


Within the framework of the activities of the first scientific forum of the Educational Innovations and Distance Learning Unit at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, the Educational Innovations and Distance Learning Unit at the faculty is organizing a student competition entitled "Innovative Business Ideas Competition for Entrepreneurs".
This competition is an opportunity to fund the projects of creative students at the Educational Innovations Incubator at Alexandria University “Pilot Incubator”. It comes within the framework of the activities of the first scientific forum of the Educational Innovations and Distance Learning Unit at the Faculty of Fine Arts, which was held under the title Towards a Sustainable Digital Future and within the pre-incubation activities of the Innovations Incubator.
• For details of the competition, see the below link:
An online introductory lecture on the Pilot Innovation Incubator will be held Tomorrow, Monday, the 27th of March 2023, at 9:00 pm, delivered by Dr. Mohamed Sultan - Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, founding member and member of the Board of Directors of the Alexandria University Incubator for Educational Innovations and Distance Learning.
• Lecture link: