
important news


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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received Dr. Nagda Ibrahim Mahmoud Mady, where he congratulated her on the issuance of the presidential decree appointing her as Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, wishing her success in assuming the duties of her position, and continuous efforts to raise the level of the faculty. He stressed that the university will provide all forms of support and assistance to help her in carrying out her mission successfully.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, witnessed the third meeting of the Steering Committee of the "Tomato Chain Value Project", to demonstrate the practical situation of the project hosted by the Faculty of Agriculture in Shatby. The meeting discussed the existing challenges and the future plan of the educational service centre for the tomato value chain. It was attended by Dr. Amr Hazaa, Head of the Development Projects Unit at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry for Finance and Development Projects, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Mohamed Bahey El Din, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Mr. Martino Milli, Office Manager of the Italian Agency for International Development Cooperation, Mr. Ahmed Rizk, Deputy Regional Director of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization "UNIDO", Dr. Heba Salama, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture in Shatby for Community Service and Environmental Development, and representatives of the Ministries of Trade and Industry, Agriculture and Land Reclamation.
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In his speech, Dr. Konsowa welcomed the guests of the meeting hosted by Alexandria University, after choosing the Faculty of Agriculture at Alexandria University as a venue to host the educational service centre for the value chain of manufactured tomatoes in Egypt. He explained that the business model is being developed at the centre after carrying out repairs and construction equipment to host the production line of the educational service centre for the tomato value chain. Dr. Konsowa stressed that Alexandria University supports all applied research and adopts a knowledge economy that supports the Egyptian economy in light of the new republic, through implementing research outputs, encouraging researchers in various disciplines, and presenting initiatives to fund their research projects that serve the industry and achieve added value to support the Egyptian economy or serve society in general.
While Dr. Amr Hazaa referred to the implementation of the project in Egypt through the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and through funding by the Italian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AICS). He pointed out that this project came with the aim of supporting and developing the value chain of tomatoes in Egypt, so that it is comprehensive and sustainable by increasing its added value, enhancing the technical capabilities of youth, and providing them with employment and project opportunities. He pointed to the most important achievement of the project, which is bringing in 7 varieties of manufacturing tomatoes from an Italian company through one of its agents in Egypt, where field experiments are currently being conducted on these varieties.
While Dr. Mohamed Bahey El-Din confirmed that the project started 18 months ago, after Alexandria University won the opportunity to implement the project among the 6 parties that applied for it. He added that many meetings and workshops were held within the Faculty of Agriculture and some tomato production centres in Nubaria area with farmers and manufacturers, to introduce them to the project, and the specifications of the tomato fruits required for manufacturing. He referred to the directives of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, in this regard to prepare a site dedicated to the project at the Faculty of Agriculture. He added that the Italian side will supply the production line during the next few months, and said that the project aims to train students of the undergraduate and postgraduate levels as one of the outputs of the project, as well as cooperation with agricultural companies producing tomatoes, and training small producers.
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Dr. Heba Salama indicated that the project aims to provide training opportunities for workers in the sector of producing and processing tomato products, in addition to discussing the establishment of a factory equipped to produce many tomato products (30 products) as a result of research carried out by the Faculty of Agriculture, Shatby, Alexandria University, where some products will be manufactured for the first time at Alexandria University.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, paid a visit to the headquarters of the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom, to discuss reaching an agreement for establishing a number of joint degrees in several postgraduate and undergraduate programs and various professional programs in disciplines that serve the Egyptian state’s vision for sustainable development 2030.
This comes in line with the national strategic plan (Egypt 2030), and in implementation of the axes of the national strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research launched by Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research last March, which is concerned with raising competitiveness of education globally, opening prospects of cooperation between Egyptian universities and the most prestigious and highest-ranked foreign institutions and universities in the world. It also aims at achieving maximum benefit in enriching expertise and educational and research quality, raising the competitiveness of graduates globally.
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The meeting was attended by Dr. Rasha Kamal, Cultural Attachée and Director of the Educational Mission in the United Kingdom and Ireland, Dr. Ahmed Adel Abdelhakim, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Dr. Amin Malti, officer in charge for the file of international agreements with British universities at Alexandria University, and on the British side, Professor Mark Smith, President of the University of Southampton, Professor Deborah Gill, Vice President for Education and Students, Professor Sabu Padmadas, Associate Dean International of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Professor Sue Colley, Associate Dean International for The Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences, and Professor Bashir Lwalid, Director of International Relations for the Middle East Region at the University.
The Egyptian Bureau for Cultural and Educational Affairs in in London played an important role in coordinating and organizing the visit of the President of Alexandria University to the United Kingdom, discussing scientific cooperation with distinguished British universities, and facilitating the conclusion of double scientific partnerships between the two sides. Dr. Rasha Kamal, the Egyptian cultural attaché and director of the educational mission in the United Kingdom and Ireland, accompanied the Alexandria University delegation in all its visits to British universities, in support of Alexandria University to conclude several scientific partnerships with British universities.
Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa stated that Alexandria University is seeking to sign many cooperation agreements with major international universities in order to contribute to linking scientific research with industrial applications, and to creating distinguished researchers in fields that are compatible with the higher education strategy within the framework of Egypt's 2030 strategy.
Dr. Konsowa indicated that during the meetings it was agreed to start a number of joint programs with the Faculties of Business, Computers, Law, Science, Arts and Engineering, and to support joint scientific and research cooperation between Alexandria University and the University of Southampton, as well as the sponsorship of Alexandria University to establish a joint research development program for outstanding researchers from Alexandria University with their counterparts from the University of Southampton, in order to serve the vision of the Egyptian state. This also comes in line with the national strategy for higher education and scientific research, one of the most important goals of which is to create a knowledge economy by linking scientific research with industry in its comprehensive concept.
In addition, Dr. Knosowa announced that the Alexandria University Technology Park, its business incubators and accelerators, will be linked to the to their counterparts in Science Park at University of Southampton. He added that during the visit, discussions included the idea of sending outstanding students from the joint degree program at Alexandria University for training at the University of Southampton for varying periods, according to the nature of their studies, to enjoy their study experience at Southampton during their study period.
While the University of Southampton members praised the level of graduates of Alexandria University and expressed their keenness to work in an integrated manner with Alexandria University, through a pivotal strategic partnership that serves the goals of developing scientific research and ensures obtaining the highest quality and academic appreciation for the graduates of the proposed dual programs.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, at the beginning of the meeting of the University Council, thanked the deans, vice-deans, and the secretary-general of the University for their efforts in coordinating and organizing the work of the second semester final exams for the academic year 2022/2023, which started a few days ago and will continue throughout the month of June, according to each faculty’s timetable, and according to the time map of the academic year approved by the Supreme Council of Universities. He gave his directions to the deans to pay attention for applying preventive health measures, in order to ensure the safety of all members of the academic community, and the speedy completion of grading and announcing the results to students as soon as possible.
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• The council honoured the winning researchers in the Alexandria University initiative to support research, which was announced by the university’s project management unit last July, as 72 researchers submitted their research proposals, and 10 of them won a total funding of 200,000 pounds per project. Dr. Konsowa said that this initiative came with the aim of encouraging researchers to increase their output of applied scientific research and support the research community, especially since scientific research is one of the most important strategic pillars adopted by Alexandria University. He added that scientific research is a fundamental pillar in the transition towards a knowledge-based economy, and supporting international scientific publishing through grants and financial prizes for researchers who publish in internationally classified journals and applied research that is related to the industry in its comprehensive concept, highlighting distinguished, successful and applicable research results, improving the research level of scholars and providing them with various experiences, as well as supporting research and innovation and creating a spirit of scientific competition among all affiliates. Alexandria University.
The honourees are Dr. Iman Mohamed Thabet, Dr. Reham Abdelhalim Abul-Wafa, Dr. Nahla Mohamed Salah Hamouda, Dr. Perihan El-Zahar, Dr. Mai Mahmoud Saleh, Dr. Shaimaa El-Morsi, Dr. Mahmoud Amer, Dr. Salam Koraytem, Dr. Samer Amer, and Dr. Radwa Sotoor.
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* The council also honoured Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science, on the occasion of the end of his deanship of the faculty.
* The Council approved the proposed agreement for the establishment and operation of the King Sunjong Institute between Alexandria University and the Korean Cultural Centre in Egypt, the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University and Moi University in Kenya, the student exchange agreement between Alexandria University and Shanghai University for International Studies in China, the general agreement for cultural and scientific cooperation between Alexandria University and the University of Sapienza Rome in Italy, the agreement for cultural and scientific cooperation between Alexandria University and the International Telematic University "UNINETTUNO" in Italy, and the memorandum of understanding between the University of Alexandria (Faculty of Fine Arts) the Academy dei Romani - the Institute of Fine Arts, Rome, Italy. The council also approved the protocol of understanding between Alexandria University (the Higher Institute of Public Health) and the Directorate of Manpower in Alexandria, the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University (the Higher Institute of Public Health) and the Egyptian Petrochemical Company, the Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria University (Higher Institute of Public Health) and the Directorate of Health Affairs in Alexandria, the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University (Faculty of Education) and Helalia Language Schools, the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University and the General Authority of Alexandria Port, and the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University and Borg El Arab Technology University.
• The council approved the promotion of 21 faculty members, 10 to the position of professor, 11 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 10 lecturers, the granting of 92 master's degrees, and 120 doctoral degrees in various scientific disciplines.





Alexandria University announces that it is hiring employees to join the University's External Relations Department.
• Applicants to join the Department are required to:
1- Must be university employees (permanent or temporary).
2- Have a complete proficiency in English language, preferably more than one foreign language.
• Applications and CVs to be submitted to the office of the University President, at the University Administration Building in El-Shatby, third floor, from the 15th until the 30th of June 2023.