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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, witnessed last evening the graduation ceremony of the 78th batch of students from the Faculty of Engineering, and the graduation of the first batch of students with a dual degree in cooperation with the University of Essex in Britain and the University of Louisville in the United States.
The event was attended by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Essam Wahba, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Wael El-Meghlani, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Education and Students Affairs, Dr. Walid Abdelazim, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Hesham Saoudi, Head of the Engineers Syndicate in Alexandria, Major General Hazem Badr El-Din, Assistant Commander of the Northern Military Region, Major General Khaled Konsowa, Deputy Commander of the Naval Forces, Engineer Amira Salah, Deputy Governor of Alexandria, deans and vice deans of faculties and institutes of Alexandria University, faculty members, a group of members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, heads companies and organizations, as well as students and their parents.
In his speech, Dr. Konsowa congratulated the graduates and their parents, stressing that this day is the day of crowning their efforts over many years to reach this happy moment that calls for pride and honour. He stressed that Alexandria University is continuing its efforts towards internationalizing education through cooperation with major international universities, explaining that Alexandria University is working according to a strategic vision that seeks development in all its forms, explaining that the university has 52 double degrees so far in cooperation with the best universities in the world and seeks to increase this number in the near future and provide double and joint degrees in all scientific disciplines that benefit students in all faculties of the university, with the aim of achieving competitiveness and internationalization of education, and graduating students capable of competing in the local, regional and international labour market.
The university president highlighted the renovation of faculty laboratories and equipping them with the latest devices within the development plan to emulate prestigious international universities, and to be consistent with the level of programs and scientific degrees signed by Alexandria University with international universities, in addition to providing a scientific environment and encouraging capabilities for researchers and innovators within these laboratories.
In his speech, Dr. Essam Wahba praised the level of graduates of the Faculty of Engineering who have proven their competence through their work as academics in major universities round the world, or as officials in international companies in various engineering specializations, which reflects the efforts of the faculty professors since its establishment until now. Dr. Wahba added that the faculty is currently witnessing comprehensive development in all sectors, as it is witnessing the largest restoration process to restore the faculty buildings to their former glory, and is witnessing an integration project to modernize all the faculty laboratories that serve the undergraduate stage through the unique initiative launched by Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University. It is also witnessing a comprehensive development of the undergraduate stage regulations through four main axes which are:
- The establishment of three new academic programs, which are the Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace and Space Program, the Electronics Engineering and Nanotechnology Program, and the Smart and Flexible Architecture Engineering Program.
- The second axis includes the introduction of 8 new sub-programs for the first time in the faculty.
- The third axis is concerned with developing the engineering training system in the faculty by introducing the collaborative education system with major industrial companies,
- The fourth axis works to expand international relations by establishing double degrees with major international universities.
Dr. Wael El-Meghlani addressed his message to the students, urging them to be proud of their achievement and excellence, pointing out that the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, is always a place for academic excellence and innovation. He added that graduation is not the end of the journey, but rather the beginning of a new chapter to apply the skills they acquired in the faculty through the ability to think, work as a team, and be determined to achieve goals to face the challenges of the future. Dr. El-Meghlani advised the graduates not to stop learning and to be part of the innovative solutions that society needs.
The new engineers took the legal oath before Dr. Hesham Saoudi, the head of the Engineers Syndicate, who in turn congratulated the students and their parents because they are the true creditors. He also congratulated the heads of Alexandria University for their contribution to preparing new educational programs that keep pace with the rapid change in engineering sciences in particular and all sciences in general. He stressed that the graduates are the ones who will make Egypt's bright future, especially since all economic studies indicate that Egypt will be among the ten strongest economies in the world because of its possession of distinguished natural human cadres.

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