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Alexandria University's Community Service and Development Council, , headed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Development Affairs, discussed intensifying the medical convoys system at Alexandria University during the coming period, to achieve the goals of the presidential initiative, “Bedaya” (A New Beginning for Building the Human Being), as Dr. Saeed Allam indicated that these convoys began last Friday with the convoy that was launched to the village of Abis 7, to provide integrated medical care and treatment services to the villagers.
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Allam stressed that there is a strategic plan to launch five other convoys to the most needy towns and villages in Alexandria Governorate, in implementation of the presidential initiative, “Beginning”.
 The Council approved the proposal submitted by the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector in coordination with the Department of Internal Medicine, regarding the formation of a medical team to conduct a survey of high blood pressure and diabetes among university employees, as part of the keenness to detect these types of chronic non-communicable diseases early, in order to protect the health of university employees.
 Dr. Saeed Allam also directed the Vice Deans of the Faculties for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs to coordinate with the Deans of the Faculties and Institutes of Alexandria University to follow up on the preparation of the internal environment of all faculties and institutes of the university in preparation for the new academic year, to provide a safe environment for Alexandria University affiliates from faculty members, students and employees, by ensuring the maintenance of all facilities, stands and ventilation areas, and placing guidance signs in all buildings and roads, in addition to completing maintenance work in the various laboratories in implementation of the university's strategic plan to develop laboratories in the university's faculties, based on the directives of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, in this regard.
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 The Council also approved the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University (Faculty of Medicine) and the East City Hospital affiliated to the Ministry of Health regarding the use of faculty members to provide medical services at the hospital.
 The Council reviewed a report from the faculty vice deans for community service and environmental development affairs on the achievements of the community service and environmental development affairs sector in each faculty and institute in the academic year 2023/2024.