1- Never count general science course or Arabic language, religion or physical education or military science materials within the core or elective courses unless it isn't mentioned in the admission rules of all certificates described after.

2- The need to obtain a certificate of completion of basic education (prep) or its equivalent and must be passed three years after obtained.

3- Exempt students who are studying in a foreign country in where study duration is eleven years, and has been equivalent its final certificates with Egyptian high school certificate, provided passing three years after the date of obtaining the certificate of completion basic education or its equivalent (that is, those students who are enrolled in foreign schools in foreign countries at an earlier stage, and provided that they complete eleven years old).

4- Students who succeed in one of the courses twice, one in the normal level and the other at the advanced level, each of them is considered a separate course.

5- Students who succeed in November or January exam or who have not completed the condition of passing three years to get the prep or its equivalent, don't accepted them at the university in the same school year, and they must reregister in the following school year.

6- English course and English literature are considered separate courses when counting the required courses for admission to universities in other courses required by each faculty.

7- Student who doesn't pass exam in Arabic and religious education in front of committees of Egyptian secondary examination - he has to perform a complementary test in these two courses at the university and he doesn't confer bachelor's degree, only after passing this exam successfully.

8- Student must provide original copy from the success certificate and does not accept grades card.


Be accessed on the following website from the beginning of June until the end of August each year.

"Cultural Affairs sector and missions - Ministry of Higher Education".
