important news

The Council of Graduate Studies and Research of Alexandria University headed by Dr. Seddik Abdel Salam approved the proposal of increasing international publication incentive for researchers. Dr. Seddik declared that the university encourages the researchers to publish their researches in international journals believing on the importance of distinguished scientific research to enhance the world classification of the university.


The Council of Graduate Studies and Research of Alexandria University headed by Dr. Seddik Abdel Salam approved the proposal of increasing international publication incentive for researchers. Dr. Seddik declared that the university encourages the researchers to publish their researches in international journals believing on the importance of distinguished scientific research to enhance the world classification of the university.


The Council of Graduate Studies and Research of Alexandria University headed by Dr. Seddik Abdel Salam approved the proposal of increasing international publication incentive for researchers. Dr. Seddik declared that the university encourages the researchers to publish their researches in international journals believing on the importance of distinguished scientific research to enhance the world classification of the university.


The Council of Graduate Studies and Research of Alexandria University headed by Dr. Seddik Abdel Salam approved the proposal of increasing international publication incentive for researchers. Dr. Seddik declared that the university encourages the researchers to publish their researches in international journals believing on the importance of distinguished scientific research to enhance the world classification of the university.


Alexandria University family congratulates all the winners of State Awards for 2015. The winning names were announced by Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sakr; President of the Academy of Scientific Researchwhere seven names came from Alexandria University as following:

Prof. Dr. Mamdoh Saad Masaud; the Professor Emeritus at Faculty of Science who won State Appreciation Award in Basic Sciences

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed El sayed; the Professor Emeritus at Faculty of Science who won State Appreciation Award in Basic Sciences

Also five professors won the State Encouraging Awards in sciences and Technology namely:

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Mahdy; the Professor at Faculty of Agriculture (in Agricultural Science field)

Dr. Mohamed Zidan Salem; the Lecturer at Faculty of Agriculture (in Agricultural Science field)

Dr. Nagy Nagib Naaim; the Lecturer at Faculty of Medicine (in Medical Science field)

Dr. Zyad Ahmed Rashad; the Lecturerat Faculty of Engineering (in Engineering Science field)

Dr. Amr Ahmed Hasan; the Assistant Professor at Faculty of Engineering (in Engineering Science field)