
Faculty News





Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr. Abeer Attia, on the occasion of the presidential decree to appoint her as Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University, wishing her success in her new position, and continuous efforts to upgrade the faculty.

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, inaugurated the activities of the fifth student conference organized by the Faculty of Agriculture under the title "Agriculture and Youth Creativity" in the presence of the university's vice presidents, current and former deans and vice-deans of the faculty and university, in addition to faculty staff members and students.
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In his speech, Dr. Wael Nabil pointed out the importance of holding such student conferences periodically, as the university believes that they are the real arms for building the Egyptian state, and believes in the importance of their participation in national issues, and knowing their vision on various issues related to their fields of specialization, urging them to pursue organized teamwork. He added that student activity is considered an essential part of university life, and he stressed that the university is always working to support student activities in its various faculties. Dr. Nabil opened an exhibition of students' artworks that included handicrafts, photography, drawing and small productive projects.
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Dr. Mohamed Bahie El-Din, Dean of the Faculty and President of the Conference, indicated that the conference is being held for the fifth time and its activities will continue for two days. He explained that the conference program includes two main lectures and about 75 researches and pioneering youth experiments for faculty students, and the launch of a student initiative under the title "Be Green", in addition to sports and cultural activities, an art exhibition, and scouts activities.
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Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Mahdi, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs and the conference rapporteur, emphasized the importance of student conferences and their role in developing youth skills and creativity, indicating that the research topics were chosen carefully and meticulously, as their titles represent vital topics on the scene such as artificial intelligence and its role in agriculture and major development projects adopted by the state, and the obstacles to animal and poultry production and the proposed solutions to them. He pointed out that youth are the leading power for development, as they represent the future, and our role is being a driving force to support them.


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Within the framework of Alexandria University’s keenness to enable students to play an active role in climate change issues, and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Alexandria University organizes throughout the year until the end of 2023, coinciding with the beginning of the COP27 Climate Summit, a student initiative that aims to engage students in addressing climate change issues, propose innovative solutions, educate them and urge them to pay attention to the effects of climate change in the city of Alexandria and how to protect it from the effects of climate change, through various interactive events that include capacity building, youth dialogue, competitions, theatre performances, training camps, as well as climate change awareness campaigns.
The events began on Thursday the 3rd of November, with the inaugural film screening of the Alexandria University Cinema (AU CINEMA) by Dr. El-Sayed El-Saifi, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, as a practical part of the social issues course, in the Faculty of Commerce theatre (Hall D), in the presence of Dr. Ayman Shteiwi, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Commerce for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Salah Soliman, professor at the Faculty of Agriculture and general coordinator of the social issues course at Alexandria University, in addition to 1,500 students from the university’s different faculties, where the movie “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind” was shown, a documentary film about a true story that happened in a poor African village in Malawi.
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
Initial release: January 25, 2019
Director: Chiwetel Ejiofor.
The idea of the film is based on using the mind to innovate and solve the energy crisis, by having confidence in our capabilities, through the story of a 13-year-old boy who was expelled from the school he loves when his family can no longer afford to pay the fees. However, the boy sneaks into the school library and learns how to build a windmill with which he saves not only his family but also all the people of his village from starvation.

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa a, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Education for Early Childhood organized an educational semibar to celebrate the golden jubilee of the glorious victories of the October War, with the participation of Major General Hashem Abul-Fadl, one of the prominent participants in the October War, in the presence of Dr. Rehab Mahmoud Siddiq, Dean of the Faculty, and Dr. Rehab Barghout, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Educational & Student Affairs, as well as several faculty members, employees, and students.
In her speech, Dr. Rehab Siddiq affirmed that the glorious October victory was not easy, as this great victory was preceded by the setback of the 1967 War, which showed the true determination of the Egyptian people in their standing behind their national army, as they rejected defeat and endured all difficulties in order to support their national army. She added that the Egyptian Armed Forces actually succeeded in fulfilling the hopes of the Egyptian people and lived up to their expectations, by achieving this great victory in 1973.
While Major General Hashem Abul-Fadl gave a lecture on the role of the Air Defense Forces in the October War, noting that the October War is a unique war, because it gave a unique lesson in the arts of war in the modern era, stressing that the current generations must draw inspiration and lessons from this great victory. He also pointed out that the October War was a historical war in the true sense of the word, and left positive effects firmly established in the conscience of the Egyptian people to this day. Major General Abul-Fadl pointed out that the genes of the Egyptian army are genes that do not accept defeat. He added that he remembers well to this very day the spirit of resolve and persistence after the setback of 1967, and the determination of the Egyptian soldiers not to return home until the land of Sinai was returned to Egypt again. He also highlighted the War of Attrition, as that period included many of the achievements of the Egyptian forces, including sinking the Israeli destroyer Eilat and destroying the Barlev Line. He stressed that the October War set the most wonderful examples of the nation’s unity between Muslims and Christians, pointing out that Egypt does not have tribal or religious tendencies, citing the Christian heroes in the battle and their role in achieving victory. Major General Abul-Fadl touched on the stories and heroism of the Egyptian soldiers during the war, and called on all students to emulate them because they sacrificed their precious lives for the sake of the homeland so that we could live free to this day.
At the end of the semibar, Major General Hashem Abul-Fadl answered the students’ questions in the lecture he delivered, which witnessed a large student presence.
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Under the auspices of Dr. Abdel Aziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, Faculty of Nursing, in cooperation with the Ahl al-Tawfiq Charity Association, organized an educational symposium on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the glorious October victory, in which Major General Staff Mahmoud Salem, one of the heroes of the October War, and Major General Hashem Abu al-Fadl, one of the heroes of defense, participated. Air Force and the October War, in the College’s Blue Hall.
The celebration included reciting poetry, speeches, and memories from the heroes of the October War.
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In her speech, Dr. Nefertiti Zaki, Dean of the College, affirmed her pride in this occasion in which we remember the greatest epic in our modern history, which is the October Victory. She congratulated the military leaders and the valiant armed forces on this great occasion.
While Dr. Hanan El-Sherbiny confirmed that Egypt’s wealth in the October War was the human wealth that created the miracle of the crossing, stressing that we are now facing the second crossing towards building the new republic, and that we must be inspired by the spirit of October, which is considered a dream, and the October dream is a dream of pride, victory and dignity.
Participating in the celebration were Dr. Muhammad Farid, Head of the Doctors Syndicate, Dr. Ibrahim El-Gamal, Director of the Fatwa House in Alexandria, Mrs. Safaa Tawfiq, Director of the Ahl al-Tawfiq Association, and Dr. Hani Morris, Director of Caritas, and a number of representatives of scientific, health, trade union and media bodies and institutions, and a group of faculty members, college workers and students.