
Faculty News

444501210 860772719422791 9106933575706959149 n




The administration of the Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, received the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) team, with the aim of evaluating the grants provided by the German institution and discussing various ways of cooperation.
During the visit, the German Authority delegation visited the faculty building in Shatby, inspected the German Authority office there, and also visited the language laboratory and teaching halls, followed by a visit to the faculty building in Muharram Bey.
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Dr. Amani Ismail, Acting Dean of the Faculty, indicated that the visit included holding a coordination meeting with the faculty members who received grants from DAAD, and providing a brief presentation about the faculty it's academic programs, published research by the faculty, the level of publishing and joint cooperation with universities in Germany, and the extent of benefit for faculty members from the grants provided by the Authority.
The DAAD delegation also met with a number of the supporting staff and students, and a discussion took place between them about the reasons for their desire to study the German language and to obtain scholarships to study in German universities, in the presence of the German teacher sent by the German Authority for Academic Exchange at the faculty.
The delegation concluded its visit with a field tour inside the faculty building in Muharram Bey, visited the botanical garden and viewed the rare plants and trees in it.
444501485 860771402756256 6146089159155485273 n
 444479997 860771472756249 455105587303502971 n
 444497155 860772189422844 644894264844076653 n
 447568449 860772226089507 6701929485347761984 n
 444480664 860772362756160 5811087357505214265 n
 444479376 860772642756132 8974040973559149502 n


449076681 876623031171093 5533338890027365854 n


In the interest of Alexandria University to continue providing its educational services to the Alexandria educational community, and with the approval of the University Council headed by Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, a cooperation protocol was signed between the Faculty of Education, represented by Dr. Mohamed Anwar Farag, Dean of the Faculty of Education, and the Bashayer Al-Khair City Foundation, represented by Dr. Fatima Mohab Mameesh, President of the Board of Trustees, to provide educational services to the institution, with the participation of faculty professors.
The signing ceremony of the partnership protocol was attended by Dr. Ibrahim Azazi, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dean of Ahad Sherif Muhammad Abdel-Bari, Professor Muhammad Al-Sadiq, the technical supervisor of the institution, and Dr. Marwa Al-Adawi, Director of the Educational Services Center at the faculty.

448164973 867124605454269 6453193748656099740 n



Within the framework of the Teacher Excellence Initiative at the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, and under the patronage of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Vice President of Alexandria University for student affairs , and Dr. Mohamed Anwar, Dean of the Faculty of Education, received a delegation from the Teacher Excellence Initiative (TEI), which included representatives from Florida State University, Arizona State University, and the American University in Beirut, in the presence of representatives of the Education Sector Committee of the Supreme Council of Universities.
Dr. Mohamed Anwar indicated that the Teacher Excellence Initiative (TEI) is a five-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the Education Development Centre (EDC). He indicated that the project aims to qualify primary school teachers, provide pre-service and in-service teacher preparation programs, as well as develop teacher preparation programs in faculties of education at universities to comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Technical Education and the Education Development Strategy. Dr. Anwar said that the purpose of the visit is to follow up on the positive effects of the Teacher Excellence Initiative within the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, to follow up on the outcomes of the developed General Diploma in Education that was implemented in the academic year 2023/2024, to open and visit the exhibition of distinguished professional projects for students of the General Diploma for the three tracks, and to inspect the infrastructure of the faculty, especially with regard to laboratories, and to meet with faculty members, especially those who studied in the developed General Diploma program, as well as to meet students and discuss those projects with them.
As Dr. Anwar said that the visit included inspecting the various sections of the faculty library, including books for undergraduate and graduate students, the postgraduate studies department, the digital library department, and registration on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, as well as visiting the University Centre for General Professional Development and its role in preparing students of the Faculty of Education for the requirements of the labour market, explaining that such centres provide an additional link for Alexandria University with the Ministry of Education, as they provide training courses on employment skills, especially in private and international schools, which increases the ability of our students to compete in obtaining job opportunities. The delegation also visited the faculty laboratories and its measurement and evaluation unit, where they learned about the nature of electronic correction and the work of the unit, and the nature of statistical reports for correcting exam papers and reviewing some of them. The delegation also visited the STEM lab and the exhibition of professional projects submitted by students of the General Diploma in Advanced Education, batch of the academic year 2023/2024. The visitors expressed their pleasure to for visiting the Faculty of Education at Alexandria University, and their admiration for the achievements they witnessed in the Teacher Excellence Initiative. They also praised what was presented in the Professional Projects Exhibition through various activities such as interactive books based on teaching children a set of skills and enhancing their awareness, as well as activities based on enhancing thinking and awareness in addition to fine motor skills, as all these activities were accomplished during one semester.
On the sidelines of the visit, an interactive seminar was held inside the conference hall of the faculty, and discussed the experience of the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, in cooperation with civil society in Alexandria and the faculty's activities in the field of training teachers before and during service, and in implementing the faculty's annual career forum.

448306571 867123828787680 2420129133770962641 n

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 448163368 867124452120951 7242057854001189509 n

 448306872 867123985454331 1216439079808872544 n

 448146267 867124098787653 6525736089244355042 n

 448252567 867124225454307 4751699183339692248 n

 448227460 867124132120983 33912781862212755 n

 448250640 867124295454300 3776668411197299497 n

 448253037 867124335454296 845575238768416737 n

 448311860 867124402120956 4113919855648526902 n

 448137684 867124592120937 8342403882035976713 n

 448138271 867124652120931 948718893508088208 n

 448251930 867123952121001 8401134121700567284 n

450420410 887710320062364 527459428498195767 n



Under the auspices of Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, inaugurated today, Saturday, 13th of July 2024, the activities of the 21st International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Business, which is held under the title "Global Challenges and Achieving Business Sustainability", in the presence of Dr. El Sayed El-Seifi, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Dr. Alaa El-Gharbawi, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Business for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Mr. Ahmed El-Wakil, President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Mr. Mohamed Hanno, President of the Alexandria Businessmen Association, and a group of faculty members of the Faculty of Business, as well as businessmen, civil society organizations, and members of the financial and business community in Alexandria.
In his speech, Dr. Konsowa stressed the need to work scientifically to overcome various challenges, noting that these challenges may represent promising opportunities, and explained that Alexandria Governorate is a first-class industrial governorate as it owns 58% of the gas and petrochemicals industries in Egypt, pointing out the need to achieve sustainability in all fields to build the new republic, which relies primarily on a knowledge-based economy in the true sense of sustainability.
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Dr. Konsowa added that Alexandria University has taken it upon itself to adopt an ambitious strategy to ensure sustainability by linking the outputs of scientific research to industry, noting that Alexandria University has many initiatives to achieve sustainability, indicating that the construction work of the Technology Park of Alexandria University has been completed in order to finance applicable scientific research. He called on all members of the business and financial community who have innovative initiatives and ideas that can be applied to join the Technology Park to adopt these ideas and bring them to light. Konsowa pointed out the expansions witnessed by Alexandria University and achieving international competitiveness (internationalization at home) through the partnerships concluded by Alexandria University with major international universities and establishing branches of these international universities on Egyptian soil, such as establishing a branch of the Finnish University in Borg El Arab and signing a joint scientific degree with the University of Manchester in the field of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, and many other international universities that rely primarily on sustainability.
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Dr. El Sayed El-Seifi stressed that the choice of the conference title was not isolated from the reality of life and the challenges we are currently witnessing, noting that the conference topic addresses business sustainability, which is no longer just a trend but has become a basic necessity for the future of business and the nation. Dr. El-Seifi added that sustainability includes three pillars: economic prosperity, social justice, and environmental protection. He stressed that we must move towards many modern strategies in human resources management, making data-based decisions, embracing technology, using artificial intelligence and automation to simplify human resources operations, using marketing policies for business sustainability, using green marketing techniques, participating in environmentally friendly advertising, evaluating environmental, social and governance factors to provide a more complete picture of companies, and supporting resource optimization to assess climate change risks.
Dr. El Seifi stressed the need to pay attention to financing and investment management for business sustainability, which is represented in green financing in sustainable businesses and projects, relying on investments that generate financial returns, and searching for alternative financing sources such as crowdfunding platforms and influential investors, using tax and customs systems, digitization, addressing tax evasion, and eliminating bureaucracy.
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Dr. Alaa El-Din El-Gharbawy pointed out that there are many challenges facing the Egyptian economy, such as energy challenges, wars and geopolitical unrest, stressing that the conference will discuss all these challenges to try to find solutions for them, in addition to urging institutions to adopt sustainability to develop their work performance, because there are negative effects resulting from not using sustainability in economic and productive institutions that lead to the inability of these institutions.
While Mr. Ahmed El-Wakil stressed the importance of the conference topic to confront the challenges facing the Egyptian state. El-Wakil presented a set of recommendations to achieve economic growth, including restoring confidence in the banking system, reducing inflation, activating the role of productive sectors, giving absolute priority to manufacturing for export purposes, reviewing the state's administrative structure, adhering to the principle of the unity and comprehensiveness of the budget, respecting investor contracts and attracting foreign investments.
While Mr. Mohamed Hanno stressed the need to raise the efficiency of the state's administrative apparatus, restructuring it and eliminating bureaucracy, and praised the role of Alexandria University and its support for the financial and business sector in Alexandria by establishing business incubators and opening waste recycling plants to support sustainability.
 451068544 887715196728543 3804133122654935761 n
 450969510 887715246728538 4376993662441200084 n
 449303963 887715270061869 4548114106525005636 n
 450632468 887715313395198 3638781306940425665 n
 451018239 887715380061858 7686399460554898795 n
 451255435 887710436729019 3713792463252768025 n

441947750 888567659976630 6703548673010913419 n



Within the framework of the fruitful cooperation between the Supreme Council of Universities and the Financial Regulatory Authority, and based on the protocol signed between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Financial Regulatory Authority, which primarily aims to launch an integrated system to spread culture and awareness among Egyptian university students in the field of non-banking financial activities and services, Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Alexandria University, and a member of the Economic Studies and Political Science Sector Committee representing the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Universities, participated in the activities of the "Certified Financial Awareness Trainer" program for non-specialized faculty members at Egyptian universities, whose sessions will continue during the period from July 14-18, at the headquarters of the Financial Regulatory Authority, in the presence of Professor Dr. Mohamed Farid, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Financial Regulatory Authority, and Professor Dr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, Assistant Chairman of the Authority.
In his speech, Dr. Ahmed Wahban conveyed the greetings of Professor Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and Professor Dr. Mustafa Refaat, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Universities, and their wishes for a fruitful and constructive training program. He explained that the program comes within the context of the permanent and creative cooperation between the Financial Regulatory Authority and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, represented by the Supreme Council of Universities, in implementation of the presidential initiative that aims to raise awareness and spread non-banking financial culture among university youth in order to enhance financial independence and stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship among youth, which contributes to building a strong national economy, as the program aims to prepare human cadres capable of transferring knowledge and experience to youth and enabling them to deal in complex and changing financial environments and make informed financial decisions.
Dr. Wahban also valued the vital and pivotal role of the Financial Regulatory Authority, which enhances the partnership between academic sectors and financial institutions to achieve financial sustainability, which is one of the axes of the national strategy for higher education in Egypt. He praised the authority’s well-known and commendable supervisory, awareness, educational and training role in the field of non-banking financial activities and markets, which ensures the achievement of Competition and transparency in providing non-banking financial services and protecting the rights of those dealing with them, and concluded by extending thanks to Professor Dr. Mohamed Farid - Chairman of the Financial Regulatory Authority, and Professor Dr. Mohamed Abdelaziz - Assistant Chairman of the Authority - as well as those in charge of the success of this initiative from both sides.
It is worth noting that the first activities of the Certified Financial Awareness Trainer Program for faculty members at Egyptian universities began last February.
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 450716023 888567609976635 1707631466900149458 n
 451390074 888567689976627 6377879128393223013 n