important news


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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received in his office the delegation of the National Bureau for Academic Accreditation and Education Quality Assurance in the State of Kuwait, accompanied by Dr. Ahmed Al-Mutairi, the Kuwaiti cultural advisor, and Dr. Khaled Al-Muhareb, the Kuwaiti cultural attaché to the office of Alexandria, after a visit by the delegation to the faculties of medicine and dentistry, and the Mowasat Medical Complex, to inspect the classrooms and see the educational services provided by the university to students, and to meet Kuwaiti students in these faculties.
During the reception of the Kuwaiti delegation, Dr. Konsowa stressed the keenness of Alexandria University to take care of Kuwaiti students studying in its various faculties, offering them the best ways of modern education and distinguished programs scientifically and culturally, as well as providing the opportunity to cultural and sports activities, in addition to providing facilities and services, and solving all the difficulties they may face from through the International Students Office. Dr. Konsowa also reviewed during the meeting the university's vision and future expansion through the new Alexandria National University, and the establishment of Alexandria International University soon, as well as expansion in central and western Africa through the university’s branches in Chad and South Sudan. He also reviewed the existing cooperation between Alexandria University and global institutions and universities through joint degrees and programs, academic and student exchange, advanced educational programs that are compatible with the needs of the new labour market, and the transformation to the credit hours system.
For their part, the members of the delegation expressed their thanks and great appreciation to the University of Alexandria and its leaders for providing full care for Kuwaiti students studying at Alexandria University. They also expressed their aspiration for more cooperation with a great and prominent scientific edifice such as Alexandria University.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Ahmed Adel Abdelhakim, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Dean of the faculty of Medicine, and Dr. Hala Maklad, Executive Director of the University’s International Students Department.
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The Organizing Committee for the activities of the ninth summit for the ideal male and female student and the second forum for goodwill ambassadors for students with disabilities 2023, announced the results of the forum.
The results included the second-place ideal male student prize at the level of Egyptian universities for Alexandria University student Karim Hossam Talaat Ahmed, fourth-year student at Management Information Systems Department (English Section). In the group competition, Karim Hossam in partnership with his colleagues at Alexandria University team also won the third place at the level of Egyptian universities.
It is worth noting that the forum was held at Fayoum University, under the auspices of Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, with the participation of 16 public and private universities, represented by 32 male students and 32 female students.
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As part of the activities of the Alexandria University Cultural Salon, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, participated today, in the educational seminar organized by the Faculty of Arts under the title "The Role of Cultural Platforms in Developing Youth Awareness", in which speakers included Dr. Helmy El-Namnam, former Minister of Culture, Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the Library of Alexandria, and Dr. Enas Diab, Professor at the Faculty of Specific Education and Director of Horreya Creativity Centre. The event took place the Grand Hall of the Faculty and Leadership Development Centre at the Faculty of Nursing in Smouha, in the presence of Dr. Hani Khamis Abdo, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and Dr. Mohamed Abdellah, former university president, as well as deans, vice-deans, faculty members and university students.
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In his speech on this occasion, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa welcomed the attendees, stressing the university's keenness to hold educational seminars and host enlightened cultural symbols in order to spread awareness among its students, so that culture as a comprehensive concept becomes an essential pillar in building their personalities. He stressed the association of economic development to cultural development, and the need to raise awareness and introduce the efforts of the state in the implementation of a large number of national projects, in light of huge challenges at all levels. Dr. Konsowa affirmed that that the only solution to all problems is good education and enhancing the feeling of belonging to the homeland. He explained that the university is working according to the rapidly and dynamically developing strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education, in order to improve the quality of education, to reach a globally high level, capable of building the new republic through an integrated system of public, private and international universities, and providing learning opportunities and increasing knowledge. He directed students to benefit from the knowledge bank that allows access to scientific research free of charge that is not available to many students in the countries of the world as it is an unprecedented Egyptian experience. The University President directed the students to exert all efforts to obtain knowledge in the different disciplines, explaining that education is a continuous process that does not stop, as it has to keep pace with rapid changes in the various scientific and academic fields.
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Dr. Helmy El-Namnam expressed his pleasure for being at Alexandria University, which was founded by Dr. Taha Hussein, one of the most prominent symbols of culture in Egypt and the Arab world, stressing the importance of this seminar. He pointed out that the issue of awareness is an inevitable necessity for all societies, for all groups of people, at all times in general, and at the present time in particular, where countries face the problems of fragmentation and division. He added that we are at a time when many societies around us were facing this danger, while Egypt was able to overcome many attempts of division, thanks to the cohesion between the Egyptian people and its deep-rooted institutions, including the army, police, Al-Azhar and the Egyptian Church. Dr. El-Namnam stressed the need to work and continue to spread cultural awareness to continue this national cohesion facing all of these attempts.
Dr. Ahmed Zayed pointed to cooperation between Alexandria University and Bibliotheca Alexandrina in many cultural activities that contribute to spreading awareness and culture in Alexandrian society. He stressed the importance of expanding the concept of awareness to building the mind and self and how to form a conscious self-capable of guarding itself from external conspiracies that aim to control the minds, in light of societies that suffer from many dangers such as illiteracy, terrorism, pollution and lack of awareness. He stressed the importance of how we must identify the problems facing our country and develop comprehensive solutions according to the jurisprudence of priorities, where young people face the danger of consumption culture and the gap between ambition and possibilities expands. He also pointed to the danger of social networking sites that represent a double-edged sword that can have a positive impact as a tool for culture and communication but can also be used negatively as a tool for segregation, spreading aggressive ideas, destroying awareness and dismantling society.
Dr. Hani Khamis pointed to the role of Alexandria University and the Faculty of Arts in raising awareness, spreading enlightening thought and discussing societal issues in light of the challenges facing our homelands through negative phenomena that disturb the public and broadcast negative energy and fear of the future, spreading rumours through modern media and technology. He explained that culture and art play a pivotal role in spreading awareness, spreading the spirit of belonging and loyalty to the homeland and enhancing the feeling of national identity. He highlighted the role of the Ministry of Culture in opening cultural centres in various governorates in order to provide cultural activities and events that spread awareness among young people. Dr. Khamis praised the role of the Library of Alexandria as a beacon of culture, that provides an opportunity to discuss national problems and challenges, provide unconventional solutions, and enhance youth awareness by developing a culture of reading.
Dr. Enas Diab stressed the importance of cultural platforms in promoting communication and cooperation among young people through offering cultural, artistic, and educational events to build a coherent society. She explained that cultural centres organize many workshops, theatrical performances, exhibitions of plastic art and photography, concerts, cultural, literary, poetic events, drawing workshops and cinema clubs. These activities provide cultural, emotional and social support for youth, encourage innovation and creativity, promote the values of culture, belonging, diversity, qualification and training of young people for the labour market, and support for people with cultural and social determination, indicating the role of Horreya Creativity Centre in organizing many activities, events and cultural seminars in cooperation with Alexandria University, to raise the level of awareness among young people, and its future plan to increase these activities.
The seminar concluded by several discussions between the guests and the attendees from students of various faculties, during which they stressed the importance of continuing organizing events related to spreading awareness and culture and how to confront rumours.
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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the activities of the second scientific forum for graduate students started today, Saturday the 6th of May, at the Faculty of Early Childhood Education, Alexandria University, which was held under the title: “Modern Visions of Scientific Research in the Field of Early Childhood in the light of Sustainable Development” at the Students Activities Campus in Smouha.
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Dr. Rehab Mahmoud Seddik, Dean of the Faculty and President of the Forum, indicated that the aim of holding this forum is to open the door to new educational thought that consolidates the concepts and foundations of sustainable development, believing in the role of early childhood education institutions in instilling these concepts. She pointed out the importance of the forum in highlighting the vital role of scientific research to crown all the efforts exerted in the advancement of the people, as sustainable development targets human beings in general.
The forum was attended by deans of different faculties, as well as deans of faculties of early childhood education and education in Egyptian universities, vice-deans of faculties for postgraduate studies and research, in addition to several faculty members, assistant staff, and postgraduate students at Alexandria University.
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Under the auspices of Dr. Abdel Aziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the work of the Sixth Scientific Conference organized by the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science began yesterday, in the presence of a group of deans of faculties, members of parliament, faculty members, representatives of many civil society organizations, and a large number of researchers and students. His work will last for two days.
In his speech, Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science, stressed the importance of the economic and political axes of the conference, which discuss the current global crises and the Arab world - effects and policies, and the political effects of the Corona crisis and the Russian-Ukrainian war, explaining that the two axes deal with the number of crises that have ravaged international politics and the economy recently. On top of which is the Corona pandemic, climate changes, and the Russian-Ukrainian war, stressing that scientific research in the fields of politics and economics thrives in times of crisis, as researchers and scientists strive to present theses and proposals related to how to deal with the crisis and mitigate its effects.
In the same context, the words of Dr. Osama Al-Adly, Dr. Sherine Naseer, the vice-presidents of the college and the conference's vice presidents, and Dr. Ahmed Sayed Hussein, the conference rapporteur, came.
In terms of the conference work, four sessions were held yesterday, in the economic axis and the political axis, during which ten research papers were presented, and the researchers participating in the conference were honored on its first day, and the conference work will continue today with two sessions that include eleven new research.
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