
Faculty News

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Dr. El-Sayed El-Saifi, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, inaugurated the charity bazaar organized by the faculty for students under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdel Aziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and in cooperation with the Faculty's Alumni Association. Its activities will continue until December 20. The bazaar includes scientific and historical books, leather crafts, various handicrafts, and accessories sold at cost. The Dean of announced that the proceeds from the sale of these products will be donated to support the Fund for the Needy Students at the faculty.
Dr. Alaa El-Din El-Gharabawi, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, Dr. Ayman Ahmed Shteiwy, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, and faculty members participated in the inauguration.

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As part of the Faculty’s mission to serve the community using the best scientific evidence, a team of researchers from the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Dental Public Health developed a series of health education text messages and videos for mothers of preschool children to brush their children’s teeth. The development of the messages and videos is part of a comprehensive study aimed at addressing the problem of early childhood caries, which is one of the most prevalent health problems in children of this age group in Egypt (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34991701/). The messages are based on the social and subjective norms construct of the Theory of Planned Behavior, and the videos are based on the attitudes construct in the same theory. The research team consists of Dr. Merna Ehab, Dr. Nour Ammar, Dr. Hams Hamed, Dr. Nourhan Ali, Dr. Amira Elwan, Prof. Wafaa Essam and Prof. Maha El Tantawi.
The images show the messages and the videos are available in the study's YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@user-jl6lh9xo5h/videos

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Within the framework of the Egyptian state’s interest in health and sports, and under the auspices of Dr. Ashraf Sobhy, Minister of Youth and Sports, and Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and to complement the celebration held on the occasion of the International Day of Francophonie, Dr. Mohamed Bilal, Dean of the Faculty of Education in Abu Qir, and the Vice Deans of the Faculty, received on Sunday, March 20, 2022, Dr. Patrick Zono, Head of the Department of Public Health at Senghor University and his accompanying delegation and a number of Senghor University students, to spend a scientific, sports and entertainment day at the Faculty of Physical Education Abu Qir.


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Within the framework of the project to support and create a safe work environment for women in the tourism sector in Egypt, and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, students of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels participated in the training camp organized by the National Council for Women, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the Spanish Cooperation Agency in Egypt, in collaboration with the Wellspring Foundation.
The conference targeted male and female students of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels at the Universities of Alexandria and Matrouh, with the aim of training and educating them on how to support and promote a safe work environment for women working in the tourism sector, and it lasted for 3 days in Alexandria.
Dr. Abeer Attia, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, indicated that the camp included many activities and topics, the most important of which are how to manage time, planning, personal skills to get a job, work values and ethics, communication skills and teamwork, in addition to topics of social intelligence and the equation of change.
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Under the auspices of Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, the Higher Institute of Public Health organized an educational symposium on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the victories of the Glorious October War under the title “Crossing and Victory,” with the participation of a group of the most prominent participants in sinking the destroyer Eilat and destroying the port of Eilat, namely Major General Nabil El Shazly, trainer. The executors of the Eilat Operations Group, Major General Omar Ezz El-Din, and Marine Lieutenant Colonel Mohsen Al-Gohary, in the presence of Dr. Heba Al-Qadi, Dean of the Institute, Dr. Engy Al-Ghitani, Deputy of the Institute for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Dr. Nisreen Al-Nimr, Deputy of the Institute for Postgraduate Studies and Research.
In her speech, Dr. Heba Al-Qadi affirmed that the glorious October victory is a great victory and a defining moment in the history of the Arab nation, especially since it united the Arab nation around one goal, which is to defend the usurped land and confront the enemy, pointing out that the spirit of determination and patience must be inspired by the October victories and we must remember Always our heroic martyrs, and we always renew our pledge to liberate Palestine from the usurping enemy.
While Major General Omar Ezz El-Din referred to his participation in the bombing of the destroyer Eilat and the destruction of the Israeli rig in the Suez Canal and the Belayim oil field during the war, as Israel seized it and had to be recovered after it was exploited by Israel. He pointed out that the Eilat operation contributed to raising the morale of the Egyptians and the forces. The Egyptian Armed Forces after the setback of June 1967, and paved the way for achieving victory in October 1973.
While Major General Nabil El Shazly spoke about his role in training the Egyptian heroes in the Egyptian Navy to swim and dive, which brought down the Israeli naval destroyer Eilat, stressing that the preparation stage for the operation was arduous and required carrying out very tough training, stressing that it was an unprecedented process in military operations and is taught in all academies. Military forces around the world, and he confirmed that he was tasked with raising the level of endurance and speed among the group’s members so that they could carry out the operation and return again safely.
Major General Mohsen Al-Gohary referred to his role in the rescue operations during and after the operation and clearing the Suez Canal area to pave the way for the heroes to cross to Eilat and carry out the mission efficiently.
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