important news
Alexandria University is making new progress in the global rankings of universities
والطلاب الوافدين والتعاون الدولي فى مجال البحوث العلمية، والدخل الوارد من الصناعة والذى يمثل نقل المعرفة بين المؤسسات العلمية والصناعة.
The first meeting of the graduates of Alexandria University

Dr. Essam El-Kordi, President of Alexandria University, congratulated the winners of the state awards from the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology
Dr. Essam El-Kordi, President of Alexandria University, congratulated the winners of the state awards from the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and the Supreme Council of Culture the seven faculty members, Dr. Sherif Hussein Abdel Razek Qandil from the High Institute of Graduate Studies & Research. He won the State Award for Advanced Technological Sciences (Basic Sciences), Dr. Shibal Badran Professor of Education, who won the State Award in Social Sciences, Dr. Abdul Salam Abu Qahf Professor at the Faculty of Commerce, and Dr. Said Saad Bader Professor of Sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts, who won the State Prize for excellence in the arts. Dr. Hossam Osama Mohammed Nageeb Al Ansari, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, won the State Encouragement Award in Science and Advanced Technological Sciences, And Dr. Marwa Adel Abdul Latif Ragab, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, who won the State Encouragement Award of advanced science and technological sciences (medical science).
The President of the University, during his meeting with the winners, stressed that they represent an honorable image of the scientists at the University of Alexandria, pointing out that the state awards are a tribute to all researchers and scientists for their research that serves the research system in Egypt. He called on the university president to continue to exert more efforts and enrich scientific research.
The winners also thanked the university administration and its leaders for the support they provide to encourage researchers to play their role in accordance with the university's strategy to enter the international classifications.
Dr. Mohammed Ismail, Vice President of Matruh Branch, and Dr. Mokhtar Yousef, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, attended the ceremony.
AU vice president visits the center of the Center of the Blind
Dr. Hisham Gaber, Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, inspected the final exams activities in the Faculty of Arts. Dr. Gaber tour was in presence of Dr. Ghada Mousa, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Sameh Al Ansari and Dr. Naglaa Abu Agag the faculty's deputies. The visit included the Unit of Assessment and Evaluation in the faculty to follow up the electronic exams for blind and the visually impaired people which is conducted for the first time in Alexandria University. Dr. Gaber also visited the Center of Blind People in to ascertain the degree of satisfaction of blind students who were given the opportunity to answer the test by themselves and without need to bring companion for help.
Total number of 19 blind students from three departments attended the exams out of a total of 70 students in the academic year 2017-2018.The experiment will be generalized for all departments over the next three years.
Dr. Hisham Gaber stressed the university keenness to complete the inspection tours to follow the progress of examinations in all faculties. He also stated that the university is studying the latest developments for the exam mechanisms to improve the university level to international rankings.
Dr. Ghada Mousa said that the Faculty of Arts had promised during the celebration of the International Day of the Blind to conduct this experiment in this year. She added that it took two months to train the blind students on these tests.
Alexandria University achieved great progress ranking in the world CWUR
Alexandria University was ranked as one of the best in the world according to the last classification issued by the Center for World University Rankings CWUR where 1000 universities were selected from 18000 universities in the ranking. Alexandria University came fourth among the local universities and 903 internationally.
Dr. Essam El-Kurdi the President of the university said that the university achieved great progress in the last ranking comparing with previous years which reflects an indication on the success of the strategy of supporting the scientific research as main requirement to enter the world rankings in addition to encouraging the researchers for the international publishing in governing periodicals.
It is worth to mention that the ranking of CWUR is based on several criteria such as learning quality, scientific research outputs, distinguished publications and graduates employment.