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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, witnessed this evening the cultural evening entitled “Andalusia, a Spring Postponed”, organized by the Alexandria University Forum for Poetry and Arts in cooperation with the University’s Youth Welfare Department, which comes within the activities of the eleventh night of the Arabic Language Nights, at the Alexandria Opera House.
The show dealt with an important era in the history of Andalusia through distinctive dramatic events accompanied by a musical performance presented by the university’s choir team, in an interesting and distinctive setting recited in classical Arabic language.
In his speech after the end of the show, the University President praised the outstanding level he witnessed during the theatrical show, and the mastery and skill of the performers. He also praised the Alexandria University Choir Team for presenting many distinguished musical pieces, which reflect the artistic level of the Alexandria University students of which we are all proud. He added that the University will provide its complete support for cultural and artistic events that aim to raise the level of art in a way that serves the Alexandrian community, and he extended his greetings to everyone who participated in preparing this distinguished show.
The event was attended by Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, deans, vice deans, faculty members, and students at the university’s various faculties. Supervising the preparation and presentation of the event was Dr. Nagwa Saber, professor in the Arabic Language Department at the Faculty of Arts, and the university’s choir was conducted by Maestro Dr. Sherihan El-Heddini, dramaturgy by Dr. Mohamed Mekheymar, while the performance was directed by Mr. Ahmed Samir.
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