
Faculty News

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The Faculty of Education organized a celebration on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the victories of the glorious October War, which included a poetry recital about the October War, and a singing performance presented by one of the faculty’s students. The Alexandria University Choir also performed many individual and group patriotic songs that received great interaction from the faculty members and students present.
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Dr. Mohamed Anwar, Dean of the Faculty, indicated that the artistic performances that were presented sparked an atmosphere of enthusiasm and added joy and pleasure to the attendees.

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Business organized on Tuesday at its headquarters, an educational seminar entitled "Fifty Years of October Victories", in the presence of Dr. El-Sayed El-Seifi, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Dr. Ayman Shteiwi, Vice-Dean of the Faculty for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Alaa El-Din El-Gharabawy, Vice-Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and a large number of faculty members and students.
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The seminar was delivered by a group of war heroes who took part in the glorious October victory, including Counsellor Dr. Ibrahim Abdullah, the media advisor and head of the October Heroes Association, Mr. Henedi Mahdi Abu Sharif, the hero who captured the first Israeli soldier and the founder of the 39th fighting group with the martyr Ibrahim El-Rifai, Mr. Samir Nouh, the hero of the 39th fighting group, Mr. Ali Abdelghani, the hero of the naval commando who captured the first Israeli pilot, Major General Muhammad Rabie, the hero and missile engineer, Major General Elmi Kamel, the hero of the Battle of Abu Atwa, and Major General Dr. Ahmed Fahmy, the hero of chemical warfare.
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During the seminar, the heroes spoke about their roles during the glorious October War and the sacrifices of the nation’s martyrs, who wrote with their pure blood the greatest pages of valor and loftiness. They presented a distinctive account of how to transform from the stage of setback after the 1967 war to the war of attrition and until the great October victory.
The event included several artistic performances by people with special needs to commemorate the victory, which received great interaction from the attendees.
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Within the framework of Alexandria University’s keenness to activate its role in serving community and making efforts to support its alumni in the labour market, and the keenness of the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Sciences to build the scientific capabilities of economics and political science alumni in order to contribute to the knowledge renaissance and comprehensive development, and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the faculty organized the second employment forum for its students at the faculty’s headquarters in Smouha area. Participants included over 30 entities of interest to the graduates, representing private companies, agencies, banks, research and decision-making support centers, and a group of ministries as well as press and media institutions.
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Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty, indicated that the forum included several introductory lectures on the various participating sectors, as well as lectures on building a career path and developing skills. On the sidelines of the forum, several seminars and workshops were held at the faculty’s conference hall that addressed important topics related to youth, the most prominent of which was an introductory seminar on small and medium-sized projects that are launched by the Alexandria Businessmen Association. The seminar was presented by Dr. Sherif Shoman, the association’s representative.
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The conference was supervised by Dr. Mohamed El-Khatib - Economics lecturer at the faculty and Executive Director of the Labour Market Training and Qualification Unit. The opening was attended by Dr. Osama El-Adly, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Ali Abdelwahab Naga, Professor of Economics at the faculty, and a group of distinguished faculty members, the supporting staff, and executives concerned with entrepreneurship, as well as many entrepreneurs, owners of institutions and projects, representatives of civil society organizations, media representative s, and hundreds of faculty graduates, researchers, and students.


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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr. Nefertiti Zaki, on the occasion of the issuance of the presidential decree to renew her appointment as Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, wishing her success and continuous efforts to maintain the achievements of the faculty, stressing that all support and assistance will be provided to her for her success in performing her mission.

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Mervat Kassem, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, attended the lecture organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy entitled “Mental Health: Patient’s Courage and Society Culture.” The lecture was attended by Ambassador Nabila Makram, founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of “Fahem” Foundation for Psychological Support and former Minister of State for Immigration and Affairs of Egyptians Abroad.
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In her speech, Ambassador Nabila Makram indicated that Fahem Foundation is concerned with raising awareness of mental health, strengthening social relations between members of society, and discovering mental illnesses, and it also aims to break the stigma that may haunt the mentally ill. Ambassador Makram expressed her regret for society’s description of the mentally ill with incorrect descriptions or titles. She called for correcting these concepts among individuals and society, getting closer to the patients, listening to them, and changing the culture of society in this regard. She also stressed the necessity of staying away from any influences on mental health, pointing to the negative impact of social networking sites and news of various conflicts and wars in the entire world. She also extended her respects to Egyptian women for their struggles and the state of suffering that a family member may face with mental illness.
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During the meeting, an open dialogue was held with faculty members from the Faculty of Pharmacy on how to deal with the mentally ill and integrate them into society, as well as the importance of psychiatric medications in stabilizing and treating the psychological condition.
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The meeting was attended by Dr. Mohamed El Feky, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. Sherif Rostom, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Hanan Goweili, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Hala Mostafa, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Dr. Iman Youssef, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Tamer Abdullah, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, in addition to faculty members at the Faculty of Pharmacy.
The organization of the meeting was supervised by Dr. Hamida Abu Shleib, emerita professor at the faculty, and representatives of the African Centre for Women’s Health Services in Alexandria.

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