important news

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Under the auspices of Dr. Abdulaziz Qansouh, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science organized today, Sunday, March 5, 2023, the Products Exhibition, in cooperation with the Sarh Association, and it will be held for five days.
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Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the College, indicated that the exhibition includes various exhibits of clothes, handicrafts, and food products at reasonable prices, presented by about 40 exhibitors representing 40 commercial entities and civil society organizations, in addition to three representatives of producers of people of determination. The Dean of the College added that the exhibition serves the students of the College of Studies. Economic and political sciences, as well as students of the university campus, faculty members, administrators and support services.
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Dr. Osama Al-Adly, Dr. Sherine Naseer, Dr. Marwa Khalil, Vice Deans of the College, Dr. Ibrahim El-Gamal, Director General of the Sheikhdom of Al-Azhar in Alexandria, Eng. Ola Muhailiba, President of Al Sarh Association, Dr. Adel Antar and Mrs. Heba Al-Qersh, coordinators of the exhibition, a group of faculty members, members of the House of Representatives, many officials, men and women of Alexandrian civil society, and media professionals.
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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, inaugurated the activities of the fifth student conference organized by the Faculty of Agriculture under the title "Agriculture and Youth Creativity" in the presence of the university's vice presidents, current and former deans and vice-deans of the faculty and university, in addition to faculty staff members and students.
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In his speech, Dr. Wael Nabil pointed out the importance of holding such student conferences periodically, as the university believes that they are the real arms for building the Egyptian state, and believes in the importance of their participation in national issues, and knowing their vision on various issues related to their fields of specialization, urging them to pursue organized teamwork. He added that student activity is considered an essential part of university life, and he stressed that the university is always working to support student activities in its various faculties. Dr. Nabil opened an exhibition of students' artworks that included handicrafts, photography, drawing and small productive projects.
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Dr. Mohamed Bahie El-Din, Dean of the Faculty and President of the Conference, indicated that the conference is being held for the fifth time and its activities will continue for two days. He explained that the conference program includes two main lectures and about 75 researches and pioneering youth experiments for faculty students, and the launch of a student initiative under the title "Be Green", in addition to sports and cultural activities, an art exhibition, and scouts activities.
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Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Mahdi, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs and the conference rapporteur, emphasized the importance of student conferences and their role in developing youth skills and creativity, indicating that the research topics were chosen carefully and meticulously, as their titles represent vital topics on the scene such as artificial intelligence and its role in agriculture and major development projects adopted by the state, and the obstacles to animal and poultry production and the proposed solutions to them. He pointed out that youth are the leading power for development, as they represent the future, and our role is being a driving force to support them.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, stressed during the University Council meeting in its session held yesterday, Tuesday the 28th of February 2023, the need to adhere to the timetable for the second semester, with attention to the map of various student activities, pointing out that the faculties have finished announcing the results of the first semester for all students. He stressed on the deans of faculties the emphasis on a role of academic guide to students of all faculties. He also stressed the need to pay attention to scientific journals and periodicals issued by university faculties, and to continue providing support to researchers to increase scientific publication in prestigious scientific journals, thus raising the university's ranking in major international rankings.
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 The President of the University stressed on the deans of the faculties the need to complete the submission of proposals for the new programs proposed for Alexandria Public University, no later than the end of next March, to submit them to the sector committees of the Supreme Council of Universities and to include them within the programs of the Public University for the academic year 2023/2024. He also stressed the need to complete the academic structure of all majors in the University's programs.
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 The Council was notified of the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the International Labour Organization with the aim of launching the Higher Education Program for Vocational Guidance for Employment in cooperation with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and with funding provided by the United Kingdom, explaining that the first phase included the establishment of interactive platforms in seven national universities, including Alexandria University. Dr. Konsowa indicated that these programs will help develop the skills and capabilities of students to obtain better job opportunities, and help support comprehensive economic growth, pointing out that these programs will be offered through the university's professional development centres
The President of the University stressed the need to pay attention to the file of preparing and qualifying the assistant deans and vice-deans to create future cadres capable of dealing with the various university tasks and development projects adopted by the university, and to establish a strong base of youth competencies that are qualified for university and administrative work and capable of leadership in the future.
The Council approved providing (500) scholarships with a discount of 50% of the value of credit hours for postgraduate diploma students at the Faculty of Law during the Spring 2023 semester for the academic year 2023/2024.
 The Council approved the establishment of a professional diploma in gynaecological oncology surgery at the Faculty of Medicine, and the establishment of a professional diploma in fetal medicine at the Faculty of Medicine as well.
The Council approved the memorandum of understanding between the Faculty of Law, Alexandria University and the University of Buraimi in the Sultanate of Oman, and the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University (Faculty of Physical Education for Boys - Abu Qir) and Yarmouk University in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the renewal of the framework agreement between Alexandria University and the University of Poitiers in France, and the cooperation agreement between the University of Alexandria and the University of Côte d'Azur in France, a memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University and Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies in Uzbekistan, a cooperation protocol between the Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University and the Directorate of Health Affairs in Alexandria, a cooperation protocol between Alexandria University and the Ministry of Health and Population, a cooperation protocol between the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Alexandria University and the General Syndicate of Sports Professions, a cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Alexandria University and the University of Western Ontario in Canada, and a student exchange agreement between Alexandria University and the School of Environmental Civil Engineering and Land Administration in Italy granting a Master's degree in environmental engineering and land planning.
The council approved the promotion of 23 faculty members, 10 to the position of professor, 13 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 17 lecturers, the granting of 63 doctoral degrees, and 108 master's degrees in various scientific disciplines.
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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Education launched today, Tuesday the 28th of February 2023, the convoy organized for the city of El-Amriya, west of Alexandria, in order to carry out its role in community service and to hold immediate literacy exams for a large number of illiterate people.
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Professor Dr. Mohamed Anwar, Dean of the Faculty of Education, indicated that the exams were held at Al-Hassan Ibn Al-Haytham School, in coordination with Dr. Arabi Abu Zeid, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education in Alexandria, and education leaders in Amriya region, with the participation of members of the Literacy and Adult Education Authority, and staff members at the faculty Education Dr. Mona Shiha and Dr. Hani Khamis, and the presence of Professor Dr. Salem Abdelrazek, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, in addition to student teachers who participated in holding exams for illiterate students, and Mr. Mustafa Azzam, Administrative Director of the faculty’s Literacy Centre.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, announced the results of the QS International Ranking of Majors for the year 2023, as Alexandria University obtained the international ranking of 327 in the field of general specialization: engineering and technology, with a score of 64.6, and the rank of 356 in the field of general specialization: life sciences and medicine, with a score of 59.4, higher by 19 points than last year. The university president explained that these general disciplines are built on sub-disciplines such as chemical engineering, architecture, medicine, and biological sciences.
It is noteworthy that the British QS classification is based on several criteria, including academic reputation, the ratio of faculty members to students, the number of international faculty members, the enrolment ratio of international students, the proportion of PhD holders among faculty members, the ratio of the number of published researches to the number of faculty members, the ratio of the number of research citations to teachers, and the influence of the university online.