important news

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On Sunday the 24th of November 2023, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, inaugurated “Lobna El-Wardani Guest House” attached to Borg El-Arab University Hospital, which is designated to host children with cancer and their families free of charge, in the presence of Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Students’ Affairs, Dr. Shadi Fadel, Director of Borg El-Arab Hospital, Dr. Raafat Naga and Dr. Ahmed Naga, members of the Alexandria Orphan Sponsorship Association, Mr. Ayman Nazih, Governor of the Rotary District, in addition to several Alexandrian community leaders, businessmen, members of the civil society and business organizations, as well as members of Rotary in Alexandria.
In his speech, Dr. Konsowa extended his thanks to the Alexandria Orphan Sponsorship Association’s initiative, civil society organizations, businesses, and Rotary members who contributed to this great humanitarian work, and for preparing the guest house at the highest level to host children and their families until they receive chemotherapy and radiation treatment, especially since most of the people visiting the hospital are from outside Alexandria Governorate who find it difficult to visit the hospital. The university president stressed that civil society is an essential partner in supporting university hospitals to provide the best medical service to citizens. Konsowa also announced the preparation of three other buildings to accommodate the largest possible number of children and their families and to relieve patients from Alexandria Governorate or those coming from outside it.
While Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen praised the role of civil society organizations and businesses in bringing this great humanitarian work to light. Dr. Abdelmohsen pointed out that Borg El-Arab Hospital provides comprehensive health services to children with cancer and works to provide care for them through medical staff and nursing staff, who are qualified and trained to deal with children and their families medically and psychologically to alleviate their suffering.
Dr. Ahmed Naga, Assistant Professor of Vascular Surgery at Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, and the person in charge of the project, indicated that the house consists of 5 floors and contains 15 rooms. He pointed out that the goal of its establishment is to provide a safe environment for the child with cancer, as the house hosts each child with one of his or her relatives and provides them with accommodation free of charge through a qualified team to deal with different cases. Dr. Naga also pointed out that the home was prepared for a cost of 3 million pounds through the Alexandria Orphan Sponsorship Association’s initiative.


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The Board of Trustees of Alexandria University’s faculties and institutes held its meeting on Wednesday the 20th of December 2023, headed by Mr. Mohamed Fathi Abul-Nasr, Secretary-General of the University, where it reviewed with the faculties’ trustees the completion of the administrative preparations plan for the first semester final exams so that monitoring and observation work can be completed in a comprehensive manner.
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 During the council, the university secretary thanked the administrative body at Alexandria University for their positive participation in casting their votes in the 2024 presidential elections, and their keenness on this important constitutional entitlement.
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 He also praised their efforts to raise the level of performance within all university departments, the development of their performance as an integrated work team, and their honourable appearance during the visit of the GIC team, which grants the various ISO certificates, to review and ensure the continuity of application of the international standard for ISO 9001/2015 within the various university departments granted to the university in 2022, which will continue for three years, indicating that full support will be provided to all employees to maintain this success.
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The university secretary praised the remarkable development in the level of managing the university's means of transportation, according to an integrated plan for maintenance and raising efficiency to become able to carry out many tasks, stressing to the board of trustees the need to periodically follow up on everything related to administrative and financial affairs in the university’s various units.
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 The Council witnessed the honouring of Mrs. Aziza Fathi Shalabi, Secretary of the Faculty of Education, on the occasion of her reaching the legal age of retirement.
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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, announced that Alexandria University won second place at the level of Egyptian universities and 207th place at the level of international universities within the results of the Green Metric World University Rankings for the year 2023, which was announced in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, at the beginning of this month, in conjunction with the 28th session of the Global Summit (COP 28), where 1,183 universities from 84 countries participated this year.
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Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs pointed out that Alexandria University has advanced globally in the rankings after it ranked 283rd globally in 2022. He added that the university shone in specific fields, as it came in 127th place in the field of water rationalization and recycling, 130th place in the field of education and scientific research, and 183rd in the field of energy and climate change. Dr. Allam attributed this comprehensive excellence to the university’s serious commitment to achieving advanced levels in various fields of sustainability and preserving the academic work environment. This development also reflects the continuous efforts made by the university under the leadership of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University to improve the quality of education, scientific research, infrastructure, develop the educational program, enhance student activities, expand international cooperation, and establish dual academic degrees.
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It is noteworthy that the Green Metric World University Rankings is based in its evaluation process on 3 pillars, which are environmental, economic and social value, and includes 6 indicators: (environment and infrastructure - energy and climate change - waste - water - transportation - education and scientific research).

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Dr. Hesham Saeed, Vice President of Alexandria University for Graduate Studies and Research, during the Graduate Studies and Research Council held on Tuesday the 19th of December 2023, reviewed a report on the most important challenges facing scientific research at Alexandria University. Dr. Saeed confirmed that Alexandria University is working according to a strategic plan granted to develop research in line with the Egyptian State’s 2030 vision, pointing out that scientific research is one of the most important pillars of development in the Alexandria University system. He also indicated that this requires great cooperation by linking scientific research with community service, the various sectors of the state, and productive economic institutions, with the aim of determining scientific research paths and directing researchers to work and innovate in these paths, in a way that contributes to the advancement and progress of society.
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Dr. Saeed stressed that Alexandria University is working to establish an integrated information network to keep pace with the information and communication revolution, as well as digitizing all its administration with regard to graduate studies and research in order to eliminate paperwork and save time, effort and money. This is in addition to good marketing for postgraduate studies and scientific research programs, and the possibility of establishing companies or business incubators to market research outputs in a way that attracts foreign students who are considered Egypt’s soft power, as well as preserving researchers and creative minds and preventing them from emigrating to European countries in what is known as brain drain. In addition, another goal is facilitating the lengthy purchasing procedures for research devices and various chemicals to ease the research process, create communication channels between research groups between all universities, transfer technology and modern techniques among them, expand the establishment of international partnerships in the field of scientific research with international universities, and provide the appropriate scientific climate so that the researchers feels that they working in a climate of academic freedom, and providing the appropriate financial support for the researcher, which in turn creates motivation for development and innovations in scientific research.
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 Dr. Amira Hemdan, Director of the Centre for Distinguished Scientific Publishing, also presented a report on approving the JCR 2024 list of scientific journals for the coming year, starting from the 1st of January 2024. Hemdan also reviewed the proposal for amendments to University Council Resolution no. 31 of 2019 regarding rewards for distinguished scientific publishing.
 The Council approved the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Tourism and Hotels) and ACT Computer Company.
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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science at Alexandria University, for winning the second place in the research competition organized by the Information and Decision Support Center of the Egyptian Government, for preparing public policy papers under the title “We Think for Our Country." Participants included 43 research teams from various Egyptian universities.
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The winning team of the Faculty’s Department of Economics included Dr. Abdelhalim Shaheen, Mr. Abdelkhalek Mohamed, Mr. Ahmed Magdy, Ms. Alaa El-Shazly, and Ms. Marwa Harb. Their research paper under the title: “Blue Economy Exports are an Engine for Growth: One of the Gains of the Flexible Exchange Rate Policy,” addressed five main axes about what the Blue Economy is, discussed the status of the Blue Economy in Egypt, and analyzed SWOT of Egypt’s exports from the Blue Economy, citing pioneering experiences in this field, and an executive plan to enhance Egypt’s exports from the blue economy. The paper concluded with important recommendations regarding enhancing the capacity of marine wealth exports, port and logistics services exports, and beach tourism services exports.
The award winners were announced at a ceremony organized by the Information and Decision Support Center on Monday the 18th of December 2023.