerce for the State Appreciation Award in the field of Social Sciences.
• Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdelsalam Mokhtar Selim - Professor at the Faculty of Commerce for the State Award for Excellence in the field of Social Sciences.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, stressed during the university council meeting, the necessity of daily follow-up by the deans of the faculties of the first semester exams, which were launched within some of the university’s faculties. He also stressed the importance of the presence of faculty members in the examination halls to achieve the desired discipline, the presence of committee heads, and regular attendance of inivigilators within the examination committees, to provide the appropriate atmosphere and all means of care for students during the performance of their exams, and their adherence to the examination rules.
* The council honoured Dr. Mohamed Mekki, emeritus professor at the Faculty of Engineering, in recognition of his role in establishing the Digital Manufacturing Centre, affiliated with the Engines Centre of the “Arab Organization for Industrialization”, whose production will be used in the presidential initiative “A Decent Life” for the development of the Egyptian countryside. Professor Dr. Konsowa also presented Thanks to the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the participating team of Dr. Mohamed Mekki, stressing that the Digital Manufacturing Centre is an important step towards deepening and localizing the local industry. For his part, Dr. Mekki thanked the University Council for this honour, pointing out that what he listened to during the council, and the visions and ideas that were put forward, give hope for a better future for Egypt and the Egyptians.

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The Council of Community Service and Environmental Development headed by Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President of Alexandria University, agreed to assign Dr. Fahmy Charles, Emeritus Professor at the Higher Institute of Public Health, to coordinate the activities and workshops that will be organized by Alexandria University in cooperation with the universities of the United Arab Emirates and British universities, which aim to raise awareness among students and develop research projects regarding climate change issues and protecting the environment.
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* The Council approved a cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Computers and Data Sciences and the Holding Company for Maritime Transport to organize training programs for the company’s employees to develop their skills, in addition to implement some technological and software activities in the company.
* The Council agreed to renew for the third year the cooperation agreement between the University of Alexandria, represented by the Community Service Center, and AMIDEAST Egypt, to coordinate the English language tests “TOEFL ITP” and the Test of English for International Communication “TOEIC”.
* The Council also approved a cooperation protocol between the Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research and Alexandria Specialized Petroleum Products Company “ASPC” to develop the capabilities of the company’s employees, benefit from the scientific expertise of the Institute, create training opportunities for university students, and cooperate in the engineering, technical and research fields.
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* The Council approved the cooperation protocol between the Computer Center of the Faculty of Commerce, and Skills Plus company for skills development.
* The Council took note of the report submitted by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Commerce regarding the Faculty’s organization of the sixth “Companies and Banks Forum” to educate students about the requirements of the labour market.
* The Council also took note of the video report submitted by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy on the Faculty's second international conference, PHS 2022, which was held under the slogan of “Egypt's Vision 2030” for health care.
** The council discussed several activities and events in some of the university faculties as follows:
• The activities of the Faculty of Pharmacy in the field of maintaining a clean environment and combating climate change.
• The Faculty of Agriculture organizing a number of agricultural convoys to the areas of Burg El Arab, Abis 7 and 8, and El-Amreya in cooperation with the Directorate of Agriculture in Alexandria, as well as the activities of the cultural season of thefaculty and the most important accompanying events.
• The report submitted by the Faculty of Physical Education on the first scientific forum on sports medicine and musculoskeletal research entitled "Critical Sports Injuries" and the scientific forum on "Wellness, Sports and Climate Change".
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On Tuesday the 20th of December 2022, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, witnessed the closing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University, Faculty of Fine Arts - Department of Architecture, and the University of Kassel, Germany, which lasted for two years. The agreement included several activities, such as workshops for students of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Alexandria University in the undergraduate and graduate studies and research stages, organized in Alexandria and several German cities, as well as a number of scholarships for Egyptian and German students. The agreement also included the financing of a laboratory at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which includes computers, a self-server, and a set of other specialized programs.
The ceremony was attended by Dr. Dina Mandour, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Dr. Nevin Gharib, Coordinator of the Agreement and Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Hisham Seodi, Head of the Engineers Syndicate, and Dr. Sahar El-Arnaouti, Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research.


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Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour confirmed during the Postgraduate Studies and Research Council meeting held this morning, Tuesday the 20th of December, at the headquarters of the Central Library of Alexandria University, that assistants will be chosen for the vice-deans of faculties and institutes of Alexandria University for postgraduate studies and research.
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He confirmed that this comes within the framework of the strategic plan of Alexandria University, headed by Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, to provide youth cadres to lead the university in the future, and to prepare and qualify those cadres of youth leaders through providing them with opportunities of real participation, dealing with practical reality, and modern technology, thus enabling them to implement development programs and projects that Alexandria University is adopting at the present time and in the future. El-Ghandour pointed out that the university aims to create a strong and rich base of youth competencies in order to be qualified for academic, administrative, and community work, through training them at the highest level and informing them of the latest theories of management and scientific and practical planning, and increasing their ability to apply modern methods to face all challenges.
Dr. El-Ghandour, accompanied by the faculties vice deans for postgraduate studies and research, inspected the Museum of Alexandria University Holdings, where he announced the council’s approval of the research project entitled “Alexandria University Holdings Museum in the Digital Age - Scientific Research in Heritage for Community Service.”
* The Council also agreed to renew the cooperation agreement between the Student Participation Committee, the Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, and the Clinical Research Department (Directorate of Health Affairs) at the Ministry of Health and Population.
* The Council agreed to renew the cooperation agreement between the University of Alexandria (Faculty of Tourism and Hotels) and the French Institute of Oriental Archeology (Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale – IFAO) in Cairo.
* The council approved the scientific and research cooperation protocol between Alexandria University and the Military Technical College.
* The Council approved the scientific and academic cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Institute of Graduate Studies).
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