Artist & Faculty Member of Alexandria University Wins 3 International Awards
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated the artist Dr. Nourhan El Mahdy, Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts, for winning three international awards this year, namely the Leonardo da Vinci Award for Painting from Italy, the Paris International Prize, where she represented Egypt in an exhibition at the Louvre Museum in Paris in October 2022, and recently the Barcelona International Prize in November 2022 for her participation in the Fourth International Barcelona Biennial 2022 in Spain, which is held every two years at the Modern European Museum MEAM. She was honoured by those in charge of the international competition for being one of the elite international artists, in addition to publishing her work in the Journal of Contemporary International Art. The University President wished her continuous success, and more progress and prosperity.
Alexandria University Student Union Elections Results.. Student Omar Afifi Wins Presidency
Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Student Union elections for the academic year 2022/23 were concluded today, Thursday the 8th of December 8, in a transparent and democratic atmosphere.
The election process took place for the position of President of the University Student Union and his deputy, by secret ballot, in the presence of Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, and the participation of heads and deputies of student unions of the faculties of Alexandria University, as well as the deans and vice deans of the faculties. The election results were in favour of Omar Afifi, a fifth-year student at the Faculty of Dentistry, as president of the Alexandria University Student Union, and Abdelrahman Elsayed Ali, a fourth-year student at the Faculty of Law, as vice-president of the union by acclamation.
Dr. Wael Nabil congratulated the winning students, wishing them to live up to the responsibility and confidence that their colleagues had provided, and urged them to communicate continuously with their fellow students to achieve their common goals, and to have a prominent role in encouraging them to actively participate in academic life, through engaging in student activities that refine their talents and develop their personality. He stressed that the university administration will provide all means of support to the new student union council, to play their role as a link between students and the university administration.
Mr. Shehab Mahrous, Acting Director of the Youth Welfare Department, indicated that the electoral process was easy and transparent. He explained that the electoral process witnessed a large participation of university students, as the number of students who submitted their candidacy papers to run the electoral marathon reached 1,487 male and female students, and the number of candidates after the applications and appeals were examined was 1,279 male and female students. The results of electing the secretaries and assistant secretaries of the 7 higher student committees, resulted in electin for the position of ecretary of the Fraternities Committee, and Ziyad Gaber Mohamed, third year student at the Faculty of Arts for the position of and Alaa matyali fourth years student at the Faculty of Education, for the Sports Committee, fourth year student at the Faculty of Agriculture, Saad Ahmed Saad Abdo, won with the position of secretary, while his colleague Nada Adel Abdelmoneim, fourth-year student at the Faculty of Education and Early Childhood, was elected as the assistant secretary. For the Scouting Committee, Moayad Hisham Muhammad, fourth-year student at the Faculty of Economic Studies was elected as secretary, while Youssef Tariq Muhammad, third-year student at the Faculty of Law was elected as assistant secretary.
Farah Abdel Mohsen Khaled, fourth-year student at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels won the position of secretary of the Technical Committee, and for the position of assistant secretary, Maryam Mustafa Mansour, second-year student at the Faculty of Fine Arts, was elected.
For the Social Committee, Moamen Ayman Fathy, third-year student at the Faculty of Agriculture, won the position of secretary, and Amr Farag Khalil, third-year student at the Faculty of Commerce, won the position of assistant secretary.
For the position of Secretary of the Scientific Committee, fourth-year student at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Ola Mohamed Ahmed, was elected, while Gaber Elsayed Gaber, fourth year student at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels was elected for the position of assistant secretary
Faculty of Economic Studies & Political Science Holds Symposium on Egyptian Politics and Blue Economy
Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science held today, Tuesday the 6th of December, a symposium on "Egyptian Politics and the Blue Economy", in cooperation with the Egyptian Maritime Salon, in the Grand Conference Hall at the faculty's headquarters.
Among the participants in the symposium were Lieutenant General Mohab Mameesh, Advisor to the President of the Republic for Ports and the Suez Canal Axis, Dr. Mohamed Ali Ibrahim, Professor of Logistics and Advisor to the President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President of Alexandria University for Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty Economic Studies & Political Science, His Excellency Ambassador Mazeed Al-Hoshian, Consul General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, His Grace Bishop Ibram Emile, the Deputy of the Patriarchate in Alexandria, as well as members of the Egyptian Parliament, in addition to many former naval commanders, thinkers and members of the Egyptian Naval Salon, representatives of the Alexandrian civil society, faculty members and students.
During the symposium moderated by Dr. Mamdouh Mansour, Head of the Department of Political Science at the Faculty, Lieutenant General Mohab Mameesh, Advisor to the President of the Republic for Ports and the Suez Canal Axis, stressed the importance of the Suez Canal in the global trade movement, as it is the most important waterway to connect the East with Europe. He gave an account of the history of the Suez Canal and the most important international crises and conflicts that it passed through, and he also talked about the modern development projects that have been achieved in recent years under the directives of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, which were represented in the expansion and duplication of the canal, as well as projects to develop the economic zone adjacent to it, and projects to modernize and develop Egyptian seaports and raise the efficiency of the maritime transport sector.
In his speech, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour conveyed to the guests of the meeting the greetings of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, expressing his pleasure to participate in this scientific symposium, which sheds light on the most important development projects in the field of maritime transport and the blue economy, through the sustainable use and preservation of water resources, which are oceans, seas, lakes and rivers, with the aim of directing economic growth, improving livelihoods and creating job opportunities, while ensuring respect for the environment, cultural values and biodiversity.
Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty, also pointed out the importance of the topic of the symposium in opening new horizons of knowledge for the students and researchers of the Faculty in relation to the field of the blue economy, which is concerned with good management of water resources, dependence on the seas and oceans for sustainable development, eradicating poverty and achieving self-sufficiency in food.
While Dr. Mohamed Ali Ibrahim, Advisor to the President of the Arab Academy for Maritime Transport, referred to the emergence and development of the concept of the blue economy, and the role of the maritime transport sector in economic development and the global economy. He also reviewed many development projects that took place in Egypt and the Arab countries, especially the Arabian Gulf and Southeast Asia in the field of marine transport.
Alexandria University receives the Executive Director of the Innovation Center in the United States of America
Within the framework of cooperation between Alexandria University and the Fulbright Commission, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received this morning, Saturday the 3rd of December, Dr. Terik Tidwell, Executive Director of the Smith Tech-Innovation Center at the Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA and Director of the STEM Innovation Initiative, to discuss ways of cooperation between the two sides in various fields. The meeting was attended by Dr. Yasser Refaat, Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Walaa Sheta, CEO of the Science and Technological Development Support Fund, vice-presidents of the university, vice-deans, as well as officials of the Project Management Unit at Alexandria University, and industrialists.
In his speech, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa stressed that this meeting is within the framework of transferring global experience in establishing a technology park at Alexandria University to promote the establishment of a knowledge economy, and a good opportunity to discuss ways to enhance cooperation and benefit from the experience of Dr. Tidwell in the field of supporting innovation and entrepreneurship at the university. He highlighted Alexandria University's strategy towards integration between the scientific research outputs it owns and carries out, with the requirements of industry and the knowledge economy, to achieve competitiveness in economic development in line with the goals and vision of Egypt 2030. Dr. Konsowa confirmed that the biggest challenge for the university is how to market this promising scientific research and technology by identifying suitable markets, attracting industry partners, international companies, and entrepreneurs who can continue developing and manufacturing products, and identifying consumer needs, especially since Alexandria is located in an industrial community that represents 44% of the Egyptian industry, in which the gas, oil and petrochemical industries represent 58% of the national industry.
Dr. Konsowa referred to the technology park at Alexandria University, established with the aim to localize and transfer technology and knowledge rights, form partnerships with prestigious international institutions and companies, and invest time and efforts to transform intellectual property into marketable products, indicating that the technology park at the university is equipped with the necessary infrastructure to support innovations and link them to the industry, to establish technological start-ups and incubators based on the scientific research outputs of Alexandria University and its partners, as well as spreading the culture of entrepreneurship and encouraging students to establish their start-up companies instead of waiting for traditional jobs.
While Dr. Terik Tidwell expressed his pleasure to cooperate with the pioneering University of Alexandria, noting that it has a strong infrastructure through the technology park, which qualifies it to have a great opportunity to invest in minds and transfer and localize technology, in addition to Egypt’s distinguished safe climate that contributes to the support and localization of technology.
It is worth noting that Alexandria University, in cooperation with the Fulbright Commission, will hold over the next two days a workshop entitled "Promoting the Culture of Innovation and Technology Transfer at Alexandria University" in the presence of Dr. Terik Tidwell and the university faculty members, to discuss different ideas on how to market scientific research, and link it to industry needs.
Alexandria University Council Praises Egypt's Success in Hosting COP27 Summit
Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, praised during the University Council meeting today, Tuesday the 29th of November, the distinguished efforts made by Egypt during the activities of the huge global event of the 27th session of Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) in the city of Sharm El-Sheikh, on the technical and organizational levels, in the presence of nearly 120 heads of state and government who participated in the summit.
. The president of the university reviewed the meetings that took place on the side-lines of the conference, including the meeting with Dr. Renaud Muselier, President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, Professor Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Konsowa and some presidents of public universities, with the aim of discussing strengthening cooperation with the universities of the French region. He also reviewed other meetings with many officials of universities and international institutions in the blue and green regions to discuss mechanisms for strengthening and supporting ways of cooperation with them. He emphasized the participation of Alexandria University in several events at both the local and international levels during the year chaired by Egypt after the COP27 Climate Summit, to direct efforts and pledges to preserve the planet from the dangers of negative and dangerous repercussions of climate change until the handover of the presidency in COP28 to the sister country of the Emirates.
• The university president also reviewed the results of Alexandria University's participation in the meetings of the 14th General Assembly of the Conference of Rectors in the Middle East Region (CONFREMO), organized by the Francophone University Agency in the Middle East (L'Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie - AUF) in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, on the 17th and 18th of November. President of Alexandria University and Regional Director of the Francophone University Agency discussed the agency's support mechanisms for the branch of Alexandria University in N’Djamena - Chad to have an enlightening and developmental role and a gateway to attract Francophone students in Central Africa, explaining that the university will prepare a memorandum of requirements to be sent to the Francophone Agency.
• The Council approved the establishment of a bachelor’s degree in Oral and Dental Medicine with the credit hours system as a joint degree with the College of Dentistry, University of Manchester, with the application of the international program regulations for credit hours.
• The Council agreed to update the list (JCR2020 (SC1E and SSCI) currently approved by the Council of Alexandria University, which contains 12,324 journals distributed over 236 majors, with the list (JCR 2021 (SCIE, SSCI, and AHCI), which contains 13,785 journals distributed over 264 majors, which was recently issued, for the benefit of researchers, to be implemented as of January 1, 2023.
• The Council approved a proposal for a virtual exchange project of Alexandria University students and their counterparts at Georgia State University in the framework of teaching a course in the field of international business administration at the Faculty of Commerce.
• The Council also approved the Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Alexandria and the University of Banja Luka-Sarajevo, the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University, the Centre for Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language for the CLS Spark Program and the American Council for International Education, and Appendixes No. (1) and (2) of the Framework Agreement for International Cooperation between Alexandria University and the University of Caen-Normandy in France, a memorandum of understanding between the Department of Geology, Faculty of Science and the Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Benghazi, a protocol of cooperation between the Higher Institute of Public Health and the Association of Healthy Hearts, a memorandum of cooperation between the Regional Centre for Remote Sensing for North African Countries )CRTEAN( and the University of Alexandria, and a memorandum of cooperation between King Abdulaziz University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Alexandria University regarding cooperation in the academic, research, development, training and cultural fields.
• The council approved the donation of 50,000 pounds from East Alexandria Innerwheel Club, to pay the expenses of financially challenged students, the donation from a businessman in Alexandria in the amount of 86,000 pounds for the same purpose, and the donation from the family of the late Professor Fouad Sabry Heikal from the Faculty of Fine Arts, of 139 books with a total value of 14 thousand pounds.
• The council approved the promotion of 23 faculty members, 13 to the position of professor, 10 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 30 lecturers, and the granting of 93 doctoral degrees and 110 master's degrees in various scientific disciplines.