Faculty News

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Under the auspices of Dr. Abdel Aziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Agriculture organized today a seminar entitled "Memories of Thirty Years of Theater at the Faculty of Agriculture", in the presence of Dr. Mohamed Bahi El-Din Mohamed, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Maha Adel Kona, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Mohamed Gamal Atwa, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs.
The seminar hosted the writer and theater director, agricultural engineer Ayman Fetiha, a graduate of the faculty in 1996, who spoke about his artistic career during his years of study at the faculty and beyond, where he wrote and acted in six distinguished theatrical performances. He also praised the pioneering role played by the theater team at the faculty of Agriculture in presenting theatrical performances of high literary and artistic value throughout different generations, noting that the faculty contributed to publishing his first book among its achievements in supporting the artistic creativity of its students. Fetiha also expressed his pride in the experiences he gained during his studies and theatrical work at the faculty, calling on the students and the current theater team to continue to benefit from and develop this rich artistic legacy that contributed to the graduation of many art icons in Egypt, and stressing the importance of renewal and innovation in university theater.
The seminar concluded with honoring the faculty guest, as Dr. Mohamed Bahey El-Din, Dean of the faculty, presented him with an honorary shield and a copy of the book “The Diamond Jubilee of the faculty of Agriculture”, in appreciation of his contributions to enriching the university theater.
The occasion was documented by taking commemorative photos amidst an atmosphere of pride and celebration of the faculty’s distinguished artistic past.

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Under the auspices of Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Economics and Political Science organized a training program entitled "Leadership Skills in Public Affairs" in cooperation with the Mahrousa Foundation for Development and Participation, during which a number of students were trained on the positive participation of youth in public affairs, and the identification of the characteristics and requirements of influential leadership in order to prepare youth capable of serving the nation and raising its status.
In his opening speech, Dr. Ahmed Wahban stressed the importance of the workshop topic, which focuses on two important values: leadership and positive participation, pointing out the importance of having effective leaders in various sectors of society in light of society's need for distinguished personalities capable of achieving major goals, and stimulating the spirits and capabilities of subordinates despite their different educational levels, psychological characteristics, and class affiliations. He added that positive participation is the best pillar of democratic systems, and it also represents the essential difference between modern societies and traditional societies. At the end of his speech, Dr. Wahban praised the continuous and constructive cooperation between Alexandria University and all prominent community organizations, including the Mahrousa Foundation, the partner of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science in the workshop.
Dr. Hani Ibrahim, Chairman of the Mahrousa Foundation, delivered a speech in which he thanked the Faculty of Economics and Political Science for hosting this important course in the field of training and development, especially since it is a course that addresses the positive participation of young people in the affairs of the nation.


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Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr. Hassan Saad Abdin on the occasion of the issuance of the presidential decree appointing him as Dean of the Faculty of Education, wishing him success and continued efforts to raise the level of the Faculty, and stressing the provision of all support and assistance to him for his success in performing his mission.

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Dr. Abdel Aziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr.Nivin Gharib Rezk on the occasion of the issuance of the presidential decree appointing her as Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, wishing her success and continued efforts to raise the level of the Faculty, and stressing the provision of all support and assistance to her for her success in performing her mission.

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Dr. Abdel Aziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr. Mohamed Mohamed El Sayed Ahmed El-Feki, on the occasion of the issuance of the presidential decree appointing him as Dean of the Faculty of Law, wishing him success and continued efforts to raise the level of the Faculty, and stressing the provision of all support and assistance to him for his success in performing his mission.