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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, announced the completion of all preparations of the university's faculties and institutes to start the new academic year, and to provide an appropriate educational environment for all Alexandria University affiliates, as the academic year will start on Saturday, September 28, 2024, noting the readiness of all faculties to regulate the educational process from the first day of study, announce timetables, and prepare lecture halls,, laboratories, libraries and medical clinics in the faculties. The university president stressed to the deans of the faculties that each faculty should develop a plan to receive new and old students and introduce them to the various student activities within the university campus, and place signboards, in addition to providing various means of safety and security in all facilities, and the availability of medical staff in clinics within the university faculties. He also directed the need to ensure the good reception of students, and hold student meetings to introduce them to the nature of university life and integrate them in student activities.
Dr. Konsowa announced that the activities and events that will be organized by Alexandria University at the beginning of the academic year and throughout the year come within the framework of the presidential initiative "Bidaya" ("Beginning") launched by His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to build the Egyptian person. Dr. Konsowa stressed that the university directed all its efforts to support the initiative to enhance students' capabilities, hone their skills, develop their talents and adopt them, raise students' awareness of the culture of volunteer and community work, deepen the values ​​of belonging, loyalty and acceptance of others, and train students in various life skills. He explained that the university will launch a variety of activities and events at the beginning of the academic year that include achieving the goals of the initiative through seminars, workshops, launching comprehensive convoys to the most needy villages, opening literacy classes, and holding various sports activities through a work program aimed at developing Alexandria University students in order to advance both the society and the nation.
For his part, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, indicated that the university dorms for male and female students have prepared to receive students, and the accommodation procedures will begin before the start of the new academic year at their different locations in Smouha, Saba Pasha and Shatby areas. He added that the university dorms have started paper applications for fresh students, and applications will continue until the end of this month at the university city headquarters in Ezbet Saad. He added that Alexandria University is keen to support students in the field of student activities, noting that the university has prepared integrated programs to provide a package of student activities that are compatible with the talents and needs of various students in the sports, artistic, social and scouts fields, in addition to research and scientific activities, especially since Alexandria University students have achieved first place in many activities over several years, explaining that the university does not hesitate to provide support to its outstanding and talented students. Dr. Abdelmohsen announced that the university has also prepared a package of procedures to provide all means of support and availability for students with disabilities, and to provide all aspects of care and facilities for them at the beginning of the academic year, and to involve them in all various student events and activities that allow them Integration into the university community.
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