important news

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Within the framework of the fruitful cooperation between Alexandria University and the Freedom Center for Creativity in Alexandria, Dr. Abdel Aziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, witnessed, on Sunday evening, 9/4/2023, the award ceremony of the Choir Festival and Solo Singing for students of Alexandria University faculties, at the Freedom Center for Creativity in Alexandria, in the presence of Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Enas Diab, Director of the Freedom Center for Creativity, and the deans and vice deans of the various faculties.
In his speech, Dr. Abdel Aziz Konsowa congratulated the Christian brothers on the occasion of the Palm Sunday celebration, and stressed that Alexandria University provides all support for the various student activities aimed at refining the students’ personality, and providing them with the skills and capabilities that enable them to be creative and able to take responsibility and participate in building the new republic, and congratulated His Excellency He wished the winning teams more progress and excellence, and pointed out that the university is seeking to form a choir team at the highest level of excellence and will receive all support from the university administration.
In her speech, Dr. Enas Diab expressed her happiness with holding this celebration in the Freedom Center for Creativity, based on the center's mission to promote serious arts and high culture and to encourage and support creative youth in confirmation of the soft power of our beloved Egypt, which comes as confirmation of the university's interest in supporting cultural and artistic activities for youth and encouraging promising talents in Areas of individual and group vocal performance.
This was followed by announcing the results of the festival and honoring the winning colleges in the first three places. The results of the festival resulted in the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Commerce winning the first place equally, the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys winning the second place, and the Faculty of Science winning the third place, and the first place award in solo singing was won by the student Yahya Farag. From the Faculty of Physical Education, the student Sarah Aziz won the second place, the Faculty of Education, and the third place, the student Fouad Samir, the Faculty of Commerce, and the student Mayar Saad, the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science, came in the fourth place, and the student Mariam Jamal, the Faculty of Science, came in the fifth place.
The ceremony included performances by the Faculty of Commerce choir team - led by Dr. Sherihan Al-Hudaini, and the university's folklore team, in cooperation with the Alexandria Culture, trained by the artist/ Nasr El-Din Mohamed, and a paragraph presented by the choir team of the College of Education - led by Dr. Islam Saeed.
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Within the framework of achieving the fifth goal of the sustainable development goals, and two years after the formation of the Alliance of Universities for Gender Equality, which includes eleven international Francophone universities, including the University of Alexandria, the University Agency for La Francophonie (AUF) issued the final booklet summarizing the achievements of the Alliance.
Dr. Ghada Abdel-Wahhab Al-Khayyat, Head of the Information Systems and Computers Department at the Faculty of Business and Executive Director of the Center for Educational Innovations and Distance Learning at the university, indicated that she participated in a workshop in the middle of last month in Paris, representing the University of Alexandria, to discuss the work of the Francophone Alliance for Gender Equality in universities, explaining that she had adopted Work on the project by developing the fourth axis of the axes adopted by the coalition, which is the axis of "education based on equality".
"Gender egalitarian Pedagogy", to which the university's educational innovation system contributed.
She added that the period of work with the coalition was an opportunity to present the achievements of the Egyptian state in terms of working on the issue of women and gender equality, and to present the efforts of Alexandria University in this field and what is being accomplished through the Unit for Combating Violence against Women, as these efforts were referred to in the published booklet, She drew attention to the continuity of Alexandria University's contribution by accepting a new group of trainees on the MOOC, on the fourth of April 2023, which was the fruit of the Open2Sustain project, in which a number of international Francophone universities participated, including the University of Alexandria.
She added that the University of Alexandria submitted a proposal to the National Council for Women to generalize the training of teachers on education based on equality as an innovative initiative from Alexandria University, and it is expected to bring many fruits at the level of university education.
** The final brochure of the coalition can be viewed via the link:
** The attached video also summarizes the vision of the participating universities to implement the goal of gender equality:

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Today, Wednesday the 5th of April 2023, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs at Alexandria University, received Mr. Hu Muqing, Director of the Shanghai Art Collection Museum in China, and his accompanying delegation, to discuss strengthening academic and cultural cooperation between Alexandria and Shanghai.
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The meeting was attended by Dr. Mohamed Anwar, Dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Hani Khamis, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Dina Mandour, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Dr. Sameh Shehata, Supervisor of the International Relations Office at Alexandria University, and Dr. Nashwa Fouad, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels for Graduate Studies and Research.
During the meeting, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour stressed the keenness of Alexandria University on joint cooperation, especially in the presence of a twinning agreement between the cities of Alexandria and Shanghai. He pointed out that the cooperation will be in the fields of antiquities and arts, strengthening relations between the cities of Alexandria and Shanghai, which have a long history and civilization, as well as consolidating cooperation between Alexandria University and Chinese universities, activating the exchange of students, professors, and study programs in academic and research fields of common interest. El-Ghandour welcomed cooperation in the fields of antiquities and museums, especially since Alexandria University has 14 museums that contain several documents, collections, paintings, archaeological maps, and rare artifacts.
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For his part, the director of the Shanghai Art Collection Museum confirmed that there are close relations between the Museum and Alexandria University, pointing to the participation of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, in the activities of the Photography Forum in China. He also pointed out the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the twinning agreement between Shanghai and Alexandria last year, and the holding of a photography exhibition on the side-lines of that agreement entitled "A Tale of Two Cities from Shanghai to Alexandria." He also referred to the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Supreme Council of Antiquities, in order to facilitate cooperation with the museums of the city of Alexandria affiliated to the Ministry of Antiquities, libraries, universities and other Egyptian cultural institutions, stressing his pleasure to enhance mutual cooperation, to implement the twinning agreement between Shanghai and Alexandria and exchange relations through art and mutual culture between the two cities. Hu Muqing also called on Alexandria University to participate in the establishment of a photography forum in China, scheduled to be held next June 2023, especially since Alexandria University is one of the universities that overlook the Mediterranean.




Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr. Manal Fawzy Ahmed, Chair of the Man and Biosphere (MAB) Committee of the Egyptian National Commission for UNESCO and former Head of the Environmental Sciences Department at the Faculty of Science, on the occasion of her selection among 12 experts in the International Advisory Committee for the International MAB Program of UNESCO, as of the first of January 2023, for a period of 4 years, in light of her contribution and expertise in the field of preserving biological diversity and biotechnology, wishing her success and progress.
It is noteworthy that UNESCO announced since 1971 the Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB), which is an international governmental scientific program that aims to lay the scientific foundations necessary to improve relations between population and the environment, in addition to adopting a research agenda that combines several scientific branches within the framework of natural sciences and social sciences, for the purposes of sustainable development, the use and conservation of biodiversity, and the improvement of connections at the global level between peoples and the environmental conditions surrounding them.




Within the framework of Alexandria University’s role in social solidarity and community service, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, participated in the activities of the Iftar campaign in the second village of Abis, with the participation of the "Students for Egypt" fraternity and Ehna El Kheir "We Are the Good" Foundation, where iftar meals and bags of goods were distributed during the campaign.
The University President expressed his appreciation of this initiative and its noble societal goals, as a symbiotic initiative that supports different groups of the most deserving citizens and thanked all those in charge of implementing the initiative.
Among the participants of the campaign were Dr. Sameh Nakhla, pioneer of the fraternity, Dr. Walid Abdelazim, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Community Service and Environmental Development, Mr. Shehab Mahrous, Director General of Youth Welfare, and Mrs. Mona Mahmoud, CEO of Ehna El Kheir Foundation.