Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs thanked the deans and vice deans of the faculties, during the Education and Student Affairs Council meeting, for the effort made in reviewing and evaluating laboratories and equipment, performing maintenance or replacement work on the equipment, and purchasing new equipment, within the initiative to develop laboratories in all faculties.

Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen congratulated Dr. Islam Amin Zaki, Professor at the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, on the decision of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, to appoint him as Acting Vice Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys for Education and Student Affairs, wishing him success and progress.

The Council agreed to form a committee to study the letter of Professor Dr. General Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities to develop appropriate proposals and recommendations regarding insured certificates, the speed of their authentication, and solving the problems facing them.

The Council was informed of the letter of Professor Dr. General Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities regarding submitting the proposed number of students to be admitted to the university’s faculties for the academic year 2024/2025.