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As part of the Alexandria University's support for student activities, Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, honoured, during the meeting of the University Council, the cast and crew of the artistic performance "Andalusia, a Postponed Spring", which was organized by the Alexandria University Forum as part of the activities of the thirteenth night of the Arabic Language Nights, which was greatly appreciated by the attendees of the Alexandrian community symbols, creators, artists, faculty members and university students. Dr. Konsowa extended his thanks to all those in charge of implementing and directing this show, the university choir team, the exhibitors and show designers, for the distinguished show that presented a positive message to society about the possibility of presenting an enjoyable and purposeful work that combines all elements of creativity and mastery in all details of the work. He called on the group to continue presenting distinguished shows and return to originality and creative art, as these values represent the soft power for building the nation, stressing the university's full support for any work that highlights the values of high art.


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