important news
AU first Webometrics Egyptain Universities
Alexandria University has made progress in Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, July 2016, to measure the quality of education and research services, to more than twenty thousand universities around the world, where it take first place at the level of the Egyptian public universities, followed by Cairo University and University of Mansoura and Benha University, and the third among Arab countries after King Saud University and King Abdulaziz University and 609 at the international level.
Dr. Rushdi Zahran, president of Alexandria University declared that the university has expanded during the previous period to be within this category, and that the progress of the university is due to their efforts academically and administratively, as well as professors and students and staff's efforts in the development of leading standards to the presence in this excellent reputation.
He pointed out that the Webometrics Web Rankings is a subsidiary of one of the Spanish research centers and evaluation and specializes in monitoring academic websites, also is considered the most advanced in the field of research, studies and reports, electronic pages in the world, a global classification linked to the standard of research and technical files, and is updated on a regular basis every six months, and it is rated the best universities in the world on the basis that any university activities appear in their websites.
The president of the university added that the rating system focuses on academic content and research on the Internet for both students and academics and research centers of the universities, and access to it, as it measured by the level of follow-up on the electronic university sites.
Under the slogan “Information Systems for Development Issues,” Dr. RoshdyZahran opens the Fifth International Conference for "information systems" at “Faculty of Commerce”
Dr. RoshdyZahran, Alexandria University Head, opened the Fifth International Conference (Information and Communication Technology in our Lives) which is organized by the department of Information and Computers Systems,Faculty of Commerce, under the title of "Information Systems for Development Issues." Its events shall be for three days at the Faculty’s head office in Al Shatby.
In his speech, Dr. RoshdyZahran stressed the importance of the subject of the Conference for all sectors of society to bridge the gap between information technology and its applications and to solve the problems of society. He also pointed out the importance of establishing the concept of the modern university that is interested in education, scientific research, community service and development of human resources. That is for spreading science and knowledge and the pursuit of a competitive graduate in the local, regional and internationallabor markets.
In addition, He praised the fruitful cooperation between Alexandria University and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in general and in the projects of the mechanization of university hospitals and rehabilitation of students and graduates for the labor market in particular. He also expressed his hope that the conference shall provide recommendations that can be implemented to contribute in solving the community problems.
Dr. NohaAdly, a representative of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology, indicated that the communications and information technology has become a major influence in the educational, cultural, health, social, economic and recreational lifestyle where Internet users globally reached 3.2 billion users, number of mobile and applications users is 3.6 billion users and the number of smartphone users is 60% of the world's population.This means that the volume of data has become very large where it opens up a wide range of scientific research and innovations emphasizing the strategic plan of the Ministry aimed at the optimal use of information technology and communications to provide all kinds of services in collaboration between the academic sector, private sector and civil society to achieve sustainable development.
On the other hand,Dr. Yousry El Gamal, former Minister of Education, asserted that many countries have started usingcommunications and information technology at the heart of its strategic plan and that the measure of knowledge index has become dependent on six key sectors: public education,higher education, technical education, communications and information technology, research, development, innovation as well as the economy.
Dr. Samir Kamel, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, pointed that the subject of the conference is in line with the direction of the state in the use of communications and information technology to resolve the community problems, industry development and face the problems of unemployment. He also stressed that communication and information technology is the perfect way to help the administration to takethe right decisions.
The Conference discusses several issues, most importantly, urban development and relating the services to sites, E-Learning, great data analysis, information technology, institutional value and performance, and enabling information technology, health and the environment.
Prof. Dr. Saeed Abdel Aziz,the former governor of Al Sharkeya, and and former dean of the Faculty of Commerce and a group of faculty members, researchers and students attended the opening.
Students' Union of “Veterinary Medicine “ launched charity exhibition of expansions of the Faculty in Abees.
Dr. Ashraf Nazim, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, opened a charity exhibition held in the framework of Cooperation Day, which is organized by the Social Committee ofthe Faculty’s Students Unions of expansions of the Faculty in Abees.The exhibition included scientific books, handicrafts, clothes and food.
He also pointed that the Faculty is keen to take care of these activities that provide support for students and lead to the development of the spirit of cooperation and social solidarity among students.
"Al Kordy" demands the faculties’ deputiesto complete paper correspondences and activate dealing via e-mail
Dr. EssamAl Kordy,Vice President of Alexandria University for Community Service and Environmental Development, asserted, during the meeting of Community Service and Environmental Development Council, held on Sunday morning, December 20th, 2015, on the faculties’ deputies that the faculties shall form an executive schedule and timetable for the completion of the update (MIS) data for faculty members, workers and students of each Faculty. He also stressed on all deputies to complete paper correspondences and activate dealingvia e-mail starting from next January, with the exception of financial belongings.
The Council also took note of the establishment of the Higher Institute of Public Health in several health activities, including organizing a medical convoy to Karmoz and another to the areas affected by the recent floods in EzbetHegazy, east of Smouha. That is in collaboration with Rotaract Club wherea group of staff members and assistants of the Institute particioated, as well as volunteeryouth from civil society.Both convoys included health awareness and medical clinics in the different specialties, disbursement of medicines, treatment of emergencies and health and environmental consulting.
"Community Service" approves a research project for the establishment of Research Center for adaptation to climate change in the University
Council of Community Service and Environmental Development, held on Sunday morning, December 20th, 2015, under the chairmanship of Dr. Essam Al Kordy, Vice President of Alexandria University for Community Service and Environmental Development, approved the research project submitted by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdul Karim Abed Rabbo, the Professor of Environmental Studies Department at the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, to establish a Research Center for adaptation to climate change in the University to be a specialCenter for multiple research disciplines.That is with funding from the Research Center for International Development, Canada. The Center shall be responsible for the exchange of knowledge, research, experiences and best practices in the field of adaptation to climate change. This can be done through several aspects including support for research capacities through the organization workshops focusing on the technical aspects and supporting research abilities of the researchers.The Center also provides research competitive grants to the researchers in this area, the definition of policy and decision makers regarding the phenomenon of climate change, as well as economic and social consequences. In addition, it conducts economic and social studies to find better ways to cope with climate change.