The Board of Trustees of Alexandria University’s faculties and institutes held its meeting on Wednesday the 20th of December 2023, headed by Mr. Mohamed Fathi Abul-Nasr, Secretary-General of the University, where it reviewed with the faculties’ trustees the completion of the administrative preparations plan for the first semester final exams so that monitoring and observation work can be completed in a comprehensive manner.

During the council, the university secretary thanked the administrative body at Alexandria University for their positive participation in casting their votes in the 2024 presidential elections, and their keenness on this important constitutional entitlement.

He also praised their efforts to raise the level of performance within all university departments, the development of their performance as an integrated work team, and their honourable appearance during the visit of the GIC team, which grants the various ISO certificates, to review and ensure the continuity of application of the international standard for ISO 9001/2015 within the various university departments granted to the university in 2022, which will continue for three years, indicating that full support will be provided to all employees to maintain this success.

The university secretary praised the remarkable development in the level of managing the university's means of transportation, according to an integrated plan for maintenance and raising efficiency to become able to carry out many tasks, stressing to the board of trustees the need to periodically follow up on everything related to administrative and financial affairs in the university’s various units.

The Council witnessed the honouring of Mrs. Aziza Fathi Shalabi, Secretary of the Faculty of Education, on the occasion of her reaching the legal age of retirement.