important news

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the activities of the second scientific conference organized by the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research begins tomorrow, Wednesday, January 31, 2024, under the title “Industry and the Environment.” The conference will last for two days at the Institute’s headquarters, with wide participation from faculty members and industrialists interested in the conference topic.
Dr. Ahmed Abdelrehim, Acting Dean of the Institute, indicated that the conference aims to link the university with industry, and closely examine the most important problems facing the industrial sector as well as future challenges, discuss social and legal aspects and environmental disclosure, educate students about the needs of the labour market, and provide them with the necessary professional guidance and direction, aiming to prepare a distinguished graduate who keeps pace with the requirements of the current and future labour market. The conference will also introduce the various sectors of industry and the private sector to the capabilities and skills of university students, especially graduate students in modern specializations, and will link graduates who hold positions in the industrial sector with the scientific institution to continue communication and contribute to research and development within companies. Students will also benefit from the capabilities provided by companies with modern and advanced technology.


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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Youth Welfare Department, in cooperation with the Military Education Department of Alexandria University, organized a visit for a number of university students to the 55th edition of the Cairo International Book Fair, which is held during the period from January 24 until February 6.
Mr. Sherif Salah El-Din, supervisor of student activities for the social leaders team, explained that the visit included 25 male and female students from the social leaders team, who visited the book fair and attended a number of workshops, in addition to visiting the exhibits of each of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Interior, the Administrative Control Authority, and the Decent Life (Hayah Karima) initiative exhibition.
This comes within the framework of the efforts of Alexandria University and the University’s Department of Military Education to organize a number of educational events and seminars in cooperation with the Popular Defense and Military Forces, which aim to educate male and female students and develop their spirit of loyalty and belonging.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated the researchers who won the Hamdan - ALECSO Award for Distinguished Educational Research in its twenty-sixth edition for the year 2023, which was announced by the Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished Educational Performance, where The research submitted by Dr. Nermin Awni Mohamed, Professor of Educational Psychology at the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, and Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed Abdelhadi, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, entitled: “The Impact of a Program based on the Principles of Education for Sustainability in Developing Awareness of Climate Change and the Values of Environmental Citizenship among Middle School Students in Slum Areas.”
It is worth noting that the competition was attended by seventeen Arab countries, and resulted in the victory of three papers out of a total of 146 participating papers from all over the Arab world. It aims to encourage research and disseminate it in the field of education by highlighting the importance of the role of researchers in developing educational thought and educational planning to empower educators through formulating good and balanced education that contributes to reducing the knowledge gap between developed and developing societies.

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Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of Alexandria University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, confirmed that the university has formed a committee to document the university’s buildings and heritage holdings within the cultural heritage project of Alexandria University, and that a large folder is being prepared containing all of the university’s cultural heritage, in addition to establishing a unit to manage its cultural heritage. This came during the Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Council meeting.
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The Vice President of the University, stressed to the vice-deans the need for the occupational safety and health units in the university’s faculties to review all safety procedures during the winter period, review all roofs, electricity cables, windows, and rainwater drainage points, and complete all necessary maintenance work to avoid any potential risks.
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The Council agreed to form an expanded committee of vice-deans to prepare and participate in the criteria for the green classification of universities, as well as the next edition of the Supreme Council of Universities competition to choose the best environmentally friendly university.
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The Council reviewed the report submitted by Dr. Walid Abdelazim, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, regarding the hearing session on developing and increasing the capacity of the Western Purification Plant for sewage treatment with the aim of protecting Lake Mariout and the Mediterranean Sea from pollution, in addition to benefiting from treated wastewater in agricultural work in the New Delta.
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The Council discussed the formation of a committee to coordinate the work of Alexandria University’s research farms in the tenth village of Abis, in order to maximize the use of the university’s resources, in coordination between the Faculties of Agriculture in both El-Shatby and Saba Pasha campuses.
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The Council reviewed the report submitted by the Faculty of Medicine on the faculty’s organization of an awareness campaign against the dangers of drug addiction at Alexandria Sporting Club, as well as the organization of a book fair in the educational sector at Al-Mowasat Hospital for faculty members, students and workers to display a variety of various cultural, artistic and scientific books at reduced prices.
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The Council reviewed the report submitted by the Faculty of Education on organizing a workshop to activate the community participation of universities in the population issue in preparation for participation in the World Conference on Population, Health, and Development 2024, as well as the number of literacy classes that were registered during the months of November and December 2023.
The Council reviewed the report submitted by Dr. Sameh Nakhla, Director of the University’s Measurement and Evaluation Centre, on the digital transformation at Alexandria University’s different faculties, where digital transformation projects for measurement and evaluation were presented in the faculties of Tourism and Hotels, Physical Education for Boys, and Physical Education for Girls, funded by the Higher Education Development Projects Management Unit.
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The Board of Trustees of the faculties and institutes of Alexandria University, headed by Mr. Mohamed Fathi Abul-Nasr, Secretary-General of the University, reviewed the the importance of continuing examination monitoring and control work in the various faculties of the University until the results of the end of the first semester exams are announced with the same quality of outstanding performance.
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 The Secretary General of the University also stressed the efforts needed to assist faculty leaders in preparing to participate in the Best University Competition in the Republic, for which evaluation criteria will be set by the Supreme Council of Universities, to ensure first place in this important competition.
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 In the presence of Dr. Nabil Allam, Director of the Anti-Addiction Fund in Alexandria, and Dr. Amira Zaki, former dean of the Faculty of Science, the Council reviewed the measures it is taking in this regard, pointing out the organization of awareness seminars and periodic campaigns to detect and ensure the safety of all workers.
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