Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, discussed during the Education and Student Affairs Council meeting held this morning, Monday January 15, 2024, the progress of the first semester final exams, praising the efforts of the dean and vice-deans of faculties, and all university employees in regularizing the workflow of examinations, managing the examination process at a distinguished level, students’ commitment to the instructions and directives followed within the exam halls, and complete regularity in the work of controls to complete grading, monitoring and review in preparation for announcing the results to students as soon as possible. He also stressed the necessity of continuing to provide the appropriate climate and all the logistical needs of the students, equipping the halls with everything that ensures their comfort while taking the exams.
- Dr. Sameh Nakhla, Director of the University’s Measurement and Evaluation Center, gave a presentation on a summary of the mechanism for implementing the university’s examination policy, which was approved by the Alexandria University Council.
- The Council congratulated Dr. Nevin Gharib on her appointment by Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, as Acting Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts