
important news


The first conference for graduate studies will provide an opportunity to highlight the research being done by the graduate students.




The President of Alexandria University Dr. Essam El Kordi has witnessed signing with first letters on a letter of intent for cooperation between the Faculty of Medicine represented by the Dean Dr. Ahmed Othman, and the counterpart of the University of Manchester represented by Dr. Kith Brinan.

Dr. Kordi said that University of Manchester is one of scientific institutions with well reputation that Alexandria University seeks to build partnership with. He added that the cooperation aims at medical education development, building capacities of the students and creation of world job opportunities.

Dr. Ahmed Othman declared that the agreement contributes in improving the mutual medical program between Alexandria and Manchester Universities as common curricula will be developed following the requirements of the UK National Accreditation Body and the national standards of medical education in Egypt.

The agreement signing was attended by Dr. Hisham Gaber the University Vice President for Education and Students Affairs, Dr. Mohamed Hisham the Deputy of the Faculty of Medicine for Education and Students Affairs, Dr. Gihan Gwifl the Vice President for International Cooperation, Dr. Ibrahim Rehab the University Advisor of African Affairs and Dr. Colin Lancer the main officer for international cooperation in the University of Manchester.



The President of Alexandria University Dr. Essam El Kordi received the Consul General of China in Alexandria Mr. Jiao Lee Ying and the Education Advisor of China Embassy Mr. Sung BU. The visit comes within the cooperation between Egypt and China to establish Confucius Institute in Alexandria University in collaboration with Shanghai University with objectives to spread the Chinese language and create chances for communication and civilization exchange.

Dr. Kordi stated that Confucius Institute will be established in Alexandria University to be distinguished rather than other ones in all Egypt. He said that the institute will have professional nature beside its basic cultural nature as it will provide trainingfor the students to support them in the labor market.

The Consul said that the establishment of Confucius Institute inside a prestigious institution like Alexandria University is important event. He added that Shanghai University will provide Professors and specialists for teaching Chinese language.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Hisham Gaber the University Vice President for Education and Students Affairs, Dr. Mokhtar Yousef the University Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr Ghada Musa the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Gihan Gwifl the Vice President for International Cooperation and a group of university Professors.


The President of Alexandria University Dr. Essam Elkordi and University Deputies received the Secretary General of the Euro Med Cities Network Mr. Bernard Massabo to discuss ways of joint collaboration and exchange experiences in innovation fields. They also discussed joint collaboration with Niece in establishment of smart cities innovation centers to meet Alexandria residents' needs.

Dr. Elkordi emphasized that Alexandria University is looking forward to conduct many cooperation agreements with French universities and cooperate with Euro Med Cities in the proposed project and provide academic support in many fields.

Mr. Massabo declared that the project was adopted by Union for Mediterranean and financed by French Development Agency under the frame of cooperation with Mediterranean cities generally and Fes, Tunis and Alexandria in particular.



Dr. Essam Elkordi, the President of Alexandria University received Mis. Elizabeth White, the Director of British Council in Cairo and Mis. Neveen Abaza, the Director of British Council in Alexandria for strengthening collaboration and scientific exchanging between Alexandria University and British universities especially in medical, engineering and data technology fields.

Dr. Elkordi emphasized that Alexandria University looking forward to cooperate with British universities research and innovation fields. He added that the university will receive delegation of University of Manchester in England to sign number of joint cooperation agreements.

Mis. White mentioned the British Council's establishment ceremony for 80 year in Egypt and the council efforts to cope with the Egyptian society needs through various initiatives in scientific and research field. 

The meeting was attended by the Vice President of University for Education and Student Affairs Dr. Hisham Gaber, Vice President of University for Graduate Studies and Researches Dr. Mokhtar Youssef and Dr. Gihan, Vice President of University for Academic internationalization and International Cooperation.