important news

The Executive Council of the League of Islamic Universities headed by the Secretary General Dr. Gaafar Abdel Salam during its session on Wednesday 25/4/2018 decided to add Alexandria University to the executive council of the league as one of the 20 universities forming the council.

AU President Dr. Essam El Kurdi attended the meeting of the executive council followed the opening of the scientific conference organized by the university in collaboration with the league. The scientific conference is entitled "World need to activate the role of Islamic economy and finance".

It is worth to mention that the League of Islamic Universities has membership of 200 universities and scientific research institutions from all over the world. It also provides studies in Arabic in all Islamic sciences and scientific researches. 

Alexandria University President Dr. Essam El Kurdi and vice-president Dr. Hisham Gaber honored the students who won the prizes of the contest "Start by yourself". The contest was organized by the University in collaboration with the Administrative Control Authority under supervision of the Minister of Higher Education. The event will be held on 26/4/2018 in the conferences hall in the Faculty of Nursing.

On Monday 23/4/2018, Alexandria University Vice President for Education and Students Affairs Dr. Hisham Gaber participated in the opening of "Sports Day of the Egyptian universities". The activities started by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar through video conference. The event comes under the slogan "The University has sport" at the same time in all the Egyptian universities.

The events began with the national anthem then a march for the students and faculty members. The activities included a lot of sport games in the playground of the Faculty of Engineering.


As part of the celebration of the World Earth Day in Alexandria University, the Faculty of Science organized a celebration entitled "Drop of water equal life" on Sunday morning, 22/4/2018 at Zewail auditorium in El Shatby.

Dr. Mohammed Ismail, AU Vice President for Matruh branch made the opening statement on behalf of the Rector Dr. El-Kordi. Dr. Ismail said that the Earth Day is an occasion for millions of people around the world to renew their commitment to preserve the environment, especially with increasing industrial and technological progress. He added that Alexandria University is interested in these issues because of its scientific and research expertise in the field of environmental sciences. He pointed out that event topic is one of the most important issues facing the country as Egypt suffers from severe shortage of water. He added that the university participated in many studies, researches and national projects contributing in development of the country such as the projects of Mahmudia axis, Mustafa Kamel Bridge and the Bashair Al Khair.

Alexandria University Vice President for Community Service and Environment Development Dr. Abdel Aziz Qonswa stated that the environment sustainability is not a luxury, as the state seeks to develop many national projects. Dr. Qonswa talked about Egypt’s share of water coming from the Nile and indicated the importance of rationalize water consumption and to use modern technology in irrigation, agriculture and wastewater treatment, and the establishment of desalination plants.

Dr. Alaa Ramadan, Dean of the Faculty of Science said that the purpose of the event is to guide everyone to know the seriousness of water shortage, rationalize consumption, and raise awareness of environmental issues and natural resources preservation. He thanked all attendees from companies, businessmen and governmental bodies.


On Wednesday morning 18/04/2018, Alexandria University Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research Dr. Mokhtar Youssef opened the "Fourth Annual Scientific Conference" of the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science. The conference is held from 18 to 19 April 2018in the faculty under auspices of AU president Dr. Essam El Kurdi.

In his speech, Dr. Mokhtar Yousif highlighted the conference importance as it tackles an economic axis in terms of contemporary trends in development financing either through local or international and institutions and foreign direct investment. He pointed out that the conference reflects the interest of all economic institutions in Egypt to achieve economic development at all levels. Dr. Mokhtar also pointed to the importance of the political side that the conference addresses, which presents recent research trends in the branches of political science.

Dr. Kadri Ismail the Dean of the faculty and President of the conference stated that the conference will address various economic research visions and ideas with the recent trends in financing, including the role of international institutions and foreign direct investment, in addition to the role of the banking system in development financing.

He said that the conference will also discuss political issues including contemporary trends in political sciences, the history of political thinking, comparative politics and contemporary trends in the study of international relations.

The conference was attended by a lot of researchers, professors and experts in the fields of economy and political science from the faculties of economics and political science at Egyptian universities. Also research and studies centers in Egypt, representatives of governmental institutions and civil society were involved.