438082619 833492445484152 7588923623236776330 n

- The Board of Trustees of Alexandria University’s faculties and institutes held its meeting today, Sunday, April 21, 2024, headed by Mr. Mohamed Fathi Abul-Nasr, Secretary-General of the University, where it reviewed with the faculty secretaries the completion of administrative preparations for the final examinations of the second semester of the academic year 2023/2024, and the necessity of commitment to administrative discipline and excellent performance, so that the monitoring and observation work is carried out in the most complete manner.
• The Council discussed the administrative role of faculties in preparing to participate in the “Egypt Award for Governmental Excellence - Fourth Session 2024” competition, with the aim of encouraging individual and institutional competition to spread the culture of excellence in the university’s administrative apparatus.
• Mr. Abul-Nasr stressed on faculty secretaries the need to complete the necessary procedures to audit and update data on the Information Centre database.
• In implementation of the decisions to rationalize spending, the University Secretary-General directed the necessity of inventorying redundant items in warehouses so that a plan can be prepared to redistribute them to faculties, institutes, and branches of the university according to their needs.

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