Grants news


The General Department for Cultural Relations at Alexandria University declared that application is now open for the program of the scientific missions through the agreement (Newton-Mosharafa) between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with the Government of Egypt. Application is available via the link:


PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC Green Chemistry research grants for young scientists
The 4th call is open to young scientists until 28 February 2017.

PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC Green Chemistry special grants for research projects on phosphogypsum 
The call for this special grant for green chemistry research project on innovations in the processing and utilization of phosphogypsum is open to young scientists until 28 February 2017.

The Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector (Missions Central Administration) announced that application is now open for the fourth missions plan 2015/2016 within the plan 2012-2017. Electronic application is available via the website during the period from 17/5/2016 to 16/7/2016. To note that, a soft copy of all required documents should be attached to the application form. Also a hard copy of all documents should bedelivered to Missions General Administration in the 7th floor of Tahrir Complex.




Dr. Mokhtar   Youssif;  the Vice President of Alexandria University for  Graduate Studies and Research stated that the university pay great attention to educational and cultural cooperation with Nile Basin Countries to support Egypt role in qualifying scientific personnel  in different disciplines in these countries.

Dr. Mokhtar added that the university allocated 35 scholarships in the academic year 2018/2019 for master and PhD students from Nile Basin Countries. The number of scholarships applicants increased because of application via university site. Youssef highlighted the increased number of applicants that reached 55o applicants for master programs and 250 for PhD programs from different Nile Basin Countries.

He added that all nomination will be collected in 15th of next July and the university will announce the selected students on 1st of August.


Dr. Seddik Abdel Salam; Vice President of Alexandria University for Graduate studies and Research declared that the British government in collaboration with the Egyptian government will provide grants provided through Newton-Mosharafa Program under title:

Institutional Link Grants for Cultural Heritage 2016

The available grants shall support joint research projects between Egyptian universities and the British research institutions with total fund of 300 £ as maximum.

The deadline for application is 16th of September 2016. For more details, please visit the website via: