Within the framework of Alexandria University's keenness to support relations with international universities, and on behalf of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, and Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Students Affairs, received a delegation from Kyushu University, headed by Professor Akashi Koichi, Professor of Internal Medicine and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Kyushu University, to discuss ways of cooperation between the two universities in scientific fields of common interest.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Sameh Shehata, Supervisor of the International Relations Office at Alexandria University, Dr. Boshra Salem, Assistant President of the University for International Classifications, Dr. Mohamed Rizk, Director of the Smart Infrastructure Research Center, Dr. Ahmed Hassanein, Professor of Polymer and Fiber Engineering, Dr. Nadia Badr, Professor at the Faculty of Science, and Dr. Alia Ramadan, Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy.
In his speech, Dr. Hisham Saeed welcomed the Japanese delegation to Alexandria University, and gave a presentation on the history of the establishment of Alexandria University, its various faculties, and its strategic goals.
He also reviewed some of the funded projects within the university, as well as the various funding bodies supporting it, in addition to the extent of Alexandria University's contribution to supporting the projects of its young researchers.
Dr. Ali Abdel Mohsen stressed that Alexandria University has strong relations with Japanese universities in many different scientific and research fields, explaining that Alexandria University is keen to expand the scope of cooperation in modern and advanced scientific fields, pointing to the double degree between Alexandria University and the University of Manchester in Britain in the fields of medicine and dentistry, which is the first of its kind in the Middle East. He pointed out that the meeting touched on the importance of exchanging faculty members and students in areas of common interest between the two sides.
Dr. Sameh Shehata also reviewed the international relations between Alexandria University and many international universities, especially Japanese universities, and the double and joint degrees between Alexandria University and foreign universities and the memoranda of understanding signed between Alexandria University and Japanese universities.
Dr. Boshra Salem gave a presentation on scientific publishing at Alexandria University, the global and local ranking of Alexandria University, and ways to improve this ranking in the future, in addition to cooperation between Alexandria University and many international universities and institutions.
The Japanese delegation gave a presentation on Kyushu University, its faculties, departments, and academic programs it offers in various academic degrees. The Japanese delegation also praised Alexandria University's experience in attracting international universities, which gives distinction to the education system at Alexandria University.
The meeting also discussed ways of future cooperation between Alexandria University and Kyushu University in Japan in the fields of medicine, engineering, computer science, data, pharmacy, and some other fields of common interest.