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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, inspected on Tuesday the 9th of January 2024, the progress of the first semester final exams at the Faculties of business, Dentistry, Economic Studies and Political Science, and Computers and Data Science. He was accompanied during the tour by Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs. Dr. Konsowa was received by the deans and vice-deans of the faculties for education and student affairs faculties’ secretaries

During the tour, Dr. Konsowa stressed the necessity of adhering to all procedures regulating the examinations and taking all necessary measures to ensure the smooth and efficient conduct of examination process. He also directed the deans to have all the medical and nursing teams to deal with any emergency cases, and regular control work in parallel with holding exams, to quickly announce the results of all students

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