important news

Dr. Rushdy Zahran, President of Alexandria University stressed on faculties deans to issue the schedules of first term exams for the academic year 2015/2016 in each faculty or on the Internet and to prepare suitable places for the exams. He also asserted to announce exams results within the first week of next March.

The University Council in its session held on Tuesday 29th of December 2015 stated that in case of being caught in flagrante delicto in the exams or of subverting its internal order, the involved persons will be punished according to the executive regulation of the universities organizing law No. 49/1972 in articles (124 and beyond 126 ). Accordingly and based on this article, the council clarified the facts of what was published recently about the Faculty of Engineering in this regard.

The Alexandria University Council in its session on Tuesday 29th of December 2015 approved the promotion of 19 members of the teaching staff, 6 of them to Professor Degree and 13 to the degree of Assistant Professor. The council also approved the appointment of 15 Lecturers and conferring 225 Master’s and 76 PhD degrees in various disciplines.

The council also approved the memorandum of understanding between Alexandria University withUniversity of Pisa from Italy and the University of North Carolina from USA.

The governor of Alexandria; Eng. Mohamed Abdel Zaher attended in the meeting of Alexandria University Council held on Tuesday 29th of September 2015 under chairmanship of Dr. RoshdyZahran. Eng. Abdel Zaherexpressed my appreciation to the value of science and scientists and the role of Alexandria University as a permanent consultancy firm for all projects in the governorate through cooperation in planning and implementation of works and projects. He also pointed out the importance of consolidated efforts between the governorate and the university to solve Alexandria problems in order to bring it back as Bride of the Mediterranean Sea again.

The council congratulated Eng. Mohamed Abdel Zaher for being appointed as governor of Alexandria. The council also congratulated Prof. Dr. EssamKhamis; the Professor at Faculty of Science and the former President of Scientific Research City for being appointed as Deputy of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The council also congratulated Prof. Dr. Maha Adel; Dean of the Faculty of Nursing for being appointed as Scientific Deputy of Arab Union of Specialized Woman affiliated to the League of Arab States.  

Dr. Sedeek Abdul Salam, vice president of Alexandria University for Graduate Studies and Research pointed out to the statement of the Supreme Council of Universities on the provisions of UNESCO on annual scholarships from the national Brunei for the semester 2016-2017, note that the deadline to apply is January 9, 2016.
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In the presence of Dr. EssamKhamis,Deputy Secretary of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Faculty of Science- Alexandria University, organized jointly with the Alumni Association a scientific seminar entitled "Egypt and Nuclear Age" given by the Egyptian scientist, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salah Al Naschie. He talked about the history of the nuclear reactor since Abdel Nasser era until now, and that the first nuclear reactor for scientific research inaugurated by Gamal Abdel Nasser and it is called "Anshas reactor”.

He also talked about scientific, sports and physical theories and concepts, which paved the way to the work of nuclear reactors and create energy out of nothing and cosmic energies.He also explained  how the public Einstein's theory is the base of energy research that have evolved, which led to the emergence of Dr. Al Naschie’s theory which amended Einstein's theory.

He also discussed some of his researches on the infinite energy of the vacuum, which is mechanical amount energy. He announced that he could contribute to the establishment of a new nuclear reactor for energy and can bring external funding for its establishment as well as a nuclear reactor project for scientific research.

The seminar was attended by a great number of scientists, students, and intellectuals. It was also attended by Dean of People's Congress, Mr. Kamal Ahmed and professors of all universities in Egypt in addition to the professors of the University of Alexandria. At the end of the seminar, he and Dr. EssamKhamis, Deputy Secretary of Higher Education and Scientific Research,were honored as well asthe professors of the Faculty of Science recipients of state awards and prizes of the University for 2015. This seminar was held by an initiative of the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Science, headed by Dr. Gen. / Ahmed Fahmy.