Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Mr. Abdelhalim Allam, President of the Egyptian Lawyers Syndicate, signed, a joint cooperation protocol with the aim of exchanging services, training and scientific consultations between the two parties in the field of legal sciences, and related studies through all scientific, research and training activities.
The signing of the protocol was witnessed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Mohamed El-Feki, Dean of the Faculty of Law.

In his speech, Dr. Konsowa stressed that the protocol aims to assist researchers and students from the lawyers registered with the syndicate and their families in the field of legal and economic studies by providing references, scientific journals and all available capabilities, overcoming any difficulties they may face in this field, and achieving scientific communication between students, trainees and experts by exchanging studies and experiences in areas of common interest between the university and the syndicate, in addition to developing aspects of cooperation between the two sides in all fields, especially legal fields.
Dr. Konsowa added that the protocol will allow benefiting from the human and specialized capabilities in academic, training and research fields available to both parties by organizing conferences, seminars, workshops and training courses, noting that there will be an exchange of academic output such as periodicals, studies, reports, research, journals, and scientific bulletins between the two parties. He added that under this protocol, a joint committee from the university and the syndicate will be formed to coordinate between them regarding the implementation of the provisions of this protocol and the development of executive plans for joint activities and the proposal of programs, activities, and various other events.
Mr. Abdelhalim Allam confirmed that the protocol will allow for the exchange and provision of the legal library of both parties with the most important legal books, encyclopaedias, academic research papers, and legal references, in addition to providing each party with the opportunity to access their respective electronic platforms, and view research, academic papers, and various publications. Allam added that the protocol will also allow cooperation in conducting joint research and studies and preparing working papers in order to contribute to the development of the legal culture of both parties. He pointed out that all means of assistance will be provided to lawyers registered with the syndicate in applying for specialized educational and research programs in the Master’s and Doctorate degrees.