Don’t think that science only benefits

Unless its lord is crowned with morality

By science (knowledge), is full poverty

And science if not joined with morals

That raises it, will lead to failure.

Egyptian Poet of the Nile; Hafez Ibrahim.

Alexandria University is one of the public universities whose mission has been defined since its inception in 1942.To be pioneer in sciences on the Middle East and African levels, in the fields of education, scientific research and community service. This is achieved through the excellence of its staff members, providing educational and research programs besides the distinguished possibilities related to the environment specially desert and marine. Commitment to the principles and values of academic and professional integrity in all university activities. This is besides respecting intellectual property rights, commitment to objectivity in practices, availability of data and providing information on self- performance and knowledge for all society individuals and various institutions. The university is committed to adopt a system that involves ethical principles and rules governing practices on all levels of different fields and systems. This is done to ensure objectivity, controls and tools of accounting and reviewing related to behavior and practices as well as commitment to quality, excellence, innovation, development, freedom of thought and research.

First: Students Rights

Students at Alexandria University enjoy a set of rights, most notably:

- Commanding modern basic sciences and humanities.

- Commanding modern technology and information technology and how to deal with it.

- Decision-making, dealing with crisis and solving problems.

Language proficiency required to benefit from knowledge globalization.-

- Communicating and interacting with and affecting the surrounding community.

- Competing in labor market in the light of changing circumstances of the international community.

- Applying methods of scientific thinking, analysis and deduction with the desire of continual learning.

- Doing academic and applied research in different disciplines.Contributing in serving society and environment by participating in setting future and strategic visions required to sustainable development especially in desert and marine environments.

- Freedom of scientific research on various topics for scientific purposes in accordance with ethical and societal controls and considerations of the national interest.

- The student's right to obtain any information or data related to his academic achievement and educational achievement.

- Investing university life in increasing knowledge, and self-building.

Second: Duties and Responsibilities of Students:

- Students have the right to voice their position on any topic of general interest that does not affect the safety of students, staff or faculty or the security or responsibility of the University or the country.

- Students have the right to free inquiry and free speech within the academic community and freedom of expression of opposing views on all subjects by all individuals. This includes the freedom to express opposing views on all subjects discussed in course content.

- Students must respect the rights of all, and they must refrain from behavior that violates or adversely affects the rights of other members of Alexandria University.

- Students have the responsibility of keeping such protests peaceful and respects established

University policy.

- Students engaged in protest of any kind have the responsibility to ensure that the orderly and daily routine of the University community and its members is not hindered, and that the rights of those not protesting are respected.

- Students have the responsibility to adhere to and meet the course requirements identified in the syllabus and the right to have the instructor of the course abide by the course syllabus during the period of the course in question.

- Students have the responsibility to respect class time and abide by each instructor’s policies concerning attendance and late admission as specified in the course syllabus.

- Students who are late to class may only enter if their doing so will not disturb the class.

- Students have the right to be informed of the basis on which their instructors assign them grades.

- Students have the responsibility to complete all tests and assignments in the manner and at the times required by their instructors.

- Student have the right to have their papers, tests and exams returned to them by their instructors within a reasonable period of time; to meet with their instructors to discuss their grade within a reasonable period of time; and to be advised by their instructors concerning how individual grades were determined.

Third: Disciplinary procedures:

The following acts will not be tolerated at Alexandria University and subject the offender to disciplinary action. This list of prohibited conduct is illustrative only. Conduct at Alexandria University or in direct connection with any college or college-related activity violates the code whenever it is detrimental to the security, personal safety, or welfare of the members of the college community, damages or potentially damages college or individual property or facilities, or otherwise opposes the college's interests.

In the case of any violation of university values and norms is committed, the student is referred to the investigation in accordance with Article (126) of the executive regulations of the Universities Organization Law:

- Warning verbally or in writing.

- Deprivation of attending the lessons of one of the courses for a period not exceeding one month.

 Dismissal from the college for a period not exceeding one month.-

- Deprivation of the exam in one or more courses.

- Dismissal from the college for a period not exceeding one semester.

- Deprivation from the exam in one or more semesters.

 Dismissal from the college for a period not exceeding one semester.-

- Deprivation from the exam in one or more semesters.

- Depriving the student from registering for a master’s or doctorate for one or more semesters.

- Dismissal from the college for a period exceeding one semester.

- Final dismissal from the university, and the dismissal decision is notified to other universities.

- The student not being able to register or sit for exams in the universities of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

The University Council has the right to review the decision issued for the final dismissal after the lapse of at least three years from the date of the decision.

The bodies entrusted with imposing penalties are:

- Professors and associate professors. And they have the right to impose the first four penalties for what students happen to during the lessons and lectures.

- The Dean of the faculty has the right to impose the first eight penalties set forth previously, and in the event of disturbances or breaches of order that causes irregularity in the study or examination, the Dean of the College shall have the right to impose all the previous penalties.

- The university president has the right to impose all the penalties indicated in the previous article, except for the last punishment, after consulting the faculty dean

- Disciplinary Board has the right to impose all penalties

No punishment from the penalties mentioned in the fifth clause and afterwards shall be inflicted until after the student is fully investigated and his statements are heard regarding what is attributed to him. If he does not appear on the date specified for the investigation, his right to hear his statements is forfeited and the investigation is undertaken by someone assigned by the faculty dean.

- An academic staff assigned to investigate a student may not be a member of the investigation board.

- Decisions issued by the competent bodies to impose disciplinary penalties are final.