
Faculty News

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The Faculty of Tourism and Hotels at Alexandria University organized a workshop entitled “Autumn School Alexandria Culture Trails: Journey through Time and Space” within the framework of the project “Dealing with Material Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean: Excavation and Digitization” in cooperation with Philipps University in Germany. The workshop takes place for three days at the faculty’s headquarters.
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The workshop inauguration was attended by Dr. Abeer Attia, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Dr. Heba Saad, Professor of Islamic Archaeology at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels and organizer of the workshop, Dr. Albert Voth, Project Officer at Philipps University, and Dr. Carsten-Michael Walbiner, Director of the Regional Office of the German Authority for Cultural Exchange (DAAD) in Cairo, as well as several faculty members and students.
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In her speech, Dr. Abeer Attia stressed the importance of the project, which is funded by the German Authority for Cultural Exchange DAAD in Cairo in the period from 2023 to 2025, noting that the project aims to strengthen the partnership between German higher education institutions and their counterparts in the Middle East region, and to consolidate cooperation between the participants in the field of cultural heritage through participation in scientific research among project members, developing curricula and cultural heritage education programmes, and raising competence and capabilities in the field of cultural heritage through training (summer school and fall school organized in Egypt, Lebanon and Germany), as well as organizing scientific activities, conferences and workshops.
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Dr. Attia said that Alexandria University was chosen to host the organization of the first fall school for the year 2023, in coordination with the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, within the framework of permanent and ongoing cooperation between Alexandria University and Philipps University in Germany, in accordance with the cooperation agreement between the two universities, in which Alexandria University, Ain Shams University, and Dar Al-Kutub from Egypt participate. Other participants include the American University in Beirut (AUB), the German Institute for Oriental Studies in Lebanon, the German Institute for Oriental Archaeology in Cairo, the French Institute for Oriental Archaeology in Cairo (IFAO), the Goethe Research Library in Germany, the Middle East Library, the Leipzig Library, in addition to researchers from other institutions.

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Higher Institute of Public Health launched a marathon on the occasion of World Heart Day, which is being held for the second year in a row.
Dr. Heba Mahmoud El-Kady, Dean of the Institute, indicated that the marathon was organized in cooperation with the Directorate of Health Affairs, the “Healthy Hearts” Association, and the “Ana Masrawya” Foundation. She indicated that the celebration aims to support World Heart Day, and aims to achieve high awareness among the Alexandrian community, promoting tourism and sustainable engagement with the natural environment in Alexandria, and of course a greater focus on public health and sports.
Dr. Fahmy Charles, Head of the Institute’s Department of Occupational Health and Industrial Medicine, expressed his happiness at organizing an international sports marathon of this size, which confirms the university’s ability to host major sporting events in Alexandria.
It is worth noting that the marathon was followed by the organization of a medical convoy within the framework of the presidential initiative 100 Million Healths, in front of the building of the Higher Institute of Public Health, which included an elite group of distinguished doctors, and provided free examination and analysis services to a large number of residents of the Hadra El-Bahriyya area in Alexandria.
Participating in the convoy were Dr. Injy El-Ghitani, the Institute’s Vice-dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Professor Dr. Nisreen El-Nimr, the Institute’s Vice-dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research.
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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research organized an educational seminar on Monday the 9th of October on the Glorious October War under the title “October Victory... Pride and Dignity,” as part of a series of activities and events organized by the university in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the victories of the Glorious October War.
The seminar was delivered by Dr. Yousry El-Gamal, former Minister of Education and one of the heroes of the War of Attrition and the October War, Dr. chemist Mohamed Nour El-Din, one of the heroes of the military battle of Kabrit, and Dr. Sherif Qandil, a full-time professor in the Materials Sciences Department at the Institute and one of the heroes of the War of Attrition, in the presence of Dr. Hisham Saeed, Dean of the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, and a large number of faculty members and students of the institute.
In his speech, Dr. Yousry El-Gamal affirmed his pride in participating in the celebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of the glorious October victories, which is an opportunity to commemorate the martyrs who sacrificed their blood for our homeland. He added that it is also an opportunity to restore memories of the 1967 war, then the war of attrition, and the rebuilding of the armed forces until reaching the victory of October 1973, pointing out that his role was in building the Air Defense Force and the missile wall, which had a profound impact on the Egyptian forces’ crossing of the Suez Canal.
Dr. Mohamed Nour El-Din pointed out the importance of the decision to rely on recruiting highly qualified graduates into the armed forces and expanding the use of technology and modern techniques in armament, stressing the role of the war of attrition as a necessary step to achieve the glorious October victory.
Dr. Sherif Qandil pointed out that the main reasons for the October victory were faith, will, education, and intensive training, praising the role of the Air Defense Force in protecting Egypt’s skies during the wars of attrition and the October wars.
Dr. Hisham Saeed expressed his pleasure at celebrating the anniversary of the glorious October War, which shattered the myth of the invincible army, as the Egyptian forces were able to cross the blockade of the Suez Canal and the impregnable Bar Lev Line, which proves that Egypt has a conscious people capable of doing the impossible and an army capable of confronting anyone who dares to harm our dear homeland.
The celebration included honoring the heroes of the armed forces who participated in the War of Attrition and the October Victory, and they were presented with memorial shields of the event.


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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science organized the training program entitled “Preparing the Cadres of the New Republic” in cooperation with the Empowerment Foundation for Sustainable Development (ESDP), and it continues daily from February 17 to 23, 2024, from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm at the faculty headquarters.
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The training program was inaugurated by Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty, who explained that this program comes within the framework of the Egyptian state’s interest in empowering young people, training them and building their capabilities based on the importance of their role in building the state and its institutions. He stressed the faculty's readiness to organize any activities that would support and qualify students and provide a real addition to their skills and knowledge.
Mr. Ahmed Helal - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of ESDP Foundation, pointed out the role of his foundation as a youth organization belonging to civil society and has a prominent role in adopting creative ideas and turning them into reality that works to develop the quality of life of community members, and add new values ​​that raise the standard of living by empowering every creative individual, through providing them with tools and means of knowledge that qualify them to develop their ideas.
The opening ceremony was attended by several members of the House of Representatives, members of the Senate, faculty members, the cooperative body, and elite representatives of civil society in Alexandria from various walks of life.
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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels organized on Tuesday the 3rd of October, an educational and awareness seminar on the Glorious October War, as part of a series of activities and events organized by the university to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the victories of the Glorious October War. Participants included Major General Hashem Abul-Fadl, Operations Commander of one of the Air Defense Brigades - Air Defense Force, Major General Staff Ahmed Khairy El-Shiwi, Commander of the Tank Company of the 21st Armored Division, and Major General Mohamed El-Sayed Ahmed Taha, Assistant Head of the Reconnaissance Branch at the Command of the Parachute Unit - Parachute Corps. The seminar took place in the presence of Dr. Abeer Attia, Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Dina Ezz El-Din, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Colonel Ahmed El-Geziri, Head of the Recruitment and Mobilization Department and Director of the Military Communications Department at Alexandria University, and an elite group of leaders who lived through the October War, as well as faculty members and students of the faculty.
Major General Hashem Abul-Fadl, head of operations of one of the Air Defense Brigades - the Air Defense Force, confirmed in his speech that Egypt will live forever strong and solid, and he advised the youth to preserve their homeland and continue the march to advance our homeland, Egypt. He provided a detailed explanation of the preparations that the army made before the start of the war, and the strategic deception plan, that gave an element of surprise to the enemy to recover the beloved land of Egypt.
Major General Staff Ahmed Khairy El-Shiwi, Commander of the Tank Company of the 21st Armored Division, also confirmed that Egypt’s plans for the October War are currently being studied in war academies around the world, and during his speech he explained that the Arab countries’ solidarity with Egypt during the war helped in its success.
Major General Mohamed El-Sayed Ahmed Taha, Assistant Head of the Reconnaissance Branch at the Parachute Unit Command - Parachute Corps, clarified the reconnaissance plan in North and South Sinai to prepare for the war. He also explained the role of the commandos forces and paratroopers during the war.
In her speech, Dr. Abeer Attia, Dean of the Faculty, welcomed the attendees, the heroes of the October War, and thanked them for the sacrifices they made for the sake of our nation. She stressed that the aim of this seminar is to introduce students and new generations to the history of their fathers and grandfathers who participated in the war, and to remind them of the heroism of the great Egyptian people, the owner of civilization and history who presented an epic with the best soldiers on earth in order to restore dignity. She also emphasized that love of the homeland is inherited in the genes of the Egyptian youth, who are aware and enthusiastic about building and defending their homeland at any time.
Dr. Dina Ezz El-Din, vice dean for community service and environmental development, congratulated the students on the occasion of the anniversary of the October War and also on the start of the new academic year. She stressed that each of us is a fighter on our front and in our workplace, and added that the love of Egypt and the spirit of October exist within us forever.
At the end of the meeting, Dr. Abeer Attia honored the heroes of the armed forces in attendance.
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