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Today, Thursday, March 21, 2024, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received a Fulbright Commission delegation headed by Dr. Maggie Nassif, Executive Director of the Commission, to discuss and enhance ways of research and academic cooperation between the two sides, introduce Fulbright grants for research and study in the United States of America, and contribute to enhancing and developing the skills of researchers and faculty members at Alexandria University.
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The meeting was attended by the Vice Presidents of the University, the Deans of Faculties and Institutes of Alexandria University, and officials of the International Relations Office, Foreign University Branches, and the University’s Project Management Unit.
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During the meeting, Dr. Konsowa stressed Alexandria University’s keenness on itsclose relations with the Fulbright Commission in Egypt, explaining that the university always seeks to cooperate with the commission to introduce researchers and faculty members to the grants offered by the commission, pointing out that there will be cooperation through the commission with American universities that have dual academic degrees with Alexandria University to study or cooperate in research for a period of one or two semesters. He also pointed out that cooperation mechanisms were discussed in various scientific and academic fields, including the fields of medicine, engineering, arts, architecture, nursing, information technology, humanities, law, and business, by bringing in experts from the United States of America for training, teaching, and transferring experiences.

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While Dr. Maggie Nassif stressed the depth of the relations between Alexandria University and the Fulbright Commission, given the distinguished reputation that Alexandria University enjoys at the international level, praising the university’s role in developing scientific research, improving the quality of the educational process, and constantly working to develop its human resources and keeping pace with global scientific developments in various specializations. Dr. Nassif also reviewed the scholarships provided by the Fulbright Commission are to study, conduct research, and train in the United States of America.
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During the meeting, the programs and opportunities provided by the Comission to researchers and faculty members to develop their skills were reviewed, including master’s and doctoral programs.

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