
important news

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Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received today, Wednesday, November 2, 2022, Ambassador Michele Quaroni, the Italian Ambassador in Cairo, and his accompanying delegation, to discuss strengthening joint cooperation between Alexandria University and Italian universities, in the presence of the university’s vice presidents, and Mr. Mario Di Pasquale, Consul of Italy Honorary Degree in Alexandria, Mrs. Maria La Rocha, Counselor of the Italian Embassy, ​​Deans of the Faculties of Engineering, Science, Dentistry, Fine Arts, Nursing, the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, and officials of the University's International Relations Office.
During the meeting, the president of the university stressed the depth of the historical relations between Egypt and Italy, stressing the university's keenness to cooperate with Italian universities in areas of common interest, through scientific and cultural projects and joint and double academic degrees in different disciplines, within the framework of Alexandria University's continuous endeavor to establish partnerships and scientific degrees with prestigious international universities, and the president of the university indicated the possibility of starting a program to teach the Italian language and culture at the Faculty of Arts, which would contribute to the dissemination of the culture of the two countries.
The Italian ambassador in Cairo expressed his happiness with this meeting, stressing his country's keenness to strengthen ties with Egyptian universities, especially Alexandria University with its unique location and ancient history. Joint cooperation.
During the meeting, cooperation agreements signed between Alexandria University and Italian universities in Catania, Rome, Milan, Naples and Carrara and ways to enhance cooperation through these agreements were reviewed, as well as the 8 agreements under signature to enhance academic cooperation between Alexandria University and Italian universities, which can extend to reviving some projects. The same with the Egyptian-Roman-Greek cultural heritage through cooperation between academic and governmental bodies

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 Saturday the 29th of October 2022, Alexandria University held a symposium on “Climate Change and Green Transformation: The Vision of Alexandria University”, in the presence of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, High-Level Climate Change Champion for the Egyptian Presidency to the United Nations Convention for Climate Change COP27 and the UN Special Envoy on Financing 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Among the attendees were also current and former university presidents and vice presidents, deans and vice-deans of faculties, faculty members, members of the House of Representatives and Senate, heads of business associations, civil society and unions in Alexandria, presidents and representatives of boards of directors of industrial companies in Alexandria, in addition to a group of specialists, and university students.
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In his speech, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa welcomed Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin to the University of Alexandria, stressing that climate change has become one of the most important issues that affect the path of development, and that the shift to green industry is the locomotive for sustainable development. He pointed out the participation of Alexandria University in this important file at the COP27 climate conference, through its professors and specialized centres, presenting its vision and suggestions to decision makers. Dr. Konsowa also highlighted the cooperation between Alexandria University and many partners at the governmental, academic, and industrial levels regarding the issue of climate change, and he said that Alexandria University has prepared 9 projects in the field of environmental sustainability, in collaboration with several universities and scientific bodies to participate in the COP27 climate conference. These projects include the use of green hydrogen and green ammonia in the fertilizer industry in cooperation with the Egyptian Chemical Industries Company (Kima), the establishment of the Alexandria University Company for Energy and Water Services, the localization of the electric car industry inside Egypt through the design and manufacture of the electric bus and the electric car, the role of the Suez Canal in reducing carbon emissions on the global level, the establishment of the Alexandria University Centre for the blue-green economy, the role of Egypt as a regional centre for Energy, the production of green and grey hydrogen, the establishment of the Electronic Components Manufacturing Centre, in addition to the establishment of the Alexandria University Centre for Sustainable Development, with the aim of achieving sustainable development goals within the Alexandria University campus in order to turn it into a green university.
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For his part, Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin expressed his pleasure to be a guest of the prestigious Alexandria University, stressing that the nine projects presented by Alexandria University at COP27 reflect great efforts and fruitful work in which all dimensions of each project are integrated through scientific research, the practical implementation of the project, and the presence of an industrial partner. Mohieldin outlined several climate action priorities that should be focused on during the coming period, stressing the need to adopt a comprehensive and integrated approach that addresses the climate crisis within the framework of sustainable development, including providing investments also in the water and energy sectors, which contributes to facing extreme poverty and providing job opportunities. He also stressed on the importance of the idea of localizing development with the aim of community participation, referring to the National Green Projects Initiative under the auspices of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, as the first national initiative of its kind at the governorate level, to select the best projects in each of the 27 governorates of Egypt, to confirm the community’s participation in the grand project of hosting COP27, that is considered the largest event in terms of attendance and representation on the global level, through the presence of heads of state, heads of governments and ministers, as well as civil society in its various organizations and companies, in addition to research and scientific centers.
He also referred to the Egyptian presidency's adoption of several projects throughout the current year in which Egypt assumes the presidency of the COP27, to achieve benefit not only for the purposes of climate action, but also for development purposes.
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While Dr. Essam Wahba, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs, gave a presentation on the vision of Alexandria University and the nine projects through which Alexandria University will participate in the Climate Conference, stressing that the university’s projects witness cooperation and integration between three main partners: the academic community that provides creativity and innovation, the industrial community, and state executive and legislative institutions. Dr. Wahba pointed out the establishment of a solar energy plant within the Faculty of Engineering premises, in cooperation with the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce through Euro-Mediterranean support, as part of the transformation of Alexandria University into a green campus.
The President of the University and Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin listened to a number of comments and questions from the attendees, which contribute to presenting more ideas at the COP27 summit.
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At the end of the symposium, the President of the University honoured Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin in appreciation of his efforts in the various tasks he accomplished during his various positions throughout his years of service.
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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, a cycling race and marathon events were launched this morning, as part of the Scientific Conference on Climate Change and Sports, organized by the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Physical Education in Abu Qir from 27-29 October 2022, with the participation, support and sponsorship of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Universities Sports Federation, the Ministry of Environment, the Egyptian General Authority for Tourism Development, and a number of sponsoring organizations.
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Dr. Mohamed Belal, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education in Abu Qir, Dr. Amani Ismail, Dean of the Faculty of Science, vice-deans of faculties, a number of civil society organizations, and more than 1,500 male and female students participated in the marathon, as part of the forum’s activities.
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The marathon started from Camp Caesar area until Qait Bey Citadel west of the city, where the first place awards ceremony was held for winners in both cycling and running races.
The activities of the conference started yesterday at the Faculty of Science, and included several lectures, such as that delivered by Dr. Mohamed Kamal, Professor of Sports Injuries and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education for Postgraduate Studies and Research, on “Nanotechnology Programs in Sportswear to Counter Climate Changes and their Relationship to Sports Injuries”, while Dr. Hisham El-Askari, Executive Vice President for Space Projects and Missions Affairs at the Egyptian Space Agency, and Professor of Remote Sensing and Earth Systems Sciences at Chapman University - USA, held an online lecture via Zoom technology, on “Climate Change and its Consequences.” Dr. Amr El-Sammak, professor of marine environment and former CEO of the Environmental Affairs Agency, spoke about “Environment and Climate Change - Intertwined Relationships”, while Dr. Ahmed Omran, Professor of Sports Injuries and Physical Rehabilitation for people with disabilities, and Head of the Sports Health and Biological Sciences Department, held a lecture on "Environmental Footprint and Conditions for Organizing Olympic Games".
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Today, Thursday, the 27th of October 27, 2022, under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, the Taha Hussein Center for Students with Disabilities at Alexandria University hosted Parliament Member Hoda Abdelsattar, a designated member of the House of Representatives for the Coordination of Youth Parties and Politicians (member of the Social Solidarity Committee), to discuss the problems and challenges facing the center’s students and their parents.
Dr. Mahmoud Farag, vice president of the center, indicated that it aims to integrate students of determination and disabilities into civil society as they are part of the community, pointing out that the center promotes the services provided to students and the various events held to facilitate their integration into the Alexandrian society.
He explained that the center serves Alexandria University's both undergraduate and postgraduate students with disabilities, as it includes more than 1,600 deaf, with speech disability, physically-disabled, and visually-impaired students, among other integration students. During the meeting, Dr. Farag highlighted the services and facilities provided to the students through 9 different departments, such as the Student Affairs Department, which handles all student admissions and paperwork, another department that converts lectures and textbooks into Braille language, as well as the Audio Library Department, which converts printed books to audio recordings, the Arts Department which includes a theatre group of visually-impaired, deaf, and mental disability students, and the Library department, which includes books in history, Islamic studies among various other fields.
Ms. Hoda Abdelsattar stressed during the meeting that the House of Representatives seeks to improve the conditions of students with disabilities, develop radical solutions to their problems, raise their skills and integrate them into society through many activities and training programs. She also pointed out the importance of raising social awareness on how to interact with people with disabilities, in order to avoid exposing them to psychological problems. The PM held an open dialogue with the students' parents to discuss their requests and needs.

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At the beginning of the University Council meeting, Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, congratulated the council members on the occasion of the October War Victory memorial day, the Prophet’s Mohamed's birthday, and the start of the new academic year 2022/2023 in both Alexandria University and Alexandria National University.
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* Dr. Nabil pointed out the importance of Egypt's Economic Conference organized during the period from 23-25 ​​October, and the participation of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University in the activities of this conference, which discusses Egypt's economic challenges and sets a road map to develop and sustain the national economy.
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* The Council agreed to increase the number of scholarships for postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Commerce by 300 students, in addition to 200 previous scholarships, bringing the total number of scholarships to 500.
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* The Council approved the establishment of a professional master's degree in health professions education at the Faculty of Medicine.
* The Council also approved the establishment of a professional master's degree in information technology - data science and technology at the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research.
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* The Council approved the partnership agreement between Alexandria University and the Francophone University Agency (AUF), the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University (the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research) and the Alexandria Specialized Petroleum Products Company (ASPC), the proposed student exchange agreement between Alexandria University and the University of Alabama at Birmingham in the United States of America, and the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University (Faculty of Engineering) and Kings University in South Korea, Department of Nuclear Power Plants. It also approved the agreement between Alexandria University (Faculty of Nursing) and Degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi University in Italy, and the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and Doshisha University in Japan.
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* The Council agreed to accept the donation presented by El-Kayar Company for Trade, Engineering and Commercial Agencies in the sum of about one and a half million Egyptian pounds to establish and equip a clinical pharmacy in the Hematology Unit - Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine.
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* The council approved the promotion of 22 faculty members, 15 to the position of professor, and 7 to the position of associate professor, as well as the appointment of 20 lecturers. The council also agreed to grant 35 doctorate degrees and 68 master's degrees in various scientific disciplines.