important news
Alexandria University Organizes Medical Convoy to King Mariout Valley Area
Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and the supervision of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, headed by Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research and Acting Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development, the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy at Alexandria University organized on Friday the 17th of February, 2023, a comprehensive medical services convoy to the Valley area in King Mariout, including 12 villages, to serve the people of the region, in cooperation with Rotary North of Alexandria, and the "Doctor for You" Fraternity at the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University.

Dr. Wafaa El-Sahli, professor at the Faculty of Medicine and a member of the convoy committee at Alexandria University, stated that the total number of cases that were examined by the convoy amounted to 737 cases in various medical specialties, including 81 dermatology cases, 174 paediatric cases, 56 gynaecological cases, 75 ophthalmia cases, 100 orthopaedic cases, 103 internal medicine cases, 47 thoracic cases, and 100 dental cases. She pointed out that 64 cases were transferred to Alexandria University hospitals, and she said that the Faculty of Specific Education participated in an awareness seminar for mothers entitled "Dealing with some behavioural problems of children", and a workshop to implement some handicrafts and recycling, as an entry point for small projects to increase the income of some families in the area's villages.
President of Alexandria University and Dr. Mostafa El-Feki Witness the Opening of Cultural Season for Second Semester at Alexandria University
Within the framework of the activities of the cultural season of Alexandria University for the academic year 2022/2023, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, inaugurated, Thursday the 16th of February, the first seminar of the season at the Faculty of Law, under the title "Egypt.. The Role and the Future", during which Dr. Mostafa El-Feki, the prominent politician and former president of Bibliotheca Alexandrina, spoke of contemporary issues and his vision for the future of Egypt. The event was attended by Dr. Mohamed El-Feki, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. Mohamed Abdellah, former President of Alexandria University, Dr. Hind Hanafi, former President of Alexandria University, deans and vice-deans of faculties, members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, and a group of thinkers and intellectuals of the Alexandrian society.

In his speech, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa welcomed Dr. Mostafa El-Feki, stressing that he is considered a value and a stature for the Egyptian society and the Arab region, as he is a witness to many events that Egypt went through during its contemporary history. Dr. Konsowa also stressed that Dr. El-Feki's testimony and analysis of the past gives visions for the future, especially on these occasions attended by students, whom the university is keen to be present in all activities, as they carry the hope for tomorrow, and a better future for Egypt.

For his part, Dr. Mohamed El-Feki, Dean of the Faculty of Law, welcomed Dr. Mostafa El-Feki to the premises of the prestigious Faculty of Law, stressing that the Faculty uses the seminars of its cultural season as a platform to discuss many social issues and current events, whether on the internal and external arenas. He added that choosing the title of the symposium reflects Egypt's pioneering and influential role in the region and in the whole world, in light of global transformation taking place at the present time.
In his speech, Dr. Mostafa El-Feki stressed that Egypt is a pivotal country at the global level, and that its geographical location and history played a major role in shaping the Egyptian identity, indicating that the world has recently gone through difficult events in light of the recent crises. He pointed out that we are now in a critical period, stressing that Egypt is in safe hands under the leadership of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, where the political leadership was able to manage the internal and external issues professionally. He added that Egypt has embraced all civilizations, cultures and religions, which contributed to the multiplicity of the Egyptian, Arab, Islamic, African, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern personality, as Egypt had all the elements of cultural, artistic, literary and intellectual soft powers, in addition to its genius ability to absorb the different new trends and embrace the great ideas that invaded the world throughout the ages.
El-Feki highlighted the similarities between the July 1952 Revolution and that of the 30th of June 2013, that they both changed the historical face of Egypt. He also said that Egypt was able to restore its industrial, agricultural and tourism resources during the past few years, through the optimal use of natural and human resources in the Egyptian state and its connection with its future, after being deprived of many of its soft power sources and human and even natural resources in previous eras. At the end of the symposium, El-Feki held an open dialogue with the youth about Egypt's vision towards the future in light of the Egyptian regional and international presence, and the important strategic role that Egypt plays in the Arab region and the Middle East.

Dr. El-Ghandour Receives Peruvian Embassy Delegation to Discuss Cooperation between Alexandria and San Marcos Universities
Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President of Alexandria University for Graduate Studies, and Dr. Sameh Shehata, General Supervisor of the International Relations Office at Alexandria University, received the Peruvian embassy delegation headed by Mr. Jose Jesus Betancourt Rivera, Peruvian Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt.
The delegation included Dr. Domingo García Belaunde, Dr. Jose Palomino Manchego, specialists in the field of constitutional law at the National University of San Marcos in Peru, and Mr. Basil Michel Marco, Honorary Consul of Peru in Alexandria, with the aim of discussing ways of cooperation between the two sides and signing cooperation agreements between the University of Alexandria and the National University of San Marcos in Peru.
In his speech, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour welcomed the delegation of the Peruvian Embassy to Alexandria University, pointing out that Alexandria University is one of the most prestigious universities around the world. El-Ghandour indicated that the University is keen on international cooperation with prestigious international universities, including San Marcos University in Peru, pointing out that Alexandria University has many double degrees with major international universities in America and Europe, which allows students to obtain a double degree from both universities, it has two international branches in the state of Chad and the state of South Sudan, and it owns 14 museums, including the university’s holdings museum, which contains rare manuscripts dating back to thousands of years. He confirmed that it is expected that there will be a cooperation agreement between the University of Alexandria and the National University of San Marcos in Peru in various fields, including medicine, law, engineering, and history.
For his part, Mr. Jose Jesus Betancourt welcomed the cooperation with Alexandria University, especially that the University of San Marcos in Peru has a long history like that of its Egyptian counterpart, pointing out that the University of San Marcos is an independent university that was established in 1551, and is one of the oldest universities in the South American continent. He emphasized that the purpose of the visit is to get acquainted with the Egyptian culture and learn more about the constitutional life in Egypt, especially that Egypt has an ancient constitutional court, and it has distinguished professors in constitutional law at Alexandria University, so it was of great importance to have the opportunity of exchanging experiences between the two universities, and the exchange of students and faculty members .

Alexandria University Wins First Place in Innovations & Patent Index Ranking and Silver Medal in New Energy Projects
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, announced that the university won the first place in the ranking of the innovative products and patent index, and the second place and the silver medal in new and renewable energy projects for the green hydrogen and green ammonia production project, at the conclusion of the Cairo International Exhibition for Innovation Fair 2023 in its seventh edition.

The fair was organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, in the period from February 13-14, under the auspices of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, under the supervision of Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and Dr. Mohamed Saqr, President of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. It was held in the New Administrative Capital, with the participation of Egyptian universities, research centers and various industrial entities.

The university president confirmed that these results reflected Alexandria University's interest in supporting innovation and promoting the knowledge-based economy, praising the distinguished and honourable level of th university students in all local and international forums. He explained that the university works to nurture entrepreneurs and innovators, whether of the university students or researchers, and emerging projects through its Technology Innovation Commercialization Office (TICO), and the technological incubators that help them transform their business plans and product models into successful businesses, and through the support that is provided for research to convert it into products to be the nucleus of companies in the Technology Park, which is established by the University of Alexandria, the university also has the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, which includes minds and energies interested in innovation and creativity, whom the university seeks to support to ensure effective management of human creativity.

Faculty of Specific Education, Alexandria University Wins 15 Prizes in Creativity Forum of Egyptian Universities
Under the auspices of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Wael Nabil Abdel Salam, Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, honored today, faculty members and students of the Faculty of Specific Education who achieved advanced positions in the fourth “Ibdaa” forum for faculties of specific education, which was organized by Fayoum University during the period from February 5 to February 9, (340 students) from 10 Egyptian universities participated in it.

In his speech, the vice president of the university thanked the faculty for the outstanding level with which the delegation of Alexandria University appeared during their participation in the forum and won a number of advanced positions during the various artistic competitions.

Acting Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, Dr. Baheya El-Akhreti, indicated that the aim of participating in the forum is to create a spirit of competition and communication between students at Egyptian universities, and to get acquainted with the students’ different creations in various artistic fields, stressing that the faculty spares no effort to support its students to bring out their creativity. The faculty won a number of advanced positions as follows:
* First Place Cup for Choir and Music
* Second Place Cup in Education Technology
* Third Place Cup in Domestic Economics
- In addition to several individual awards, as follows:
* First place for solo singing, student Yomna Hassan.
* First place for solo music performance, student Abdelrahman Hisham.
* First place in the field of documentary video won by the student Saif Abdelmoneim.
* Second place in the field of educational software was won by the student Hagar Hamdi Shaaban.
* Second place in the field of fashion design, won by the student Safeya Attia Selim.
* Third place in the field of crochet, and the award for excellence in the field of knitting for the students Maram Mohamed Shehata and Fatma Essam Mohamed El-Sayed.
**** In the Department of Art Education
* Second place in oil painting competition was won by the student Rawan Mohamed Zidan.
* Excellence Award in the field of ceramics, won by the student Abdelrahman Mohamed Idriss.