
important news



The University of Louisville is partnering with Alexandria University to offer an Internship at the University of Louisville in Summer 2024 for undergraduate students enrolled in one of the Alexandria University programs related to biomedical or computer engineering and science. 
     The duration of this internship extends from July 1 to September 30, 2024.
     The travel expenses will be covered by Alexandria University, while living expenses will be compensated by the University of Louisville.  
      If you are an Egyptian undergraduate student at Alexandria University and interested in applying for this internship, please go ahead and fill the application form using the attached link:
Eligibility Criteria:
** Enrolment in one of the Alexandria University programs related to biomedical or computer engineering and science
** CGPA after Spring 2023:  minimum 3.00
** The student should be in 2nd or 3rd level in Fall 2023.
** Full CV in English showing the student's contribution in any activities and/or projects.
**Valid Passport
** A letter of vision of no more than one page (~500 words), showing the personal perspective of the student concerning the summer training and his/her intended objectives.
** Final acceptance will be subject to a personal interview.
*****Deadline: Thursday 27 July 2023 11:45 PM

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Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received a Chinese delegation from Shandong Normal University, headed by Dr. Jing Qing Liang, President of the University, where they discussed means of cooperation and signed a letter of intent in preparation for signing a cooperation protocol to enhance research and academic cooperation between the two sides, in the field of faculty exchange through a number of grants for master's and doctoral studies in various scientific disciplines, establishing educational programs in the field of teaching Arabic language to Chinese students, participating in international seminars and conferences of common interest. The two parties will also discuss participating in holding training courses, workshops and seminars, exchanging periodicals, academic journals, and scientific, artistic and cultural publications between the two sides, exchanging research published in scientific journals issued by both parties, and participation in arbitration of research published in these journals, as well as exchanging experiences in the field of establishing and developing laboratories and research centers.
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During the meeting, the activities of Alexandria University in the field of teaching Arabic and Chinese to students of different nationalities were reviewed through the Department of Chinese Language, and the Applied Languages Program at the Faculty of Arts and the Center for Teaching Arabic Language to Foreigners (TAFL Center). Discussions included possible cooperation with Shandong University, through academic exchange programs, and cooperation in cultural, civilizational and artistic fields.
Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, stressed during the meeting the depth of the relations between Egypt and China, and the extent of close cooperation between the two countries in various fields. He pointed out that the Chinese language has become of great importance in Egypt, in light of the economic cooperation and partnerships between the two countries in different fields. Dr. Knosowa expressed his aspiration to enhance cooperation in various academic and cultural aspects for the benefit of both sides, by offering scholarships to Alexandria University students to study in China, and sending Egyptian experts to teach and conduct scientific research in China in various scientific disciplines.
For his part, the President of the Chinese University of Shandong expressed his pleasure for being at Alexandria University, explaining that Shandong University is one of the oldest Chinese institutions of higher education, and it has a wide variety of scientific disciplines, being a university with a long history characterized by a variety of academic programs. He also expressed his desire to cooperate with Alexandria University in scientific and research fields of common interest.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Dr. El-Sawy Ahmed, Coordinator of Egyptian-Chinese Relations, Dr. Jihan Gowifel, Assistant President of the University for Foreign Universities Branches, Dr. Hossam El-Abbadi, Head of the Chinese Language Department at the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Lana Habib, Director of the Teaching Arabic Language for Foreigners (TAFL) Center, and Dr. Reem Hafez, coordinator of the Applied Languages Program at the Faculty of Arts.

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Alexandria University Council, in its session chaired by Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, reviewed the results of Alexandria University in the international rankings for the year 2023, where Dr. Boshra Salem, Assistant President of the University for University Rankings, indicated:
 In the British Times Higher Education ranking (THE) impact Ranking, for the goals of sustainable development, Alexandria University ranked 401-600 in good health and well-being (3rd goal), gender equality (5th goal), decent work and economic growth (8th goal), and the seventeenth goal, which is related to partnership to achieve the goals.
 In the Dutch "Leiden" ranking of international universities, which depends on the university's evaluation in the indicators of scientific impact, the index of international partnerships and cooperation, the index of publishing in open journals, and the index of gender equality, Alexandria University ranking came in the third place at the local level, the fourth locally in the field of health sciences, biology, and medicine, the third in the field of science and life, the seventh in the field of mathematics and computer sciences, the fifth in the field of physical sciences and engineering, and the third in the field of humanities and social sciences.
• As for the QS World Ranking, Alexandria University advanced by 100 places, as its classification became from 901: 950 at the international level.
 In the Russian RUR ranking, which depends on indicators of education, scientific research, diversity of international relations, and economic sustainability, Alexandria University came in second place locally in general.

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, directed today both Professor Dr. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Chairman of the Board of Directors of University Hospitals, and Professor Dr. Executive Director, to raise the level of readiness in University Hospitals, to receive cases resulting from the collapse of the apartment building in Miami area, that occurred earlier this morning.
Dr. Konsowa gave directions to the university hospitals to be totally ready to deal with all emergency cases resulting from the collapsed building, and to continue raising the level of readiness during the blessed Eid Al-Adha holiday. He also directed a review of the availability of stocks for medicines, supplies and blood banks, as well as the shifts of medical staff members and so on, as well as the readiness of emergency departments to deal with any accidents or emergencies during the holiday period.

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Alexandria University Council headed by Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, honoured Dr. Alaa Abdelwahed Abdelbarry, Vice President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, and Dr. Hamdy Mahmoud Mohamed Youssef, Professor of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, on the occasion of their receiving the degree of “Doctor of Science in Mathematics” (DSc) from the Faculty of Science, Alexandria University. Doctor of Science (DSc) is the highest scientific degree; it is awarded to the candidate for all their scientific work and requires the submission of innovative research. Arbitration for this degree is carried out by three arbitrators holding fellowships from the British Royal Society and from prestigious European universities. The Faculty of Science has previously awarded the degree of Doctor of Science in the field of Chemistry, but it is the first time that such a degree has been awarded in the field of Mathematics.
The university president confirmed that this ceremony comes within the framework of Alexandria University’s encouragement of honourable models, pointing out that the honourees are of the highest calibre, and are the best representation Alexandria University whether internally or externally. He added that Alexandria University cooperates with all scientific institutions in order to achieve one goal, which is to serve the Egyptian state and achieve its vision to provide high quality educational services.
For their part, the honourees expressed their pride in this honour within their alma mater university, stressing the status of Alexandria University and its role in providing honourable cadres who occupy prestigious positions inside and outside Egypt.
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