General guidelines to apply for applied environmental research projects with foreign, international or local bodies.
1- Obtaining approval of the department board and Community Service and Environmental Development Committee of the faculty/ institute in order to be accredited by the faculty council before submitting the project to the university.
2- If teaching staff member participated in one of projects which are funded by Egyptian or Foreign bodies (the university is not part of this project) in this case the university must agree he can participate in this project.
3- If one of the research team is foreigner and the research plan needs him to come to Egypt, he must fulfill the Foreigner Attendance Form obtained from the General Administration for Opinion Survey and Information at the Ministry of Higher Education
4. Upon approval of the project fund and receiving the contract copies it shall be presented to the Council of Community Service and Environmental Development to approve the project with submitting "Form-1 projects".
5- Mr. University Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development should approve contract copies and send it the faculty / institute and to keep a copy in the university (the concerned bodies to be notified)
6. Open a financial account for the project to start the work.
7. Payment of the Fund's share at the university according to the Ministerial Decree No. 965 for the year 1982 and the University Council Decision No. 23 of the year 2007
8. To obtain the approval of the Department Board, the Community Service and Environmental Development Committee and the Faculty / Institute Council in the case of :
Financing body agreement to extend the project to other levels or changing the principal researcher of the project or modifying duration or budget.
9. Organizing a symposium to present the objectives of the project and conducted studies and the most important findings and recommendations that have been reached and it should include the final technical report of the project.
10. The final technical report of the project must be submitted within two months from the end of its work on the "Form- 3 projects" after the approval of the Department Board and the Community Service and Environmental Development Committee and the Council of Faculty / Institute on that report.
11. The final technical report of the project must be presented to the Community Service and Environmental Development Council in the presence of the principal researcher or his representative, who shall present and discuss the findings of this project, and explaining who can benefit from these results.
12. A copy of this report to be sent by the university to the beneficiaries determined by the principal investigator and approved by the Community Service and Environmental Development Council.