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Alexandria University is inviting fresh and creative project pre-proposals from researchers, entrepreneurs, and students (individuals or teams) as part of its initiative to establish a Technology Park (TP) aimed at fostering technological innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Development Program supports innovators in refining their project ideas, gaining the necessary expertise, and transforming research outputs into startups or R&D ventures in collaboration with industry partners. The program identifies high-potential opportunities and empowers teams to maximize their innovative capabilities.

This initial phase aims to streamline the evaluation process by identifying high-potential outputs aligned with the objectives of the Technology Park. Successful pre-proposals will be invited to submit full proposals for further in-depth assessment.

Screening of Innovative Ideas/Projects

Pre-proposals will be accepted in two categories:

  1. Advanced Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Projects

    • Projects at TRL 5-8 with strong commercialization potential.
  2. Innovative Research and Ideas from Youth

    • Early-stage concepts from university students and fresh graduates (up to three years post-graduation). These ideas are still in the research or early testing phase but have the potential to become real products. This category aims to support young innovators in developing their ideas and transforming them into successful businesses.

Key Deadline

  • Submission Deadline for Pre-Proposals: April 10, 2025.



Useful Links


Call for Pre-Proposals:
Click here