important news
President of Alexandria University Attends Faculty of Law Dialogue Meeting on Mental Health, in Presence of Ambassador Nabila Makram
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, witnessed this afternoon the dialogue meeting organized by the Faculty of Law within the framework of the activities of the university's cultural season.
Among the meeting guest speakers were Dr. Nabila Makram, Former Minister of State for Immigration and Affairs of Egyptians Abroad, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of “Fahem” Foundation for Psychological Support, Dr. Abdelnasser Omar, Professor of Psychiatry and Managing Director of Al-Mashfa Hospital, and Dr. Nasser Loza, President of the International Federation of Mental Health, and Director of Behman Hospital in Helwan.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Dr. Mohamed El-Feki, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Bishop Pavli, Bishop of Youth, representing Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, Judge Saad El-Saadani, President of the Alexandria Judges Club, Judge Sadek Belal, President of the Economic Court in Alexandria, and Ambassador Mazeed bin Mohamed Al-Huwaishan, Consul of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Alexandria, in addition to several members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, Dr. Mohamed Abdellah, the former president of Alexandria University, as well as deans and vice-deans of faculties, faculty staff members and students.

In his speech, Dr. Konsowa congratulated Ambassador Nabila Makram on the occasion of establishing the Fahem Foundation for Psychological Support, stressing the readiness of Alexandria University to cooperate through all its capabilities and cadres with the Foundation to spread the culture of mental health, raise awareness of the seriousness of mental illness, and providing support to mentally ill patients and their families through meeting their needs and treating them to reintegrate them into society. He emphasized the role of society in dealing with mental illness and considering it as a disease like other organic diseases and not considering it a source of embarrassment or stigma facing mental patients and their families. He also pointed out the role of the university in establishing a unit for psychological support within it, expanding it and developing its work mechanisms to provide psychological support and guidance to university students. Dr. Konsowa stressed the need for solidarity and solidarity and unity as a society to change the prevailing culture towards mental illness and not to reduce psychological problems and to provide support in all its forms to institutions that care about mental health, just like those that provide support to institutions that care about organic health.

Ambassador Nabila Makram expressed her pleasure to be cooperating with Alexandria University in spreading awareness of mental health, supporting mental patients and their families, providing ways to treat them, and combating discrimination and bullying against mental patients. She stressed that support for patients should be in society in general and at the university level in particular, due to the disorders students may be exposed to, and pressures resulting from the sudden change in the surrounding environment from the school stage to the university stage, the pressures of moving to other governorates for study, the academic challenges, and the inability to express pent-up feelings. She said that mental illness may lead to suicide attempts, and therefore the community must support, relieve pain, and provide the surrounding environment that understands the suffering of people with mental illness, and finds a solution to their problems. She referred to the role of the university in providing studies and research on psychological conditions in light of the changes that occurred in the Egyptian society.

Dr. Mohamed El-Feki, Dean of the Faculty of Law, emphasized the faculty’s keenness to perform its role in serving the community and meeting its needs by informing and educating its students in various fields, and spreading the culture of mental health because of its importance in helping those suffering from psychological problems and their families. He also pointed out the need to put mental illness in consideration when enacting laws.
Dr. Abdelnasser Omar stressed that all people are vulnerable to psychological problems, so it is necessary to understand mental illness and its symptoms and spread awareness among society about mental health and the suffering that mental patients and their families face.

Dr. Nasser Loza pointed out the importance of changing the culture of society towards mental illness, and the need to understand and respect the mental patients and protect their rights.

Dr. El-Ghandour During Postgraduate Studies and Research Council: Announcing Winners of - Alexandria University Initiative to Support Researchers
Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research at Alexandria University, announced during the Postgraduate Studies and Research Council held on the morning of Tuesday, the 21st of February, that the committee formed to study applicants for grants of the Alexandria University initiative to support researchers, which was announced in July 2022, with a value of 2 million pounds from the Graduate Studies and Research Fund at Alexandria University, has finished announcing the names of the winners. He explained that the committee conducted personal tests for the winners and studied their research with great care and accuracy, as the research projects submitted by the Faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Engineering, Science and Agriculture won. Dr. El-Ghandour also pointed out that he will coordinate with Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, to announce the provision of another grant to support researchers due to its important role in supporting applied and innovative research, and empower the research community at Alexandria University, highlighting distinguished, successful and applicable research results, improving the research level of scholars and providing them with various experiences.

He added that the university aims to support international scientific publishing through grants and financial prizes for researchers whose papers are published in internationally classified international journals, in order to create a spirit of scientific competition among all Alexandria University researchers, as well as to encourage them to increase their production of scientific research that benefits the Egyptian society.
* The Council also approved the cooperation agreement between the University of Alexandria and the University of Côte d'Azur in France, the memorandum of understanding between the University of Alexandria and the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies in Uzbekistan, the memorandum of understanding between the University of Alexandria and the University of Buraimi in the Sultanate of Oman, the framework agreement between the University of Alexandria and the University of Poitiers in France, and the student exchange agreement between University of Pescara in Italy, and a memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University and Yarmouk University in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Alexandria University Education and Student Affairs Council Discusses Second Semester Timeline
On the morning of Monday the 20th of February 2023, the Education and Student Affairs Council of Alexandria University, headed by Dr. Wael Nabil Abdel Salam, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, discussed the time plan for the educational process during the second semester, scheduled for 16 weeks, according to the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities, as the second semester classes began on the 11th of February as scheduled, ending next June.

The Council congratulated the faculty members and students of the Faculty of Specific Education who achieved advanced positions in the fourth “Ibdaa” Creativity Forum for the Faculties of Specific Education, which was organized by Fayoum University during the period from February 5 to February 9.

Dr. Sameh Nakhla, Director of the Measurement and Evaluation Center at the university, reviewed the most important evaluation work in the faculties, and presented the performance indicators of the units in various evaluation committees, such as electronic correction, electronic tests, question banks and warehouses, and training for the different .

Faculty of Arts Educational Seminar: National Discourse through International Challenges and Changes
On behalf of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President of Alexandria University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, witnessed Sunday afternoon the educational symposium organized by the Faculty of Arts within the framework of the activities of the university’s cultural season, which was held under the title “National Discourse in Light of International Challenges and Changes”.

The symposium took place in the Conference Hall at the Faculty of Nursing, in the presence of deans and vice-deans of faculties, faculty members and university students. Participants included Ambassador Mohamed El-Orabi, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the former House of Representatives and President of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs, and Counsellor Dr. Mokhtar Ghobashi, political analyst and Vice President of the Arab Center for Studies.

In his speech, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour welcomed the guests of the symposium to Alexandria University, stressing the importance of this symposium in shedding light on the challenges facing Egypt in the current and coming period at the local, regional and international levels, and ways to confront them in light of international changes, stressing the university's keenness to organize these seminars in order to give its students the opportunity to listen to patriotic figures and great experiences in all fields, with the aim of raising awareness and developing a sense of patriotism and belonging.

Dr. Hani Khamis Abdo, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, pointed out the role of the university in raising the level of awareness and risk perception among students, enabling them to keep pace with global changes. He referred to the participation of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi in the World Government Summit in Dubai as a guest of honour, which reflected the regional and international role of Egypt, and the recognition of its ability to confront political and economic challenges considering the Corona pandemic crisis and the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Ambassador Mohamed El-Orabi expressed his pleasure for being at Alexandria University and discussing contemporary issues with university students, stressing the success of Egyptian foreign policy in achieving a balance between principles and interests. He added that the Egyptian state was able to develop solutions to face threats and protect its borders, in addition to the burden of comprehensive development, through planning a proactive strategy in light of contemporary international changes. He referred to Egypt's approach to resolving issues in peaceful means, spreading peace, stability and development through participation in several international projects such as projects for electrical interconnection with Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Jordan and Libya, in addition to development projects in several African countries. El-Orabi pointed out that Egypt is characterized by distinguished and strong international relations with most countries of the world, which helps in facing challenges and cross-border phenomena such as epidemics, terrorism, and economic issues.
Dr. Mokhtar Ghobashi referred to the difficult situation of the Arab world in facing the consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, which included problems related to gas, energy, and food, stressing the need to change mechanisms at the discourse level, and to open non-traditional axes to get out of this conflict. He added that Egypt is making great efforts to resolve regional conflicts in Palestine, Libya, Syria and Yemen.

Discussing Cooperation between Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, and Bauhaus University in Germany
Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Graduate Studies at Alexandria University, received Dr. Frank Eckhardt, Head of the Planning and Social Studies Department at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany, with the aim of discussing ways of cooperation between the Faculty of Fine Arts at Alexandria University and the Bauhaus University in Germany in areas of common interest.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Dina Mandour, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Dr. Nevin Gharib, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Sahar El-Arnaouti, Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Dr. Mona El-Masry, Head of the Architecture Department, and Dr. Mai Karam, Coordinator of Cooperation with the Bauhaus University.
In his speech, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour stressed that the Bauhaus University is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Germany, specializing in plastic arts, sculpture and architecture, which will open the way for discussing means of cooperation in the fields of architecture and fine arts between the German University and Alexandria University represented by the Faculty of Fine Arts, especially in the areas of common interest.

El-Ghandour pointed out that cooperation can also include the establishment of joint scientific degrees, the exchange of experiences, participation in scientific seminars and conferences, and student exchange whether on undergraduate and postgraduate levels, in order to connect with the international cooperation network in the various scientific and research fields.
While Dr. Frank Eckhardt confirmed that his university is keen to open prospects for cooperation with Alexandria University, which has a unique architectural heritage, pointing out that the Bauhaus University also possesses a unique architectural heritage, as the Bauhaus University building is one of the sites on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites, noting that this common historical heritage between the two universities will result in unique cooperation with Alexandria University in the fields of engineering and architecture.