important news

427776320 793217576178306 4808292991614000051 n 1


Within the framework of Alexandria University’s keenness to develop the personal skills of its students, and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and the supervision of Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, the activities of the cadre preparation camp for the team of new social leaders, which was organized by the university in Port Said governorate, were concluded. The training camp lasted for three days with the participation of 50 male and female students from all university faculties, with the aim of preparing social leaders capable of assuming responsibility, and training them to invest in their human capabilities, engage in the labour market, benefit from student activities at the university, and share their experiences with their colleagues at the university.
The camp was supervised by Mr. Shihab Mahrous, acting director of the General Administration of Youth Welfare at Alexandria University, and Mr. Sherif Salah, supervisor of student activities and supervisor of the social leaders’ team. The camp activities included several seminars and lectures to introduce new students to the role of the Youth Welfare Administration and the various sports, cultural, social and artistic activities that it offers to students during their university years and the role of the University Students’ Union, Fraternities and Scouts


757dffbe dacc 4b13 b71b 4e10b1612b99


Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received Mrs. Polly Ioannou, Ambassador of the State of Cyprus to Cairo, to discuss ways of cooperation between the two sides in various scientific and academic fields. During the visit, an agreement was signed for the Alliance of Cities and Universities in Egypt, Greece, Jordan, Cyprus, Palestine and Lebanon.
For his part, the university president welcomed the ambassador, stressing the depth of relations between the two sides, and stressed the university’s keenness to strengthen, consolidate and continue the bonds of those relations and exchange academic experiences between the two countries in all fields.
For her part, the ambassador stressed the depth of relations between the two sides, noting that the meetings of the regional network of universities and cities will create great opportunities for cooperation between all cities of the alliance.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Ali Abdel Mohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Sameh Shehata, Director of the Office of International Relations, Dr. Jihan Joyfel, Assistant President of the University for Branches of Foreign Universities, and Dr. Bushra Salem, Assistant President of the University. University for International Classifications Affairs.

5c43c483 8cea 4ed7 bcee 50a91c49c503

 4b746184 f597 485e 8762 4f6b8b54ae02



ba6f3a25 aa13 419d af7f 1c22123abc7a


Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, honoured Hayah Karima (Decent Life) Foundation volunteers from university students and the Alexandria community for their positive efforts during the year 2023, in the conference hall of the Faculty of Nursing in Smouha, in the presence of Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, and Brigadier-General Tamer Abdellatif, the Executive Director of Hayah Karima Foundation in Alexandria, as well as Dr. Ahmed Gamal, Dr. Doaa El-Nemr, and Engineer Hisham El-Naggar, coordinators of the Hayah Karima Foundation.
422591906 789697369863660 4885756074213486329 n 
In his speech, Dr. Konsowa welcomed the attendees at Alexandria University, stressing his keenness to participate in this celebration to support the value of volunteering and highlight its importance for building the state and protecting its stability. He saluted and appreciated the volunteers of Hayah Karima Foundation from Alexandria University and the Alexandria community for their role in serving society. Dr. Konsowa also highlighted the Egyptian state’s awareness of its responsibility to support marginalized groups, and the launch of several health and community initiatives by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi all over the country, including the Hayah Karima “Decent Life” initiative, that aims at developing Egypt in an unprecedented way at the regional level, establishing advanced infrastructure, providing integrated community services, and bringing Egypt to the position it deserves. He also stressed the important role of youth in overcoming the obstacles and difficulties facing society through science, hard work, and spreading positive energy among the different groups of society.
422753580 789697453196985 2306969151239891475 n 
Dr. Ahmed Gamal, coordinator of the Hayah Karima Foundation, thanked Alexandria University for supporting the Hayah Karima initiative in performing its role to serve community through the concept of sustainable development, stressing the initiative’s keenness to unite the ranks of civil society as part of the National Alliance for Civil Action, pointing to the importance of investing in people through training and qualification for the requirements of the labour market, which is implemented by the initiative through the Value Training Program at the National Training Academy in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Education.
The ceremony witnessed the honouring of 172 students from Alexandria University and 452 volunteers from Alexandria Governorate for their active role and positive participation in the Decent Life Initiative, in addition to the screening of documentary films about the “Decent Life” initiative and the Value Training Program at the National Training Academy.

422605919 789697673196963 6194306131274081336 n

 422654866 789697689863628 9151435438226976252 n

 422637576 789697693196961 2520588015961231435 n

 422580723 789697823196948 5870888059566580735 n

 422549294 789697826530281 5868077790282004004 n

 422591533 789697819863615 8443253046167397745 n

 422610681 789697919863605 2673736811439522085 n

 422673393 789697933196937 2367389102801215227 n

 422661247 789697943196936 2305575600830291763 n

 422601242 789698063196924 4032428892932467443 n

 422575321 789698076530256 110947502275742628 n

 422586628 789698093196921 1328918147956196327 n

 422586051 789698196530244 7813264701039422282 n

 422595240 789698206530243 3935132750682809806 n

 422585281 789698219863575 374365283941901077 n

 422606253 789698306530233 3021212839689874002 n

 422670640 789698333196897 3349611998773559421 n

 422565209 789698356530228 5823786924160465600 n

 422472119 789698423196888 3654261710382354536 n

 422580660 789698453196885 5809012925941954502 n

 422560433 789698489863548 3283018973397577554 n

 422472119 789698543196876 349580484542051998 n

 422575322 789698569863540 1308933957808913383 n

 422620241 789698609863536 4401444414855051868 n

 d91852a7 9d60 406a a517 6c9c45390424


fc85250d f4fb 44b0 8b47 d184c717f3d1


Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, inspected the construction work at the Faculty of Engineering, stressing the need to adhere to the specified timetable and take into account the quality of implementation, in addition to the necessity of daily follow-up of new constructions occurring at the university level. Dr. Konsowa also inspected the construction work for Lecture Hall 1 at the Faculty of Engineering. He pointed out that the hall was built using the latest state-of-the-art technology used in international universities at a total cost of up to 100 million pounds, with a capacity of 638 seats, and is equipped with a high-speed internet network, a complete air conditioning system using the latest VFR systems, a firefighting system, an audio system, surveillance cameras and display monitors.

1dd6dc91 200c 4b3c 8102 94480552f410

 c06cbdd7 0f7b 4ac3 9bb7 201ad3e7d3ad

426870459 789237096576354 979921122587683978 n

 427811300 789205009912896 66687405558616860 n

 427800174 789235736576490 1324701001899633387 n

 427041614 789237076576356 1383462694389695483 n

 426852088 789235776576486 5102573271276255729 n

 426870493 789237026576361 7351304436348882247 n

 e5793dd1 2c41 4f66 a65c 61b006214b9c

 f730f676 78a4 478f 993c 9c46fecbfb92


bc5e6e1f 8726 49ca bb21 a9d73c7c4651 1


Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, inspected this morning, Saturday, February 10, 2024, the progress of studies at the university’s faculties and institutes at the beginning of the Spring 2024 semester.
427027961 789146669918730 447095185725649516 n 
He was accompanied during the tour by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Environmental Affairs and Community Service, and Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, as well as deans and vice deans of faculties and institutes of Alexandria University.

 427791492 789149126585151 803267363613859769 n

The tour included an inspection of the faculties of the Medical Complex, the Humanities Complex, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Computers and Data Science, and the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science.
During the tour, the University President reassured the regularity of the educational process within the university’s faculties, and the completion of preparations to receive their students.
Dr. Konsowa stressed the necessity of providing all means of support and care for students to obtain educational materials and practice various activities at the university, which contributes to providing them with a suitable educational environment.
Dr. Konsowa listened to presentations by the deans of the faculties on the mechanism and procedures of each faculty for the preparations that were made to receive students at the beginning of the second semester, including educational and administrative services, and the readiness of the halls, lecture timetables and laboratories, as well as maintenance and security services and construction sites in each faculty. Konsowa directed the necessity of continuous follow-up to ensure the implementation of all health procedures and safety measures for all Alexandria University members.

426741521 789155639917833 5592076494087309610 n

427027927 789155689917828 1483233785466966591 n

8c5ec4b1 7cb2 4025 9cb9 e0cc73fa83eb

 c5c307db d43e 4ae1 8443 c0df71827573

427086205 789148713251859 1388077172730859601 n427162625 789148736585190 7832061146593886927 n427135787 789148786585185 6421956797174383312 n426751747 789149023251828 5933290013985536827 n 1c8edd1e f3da 4af0 82b8 2e0d0cdc4367

 c80f7288 0448 4c2a addd 4a34c438bb2e

 3090108f ded4 4d2d 850d a484742e1698

 d8746d65 f4af 470a a876 82d209c29395

 faea4364 9482 44e9 9b5e 1c57fa5657f4

426900301 789154896584574 9101042437412868874 n  b5a543b9 36a5 4450 a5ba fe481a50c1c0

 d6d53e94 14ef 4708 b480 c4ffba1cea71

 4c69cccb 1a0a 4316 8f22 2fcfb08fde6a

 e394d0cc d88e 42e6 91a6 22f8fe279308

 53a68457 ab61 4686 b8d9 73a2c0435b25

 f26d7481 9f8d 4ccd a487 a426859925cf