
Faculty News

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science held today, Tuesday the 6th of December, a symposium on "Egyptian Politics and the Blue Economy", in cooperation with the Egyptian Maritime Salon, in the Grand Conference Hall at the faculty's headquarters.
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Among the participants in the symposium were Lieutenant General Mohab Mameesh, Advisor to the President of the Republic for Ports and the Suez Canal Axis, Dr. Mohamed Ali Ibrahim, Professor of Logistics and Advisor to the President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President of Alexandria University for Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty Economic Studies & Political Science, His Excellency Ambassador Mazeed Al-Hoshian, Consul General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, His Grace Bishop Ibram Emile, the Deputy of the Patriarchate in Alexandria, as well as members of the Egyptian Parliament, in addition to many former naval commanders, thinkers and members of the Egyptian Naval Salon, representatives of the Alexandrian civil society, faculty members and students.
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During the symposium moderated by Dr. Mamdouh Mansour, Head of the Department of Political Science at the Faculty, Lieutenant General Mohab Mameesh, Advisor to the President of the Republic for Ports and the Suez Canal Axis, stressed the importance of the Suez Canal in the global trade movement, as it is the most important waterway to connect the East with Europe. He gave an account of the history of the Suez Canal and the most important international crises and conflicts that it passed through, and he also talked about the modern development projects that have been achieved in recent years under the directives of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, which were represented in the expansion and duplication of the canal, as well as projects to develop the economic zone adjacent to it, and projects to modernize and develop Egyptian seaports and raise the efficiency of the maritime transport sector.
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In his speech, Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour conveyed to the guests of the meeting the greetings of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, expressing his pleasure to participate in this scientific symposium, which sheds light on the most important development projects in the field of maritime transport and the blue economy, through the sustainable use and preservation of water resources, which are oceans, seas, lakes and rivers, with the aim of directing economic growth, improving livelihoods and creating job opportunities, while ensuring respect for the environment, cultural values and biodiversity.
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Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty, also pointed out the importance of the topic of the symposium in opening new horizons of knowledge for the students and researchers of the Faculty in relation to the field of the blue economy, which is concerned with good management of water resources, dependence on the seas and oceans for sustainable development, eradicating poverty and achieving self-sufficiency in food.
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While Dr. Mohamed Ali Ibrahim, Advisor to the President of the Arab Academy for Maritime Transport, referred to the emergence and development of the concept of the blue economy, and the role of the maritime transport sector in economic development and the global economy. He also reviewed many development projects that took place in Egypt and the Arab countries, especially the Arabian Gulf and Southeast Asia in the field of marine transport.
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Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, issued the following decisions: -
• Appointment of Dr. Reham Mustafa Mohammed Mohammed Al-Debani, Professor in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the faculty of Dentistry, as Vice Dean of the faculty for Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs for a period of three years.
• Renewing the appointment of Dr. Maha Muhammad Ali Al-Tantawi, Professor in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Public Dental Health at the faculty of Dentistry, as Vice Dean of the faculty for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs for a period of three years.




The Institute for Mediterranean Studies launched the activities of its third cultural season on the 29th of October, by holding a public symposium entitled “200 years of Egyptology: making historical documentaries” and showing the film “200 years of Egyptology”, which was produced by Egyptian television and shown in the Good Morning Egypt program on the occasion of the 200th anniversary On deciphering the Rosetta Stone. The Institute hosted Mr. Mustafa Kafafi, a media personality and a documentary film maker, to present and comment on the film.

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As part of the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science at Alexandria University celebration of the Egyptian Diplomacy Day on the 15th of March each year, and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, the Faculty organized a symposium entitled "Egyptian Foreign Policy and the Current Transformations in International Politics". The guest speaker of the symposium was Ambassador Mohamed El-Orabi, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, and it was moderated by Dr. Mamdouh Mansour, Head of the Department of Political Science at the faculty, in the presence of a group of professors, faculty members, assistant staff, and students from the Departments of Economics and Political Science.
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In his speech, Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty, welcomed the guest speaker, pointing out the goal of the meeting, which is to introduce new generations of students to the national and historical role of its loyal men, and the pivotal role played by Egyptian diplomacy since the re-establishment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Egypt on March 15, 1922 at the two levels; Regional and international, emphasizing the high efficiency of Egyptian diplomacy with all its authentic national cadres. Dr. Wahban emphasized that Egyptian diplomacy has succeeded over the past decades in overcoming many challenges, adapting to international changes, and establishing balanced relations with all countries of the world. He pointed out that the basics that Egyptian diplomacy enjoys in its policy, being always based on a balance between principles and interests.
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In his lecture, Ambassador Mohamed El-Orabi began his speech by expressing his pleasure for visiting the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Sciences, Alexandria University, where seven of its graduates joined the Egyptian diplomatic corps at the beginning of this year, which is considered a sign of success for the faculty and conclusive evidence of the quality and efficiency of its education. The ambassador gave a number of advice to students to pass the Ministry of Foreign Affairs exams, foremost of which is the need to master at least two foreign languages, in addition to full proficiency in the Arabic language, and good knowledge of international law and history, stressing that diligence and competence are the only criteria for passing the exams of the diplomatic corps. He gave a definition of foreign policy and diplomacy, referring to the pivotal role that diplomacy plays in our daily lives and its direct impact on the internal affairs of states. Ambassador Mohamed El-Orabi stressed that the Egyptian state is walking on a very delicate balance between principles and interests, which requires a very great deal of accuracy and professionalism. He stressed that Egypt's geographical location is primarily a strategic location and that the Suez Canal is a strategic added value, especially with the increasing geo-strategic importance of the Red Sea. As for the Egyptian foreign policy towards the strategic neighbourhood, the ambassador pointed out that Egypt's foreign policy with the strategic neighbouring countries depends on the policy of peace, building stability and development.
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Ambassador El-Orabi emphasized that Egyptian diplomacy is certainly capable of keeping pace with all changes taking place in the international arena with efficiency, perfection, and a calm and balanced manner.
The symposium ended with an open discussion and questions from the students and faculty members who were answered by the guest of the meeting.
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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received the writer and novelist Essam Youssef, presenter of the "Geniuses" TV game show, where he gave him the university's shield in appreciation of the cultural and educational role he plays through his purposeful "Geniuses" programme. He stressed that the university would continue this success and will spread the idea of these competitions among students of different faculties to contribute to raising their intellectual and cultural level.
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Mr. Youssef had met earlier with Alexandria University students in an educational seminar organized by the Faculty of Education under the title "Geniuses and Community Awareness". Among the participants in the seminar were Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Mohamed Anwar Farrag, Dean of the Faculty of Education, Sheikh Ibrahim El-Gamal, Secretary of the Family House in Alexandria, Dr. Hassan Abdeen, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Salem Abdelrazek, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education for Community Service Affairs, Mr. Ehab Zakaria, member of the Parliament, as well as several deans and vice deans of faculties, in addition to a group of professors, thinkers, and intellectuals in Alexandria.
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In his speech, Dr. Wael Nabil expressed his pleasure with the participation of this large number of students who represent the future of the new Egypt, stressing the importance of benefiting from the experience of the “Geniuses” TV programme and trying to employ it educationally to push students to learn, adding that the role of the university is no longer limited to science, but rather includes organizing such meetings, which contribute to increasing students' cultural awareness and knowledge. He also indicated that Alexandria University's participation in the “Geniuses” programme represents a qualitative and creative breakthrough that can be used as a competitive educational strategy.
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Writer and TV host Essam Youssef explained that he is happy to be in Alexandria University, a fortress of knowledge, assuring the students that one of the most important reasons for success is to have a dream they seek to achieve with perseverance and diligence. He added that geniuses, talented and creative people represent the hope of the nation with their talents and capabilities. He also explained that the idea of the "Geniuses" programme represents a qualitative and creative breakthrough that can be made use of by its implementation on a large scale within schools and universities, to bring about a noticeable change in the psychological and academic aspects of students as future investment projects.
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In his speech, Dr. Mohamed Anwar Farrag, Dean of the Faculty of Education, emphasized that the “Geniuses” TV programme is a pioneering and unique Egyptian experience based on honest competition among students in a creative scientific atmosphere, that instils noble educational values in the hearts of students, that may exceed what educational systems have provided over the decades. He indicated that the “Geniuses” programme is the most powerful way that makes the students, whether in Egypt or in the Arab world, search for information by themselves, whether in science, arts, literature, technology, or history. It establishes the concept of self-education and spontaneous activity, and this principle has become necessary in modern education systems.
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Dr. Hassan Abdeen, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education for Education and Student Affairs, stressed the importance of discovering geniuses through nomination by their peers, holding various tests and having certain standards, indicating that this does not end when geniuses are discovered, but rather they must be cared for and nurtured by urging them to persevere and endure difficulties, and training them to solve problems that they encounter.
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