
important news


Alexandria University President Dr. Essam El-Kurdi declared that there is 350 feddan allocated for the establishment of the Faculty

of Medical and Technological Sciences in Borg Al Arab. The new faculty will produce technical alumni in all medical disciplines.

This came during the participation in the meeting of the Faculty Council of Medicine headed by the Dean Dr. Ahmed Othman.

Dr. Kurdi added that the coming period will see advances in the administrative work using automation and restructuring of some faculties using credit hours system.



Alexandria University Council for Graduate Studies and Research headed by AU vice president Dr. Hisham Gaber adopted the proposal of creating Master degree in blood bank in the Institute of Medical Researches.

The Council also adopted the proposal of creating Specialized Diploma in Applied Medical Chemistry and Professional Diploma in Biomedical Chemistry in the Institute of Medical Researches.

my university


Alexandria University vice president Dr. Hisham Gaber announced that the university was ranked in the position 700 among the best 1000 university in the world according to Shanghai academic ranking for 2017.

He added that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research selected Alexandria University with Ain Shams and Asiut University to work with intensively in the issue of improving the ranking of the Egyptian Universities.


Alexandria University Vice president for Matrouh branch Affairs Dr. Mohamed Ismael during the last session of branch council presented the final preparations for the new academic year 2017/ 2018. Dr. Ismael added that auditoriums have been prepared and laboratories have been equipped as well as all maintenance works to facilitate the education process. The Council also determined the dates of admission tests in the faculties before the beginning of academic year.

The new students will be subjected to medical check-up through the Ministry of Health hospitals in Matrouh in addition to virus c examination from 9th to 14th of September in the Public Hospital of Matrouh.


President of Alexandria University Dr. Essam El-Kurdy stressed that the Faculty of Medicine is one of the main pillars in the university. He tribute the significant role of the faculty in the last events in Khurshid train accident and receiving injured .The Rector thanked the teaching staff and employees in university hospitals for caring and serving injured and patients.

This came during his participation in the Faculty of Medicine Council meeting headed by Dr. Ahmed Othman, the Faculty Dean. Dr. Kurdy congratulated the faculty for renewing the accreditation from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education and said that the university established the medical council to set standard criteria to raise the quality in all university hospitals. He pointed out that the university

is waiting the law of university hospitals after being adopted by the Parliament.