
Faculty News

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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Yasser Refaat, Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, inaugurated Wednesday evening the second international conference of the Faculty of Pharmacy PHS 2022, which will last for two days.
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In his speech, Dr. Konsowa confirmed that Alexandria University is keen to support the university's scientific research system, as a fundamental pillar in the shift towards a knowledge economy, explaining that the university has launched several initiatives to encourage researchers to increase their output of applied scientific research, and the university is also establishing a technology park to link these outputs with industry and transfer the research results into products of economic value, in order to achieve the Egyptian state’s vision of sustainable development in accordance with the 2030 strategy. The university president announced the start of several projects during the coming period under the umbrella of Alexandria University to serve society and industry extensively. He also thanked the administration of the Faculty of Pharmacy for its efforts in publishing and supporting scientific research.
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Meanwhile, Dr. Yasser Refaat, Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, emphasized the role of the ministry in providing an encouraging environment for innovation within Egypt’s Vision 2030, explaining that the Science, Technology and Innovation Incentives Law contributed to supporting scientific research in Egypt. He praised the role of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Alexandria University in achieving a huge leap in the field of scientific research during the past four years, as the number of published researches reached more than 10 thousand, appreciating their quality, as the percentage of scientific citations reached 45% higher than the global average, the percentage of scientific publication reached 78% published in Q1, Q2, and the percentage of research in the medical and pharmaceutical sector 55%. He urged the researchers participating in the conference to discuss research projects that support the economy and the pharmaceutical industry.
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Dr. Mervat Qassem, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, said that the conference is one of the largest international conferences for pharmaceutical and health sciences held in Egypt, with the participation of the Egyptian Medicines Authority and major companies in the pharmaceutical industry and medical supplies. In addition, more than 1,000 participants and researchers from Egypt and 21 Arab and foreign countries are participating in its current version, as well as a number of pharmaceutical and medical supplies companies. During the conference, 18 sessions will be held, including 53 scientific lectures, dialogues and workshops, and 118 research posters to discuss all that is new in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, clinical pharmacy and drug economics, and an exhibition for the participating companies and agencies.
The inauguration was attended by Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, President of Pharos University, Dr. Mohamed Onsi, President of the Syndicate of Pharmacists, deans and vice deans of the faculties, and the participating Arab and foreign delegations. The opening ceremony also included honouring a number of pioneers and professors of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University.

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Educational Innovations and Distance Learning Unit at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels is organizing the “In Love with Alexandria” event, from the 9th until the 12th of March 2023, at the Horreya Creativity Center
Dr. Abeer Attia, Dean of the Faculty, indicated that this event aims to promote the city of Alexandria in tourism through the works of participants in various competitions in the fields of photography, drawing, artistic handicrafts, souvenirs, poetry, short stories and documentaries, with the participation of a group of professors and specialists in these fields, who helped in refining students' artistic skills, in order to achieve the goal of the activity, which is to discover their creative side and benefit them in these areas.

Dr. Dina Weheba, Executive Director of the Educational Innovations and Distance Learning Unit at the faculty, indicated that the goal of this event is not just to win, but to introduce Alexandria University students to the skills they possess that can contribute to creating a more beautiful and creative world, and to promote the city of Alexandria touristically, through students’ creative expression by launching their various talents, she extends her sincere thanks to Dr. Mahmoud Seif, who highlighted the visual identity of the event with his distinctive designs. She added that it is possible to learn more information, follow up on the news of the event and attend the exhibition of the works of the participants from the various faculties of Alexandria University, by visiting the page of the event on the following link:


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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Centre for Economic Research and Studies at the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Sciences organized an educational symposium entitled “Research Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Controls,” in which Dr. Nabil Salah El-Arabi, Professor of Digital Economics at the Faculty, and former advisor to one of the United Nations Development Program projects, lectured.
Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty, indicated that the symposium was attended by a group of faculty members, supporting staff, researchers, specialists, and students from the Departments of Economics and Political Science. He pointed out in his speech the importance of adhering to ethical controls and academic standards in scientific research, stressing that the development of artificial intelligence electronic and digital tools in academic research is not a substitute for serious, thorough scientific research, and the researchers must strive to benefit from contemporary technologies, including the potential of artificial intelligence, without falling into the trap of plagiarism or claiming intellectual property that is not their own creation.
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Dr. Abeer Shaaban Abdo, Executive Director of the Centre for Economic Research and Studies, pointed out the accelerating pace of artificial intelligence innovations that cast a shadow on academic research, which necessitates the need to discuss them and learn about the advantages and risks of using these technologies in the research and academic field.
Dr. Nabil El-Arabi reviewed artificial intelligence technologies and their expected impact on human lives and scientific research. He also reviewed the latest developments in this field, pointing to several topics, most notably:
- Introduction to the chatbot using artificial intelligence.
- How does the LLM work within artificial intelligence techniques?
- A comparison between the ChatGPT application and the Bard application in terms of specifications and performance standards.
- Effective use of artificial intelligence dialogue robots in research activities.
- Ethics of using artificial intelligence applications in academic research.
The symposium included numerous interventions from the audience, including faculty members, supporting staff members, and young researchers, during which they asked various questions, and ended with an emphasis on continuing the series of symposiums on the subject of artificial intelligence and its developments, based on its great importance in the field of contemporary scientific research.
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As part of Alexandria University’s role in community service, the Early Childhood Intervention Centre at the Faculty of Early Childhood Education is organizing a course to prepare special education specialists.
Dr. Rehab Saleh, the acting dean of the faculty, explained that the course includes training in several areas, including psychometric measurement of intelligence and autism, projective measures, autism treatment program ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis), learning and communication difficulties, speech pathology, sensory integration, family counselling and behaviour modification.
Dr. Hala Omar, Executive Director of the Centre, indicated that the duration of the course is 30 practical hours and 24 theoretical hours, after which the trainee is granted a certificate of accreditation from the Faculty of Early Childhood Education - Alexandria University, which qualifies them to work as a special education specialist in one of the aforementioned fields.
For more details, please contact the Early Intervention Centre inside Smouha University Hospital, or call:

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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Physical Education for Men in Abu Qir organized the second scientific forum in sports medicine and locomotor system research. It was held under the title “Together We Can: Anti-doping in the Sports Field” at the conference hall of the faculty, in the presence of a group of faculty members, employees and students.
Dr. Mohamed Belal, Dean of the Faculty, indicated that the conference comes within a series of scientific forums for sports medicine and locomotor system studies, which the college is keen to organize in the presence of specialists in this field.
During the forum activities, Dr. Maged Osama, Secretary General of the Association of Clinical Nutritionists in Alexandria, held a lecture on nutritional supplements - their benefits and harms, and ways to combat stimulants, and the role of the International Anti-Doping Organization (WADA). Mohieddin Nabil Al-Jaafari, sports pharmacist and anti-doping consultant at the Medical Committee of the Egyptian Football Association and the Egyptian Olympic Committee, about some medicines that are used as nutritional supplements and their danger to humans and the danger of using some cold medicines, which are considered prohibited substances for athletes. Sahar Issa, Professor of Forensic Medicine, Clinical Toxicology, and Medical Ethics at the College of Medicine, on ways to combat doping and its danger, considering it a means of fraud by some individuals to win a position or a medal at the expense of others, stressing the danger of these substances to the kidneys, liver, and human health. Majdi Mustafa Al-Sabbagh, Consultant Sports Medicine, Bone, Joint and Rheumatology Diseases and Director of Sports Medicine at the Olympic Center for National Teams, Member of the Doping Committee of the International Federation of Weapons FIE), on how to take samples from players directly after sports competitions and how to send them to international laboratories for analysis, then he talked about anti-doping And its danger to the health of athletes and how the International Anti-Doping Organization (WADA) was established, which approved several provisions, rules and laws to limit the spread of doping among athletes participating in the International Olympic Games. Osama Ghoneim, former CEO of the Egyptian Anti-Doping Organization and former Undersecretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports for Sports Medicine.
Prof. Dr. Akram El-Dawoudi, Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon and Arthroscopy at Alexandria University Hospitals, announced,
At the end of the meeting, the following recommendations were made:
1. Expanding the base of education and awareness for college students about the harmful effects of industrial doping on players and teams.
2. Conducting courses and seminars aimed at combating doping and learning about the harms and dangers of these internationally prohibited stimulants.
3. Adding an anti-doping subject in the college curricula, which is taught to students by amending the description of some subjects related to sports health and nutrition, to increase students' health awareness and to identify the dangers of taking internationally prohibited doping for athletes.
4. Organizing specialized courses in the field of anti-doping for athletes in the external community.