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Within the framework of the agreement signed between Alexandria University and the University of Essex in the UK, students from the Faculty of Engineering enrolled in the Computer and Communications Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and Robotics programs arrived at the University of Essex, where they will begin their studies to obtain a master's degree from the University of Essex in addition to a bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.

This agreement, with the dual degree system (4+1) with the University of Essex, allows students from the Faculty of Engineering in the fields of Computer and Communications Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and Electromechanical Engineering to obtain a bachelor's degree in engineering from Alexandria University in addition to obtaining a master's degree from the University of Essex, where students will study for 4 years (8 semesters) at Alexandria University, followed by one year at the University of Essex.

It is worth noting that this year witnesses the graduation of the first group (5 students) who joined the University of Essex through this partnership in the field of computer and communications engineering, this year also, other specializations in engineering, computers and business will begin at Alexandria University and Alexandria National University.